The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 407: Poor

If there is no such thing as "Duo Gu Cang" stealing the Da Yan Qing Hong sword, Dong Fang will indeed kill the Solitary, and he will go all out and never stop. After all, killing the solitary charm, not only can get the rewards of the top of the God of War, but also can be famous. The gap between the tyrants and the heavens is not unknown to other warriors.

The death of the solitary charm is only good for their God of War, no harm. The problem is to provoke the relationship between the Solitary family and the Solitary family. The benefits of the God of War Palace are even greater. With the foundation of the solitary family, it is possible to cultivate a second and even a third to heavenly. However, it is difficult for the solitary family to cultivate the second and third solitary families.

In the same way, the solitary charm is said to the elders of the solitary family, and the elders of the solitary family must be convinced. If the solitude is in their hands, and replaced them, the elders of the solitary family will not believe them.

Dongfang Wei stopped Zhao Wei, and he was worried that the solitary charm would die in their hands. It stands to reason that the solitary enchantment wants to escape under their hands is as easy as it is. The key is that "Duo Gu Cang" is too enchanting. Who knows whether "Duo Gu Cang" has a killer who has been alone in the dead.

Zhao Wei, who has the guidance of "Duo Gu Cang", is obviously stronger than the Oriental Wei who wears the holy armor. On other Tianzun side, Dongfang Wei is not worried because they have no ability to kill the solitary charm. The only thing he can't rest assured is that Zhao Wei, Zhao Wei and "Duo Gu Cang" have joined forces, and they can completely press the unique solitary charm that hurts them.

"This hatred is not reported, I am not alone!"

The solitary charm said, fortunately, there is a problem with the cooperation between Dong Wei and Zhao Wei and "Duo Gu Cang". Otherwise, she is likely to die under the sword of "Duo Gu Cang" and Zhao Wei. Since becoming Tianzun, she has not been so embarrassed. Dongfang Wei, Zhao Wei and "Duo Gu Cang" took advantage of their numbers and deceived them all, which made her face lost.

"Xuan Lei Yaoguang Jianfa!"

The sword demon did not continue to display the Da Yan Qing Hong sword and the candle dragon blood sea sword method, although the power of the Xuan Lei Yaoguang sword method is far less than the candle dragon blood sea sword method and the Da Yan Qing Hong sword, but he casts The speed of the Xuan Lei Yaoguang sword method is far above the candle dragon blood sea sword method and the Da Yan Qing Hong sword.

The solitary charm escapes in front, the swordsman is now using the sword method, power is secondary, speed is the key. One after another, Jianguang, like lightning, lingers on the body of the solitude. The escape speed of the solitary enchantment is indeed very fast. Fortunately, the swordsman’s Xuan Lei Yaoguang sword method is faster.


The singularly fleeing singularity of the singularity left and right, avoiding one after another. Unfortunately, the attack frequency of the sword magic is too high. She is slower than half a beat, and dozens of roads are condensed into a sword light, which is to cut through her dress and leave behind her back. A deep visible bone wound.

"Poor and chasing!" The Oriental Wei, who finally caught up with it, said to the swordsman, "The number of their solitary family is more than our war palace and your solitary family. If we chase it, we are likely Was ambushed."

On the one hand, he did not want to be alone in the sword of "Duo Gu Cang". On the other hand, he was really afraid of encountering the Tianzun of the Solitary family. If there is no quantitative advantage, whether they can save their lives is a problem.

The sacred place is very strange to them. For the solitary charm, why not? If he is a solitary charm, where will he go now?

With a little bit of brainstorming, I know that I will chase it down again. I am very likely to encounter the goddess of the Solitary family. In the area where they are located, only Tianzun can enter, and the solitary charm does not run to the place where the Holy King is strong, indicating that the Tianzun of the Solitary family is in front.

"You said it is good, and then chase it down, we can not only kill the solitude, but it is possible to put ourselves in."

The sword magic nodded and did not continue to pursue the meaning of the solitary charm. He is not really going to kill the Solitary, but it is only for the singular charm and the Oriental Wei. With his ability, I really want to kill the words of the solitary charm, the solitary charm has long been the soul of his sword.

His purpose is the same as that of Oriental Wei. Whether it is a solitary family or a solitary family, he has hatred with him. If he can make the solitary family and the solitary family fight, he is too happy to come.


Dongfang Wei prepared a lot of rhetoric because he felt that "Duo Gu Cang" would not easily give up the chance to kill the Solitary. "Duo Gu Cang" steals the story of Da Yan Qing Hong Jian, it can not be said that it is not serious, only to kill the solitary charm, "Duo Gu Cang" will be peace of mind. Who knows, "Duo Gu Cang" did not press the card at all, and Dongfang Wei did not persuade him, he took the initiative to give up the great opportunity to kill the solitary charm.

"When I get the emperor of the sacred sacred place, and then condense out the ninth Tianfu, what is it in front of me?"

The sword demon is deliberately told to the East Wei, the gap between "Duo Gu Cang" and the solitary charm is in Tianfu and heritage. If "Duo Gu Cang" can get the emperor, and then condense out the ninth Tianfu, Dongfang Wei also feels that the solitary charm is not the opponent of "Duo Gu Cang".

The powerful tyrants, the East Wei has not seen it, but like "Duo Gu Cang", he is the first time to see. "Duo Gu Cang" is stronger than the ones he has seen before. Moreover, "Duo Gu Cang" is still a Taoist. If you don’t see it with your own eyes, Dongfang Wei really doesn’t believe it, and a force can cultivate Tianzun like “Duo Gu Cang”.

"I understand what you mean, and the solitary charm can be solved in the back. The most urgent task is to search for the great emperor of the sacred place."

Dongfang Wei knows that "Duo Gu Cang" wants to get the inheritance of the Great Emperor more than him. After all, they do not lack the inheritance of the Emperor. "Duo Gu Cang" is the same as those of the Tianshen Palace in their division of the God of War. The great emperor inherits the promotion of them, which is unimaginable.

"Yes, the warriors of our solitary family come to the sacred place, neither fighting with your war **** palace, nor fighting with the solitary family, but searching for the great inheritance of the sacred place."

Since the sword demon is pretending to be "Duo Gu Cang", then his actions must of course conform to the identity of the children of the Solitary family. It is no secret that the Solitary family is eager to get the inheritance of the great emperor.

"Then we will set off quickly. If the days of the solitary family are first and foremost, we will have no hope."

The area where Tianzun can move is very vast. Fortunately, Tianzun, who has come forward, has searched many places. Those places have the inheritance of the great emperor, and the Tianzun who has come forward has already brought the great emperor out. In other words, the place they are searching for is the place that the previous gods have not searched.

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