The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 413: Is the stone hand

"No, you have to say that Du Gu Cang and Feng Chiyan are willing to inherit the crimes of the Emperor. I believe, but the headquarters of the God of War Palace does not lack the emperor, why do you want to go in the East and Zhao?"

The doubts of Du Guqing are also the doubts of Du Guyue and Du Guyi, and how dangerous it is to ban the relationship with Diwei. It can be imagined. Don't say that "Duo Gu Cang" and the Oriental Wei, even if they are replaced by a solitary charm, they will not be able to retreat.

They are just present, of course, I don’t know that Dongwei Wei and Zhao Wei were promoted by “Duo Gu Cang”. The solitary charm knows that the strength of "Duo Gu Cang" is very tyrannical, far above the East Wei and Zhao Yu, but they do not know Du Gu Qing and Du Gu Yue.

Feng Chiyan is the tyrant of the Temple of the God of War. It is normal for him to know him. Oriental Wei and Zhao Wei are among the best in the many gods of the God of War, and Du Guqing also has an understanding. As for the "Duo Gu Cang", when they are outside, they are all provocative, and "Duo Gu Cang" is turned into gray, he also knows.

"Staying at it!"

This is the reply of the solitary charm to Du Guqing. Since the forbidden land in front is related to the inheritance of the great emperor, then they do not need to act rashly. It is quite good to have "Duo Gu Cang" and Dongfang Wei to explore them.

Although I don't want to admit it, but the solitary charm knows that the strength of "Duo Gu Cang" is no worse than the dominance of their solitary family. If "Duo Gu Cang" is dead in the forbidden land, there is no need to go in the domineering family of their solitary family.

"Yes, sister!"

Du Gu Qing and Du Gu Yue, they should be the way, the martial arts world, the strong are respected, the solitary charm is the heavenly deity, they are just the command of the tyrants, the only solitude, they dare not violate. What's more, the solitary charm team was appointed by the elders of their solitary family. It is equal to the elders of their solitary family.

The gods of the God of War and the Solitary family did not realize that they were traced by the solitude. On the one hand, they were very cautious because of the solitude, and on the other hand, because of their attention, they were all placed in the "Duo Gu Cang" and the East. Wei on their body.

"It seems that there is no danger, what are you so nervous about?"

The sword can't help but ridicule, and Dong Wei, Zhao Wei and Feng Chiyan are very cautious. It is a bit funny. Dongfang Wei, Zhao Wei and Feng Chiyan are good at the tyrants. Can you be a bit of a tyrant?

"Crap! The two fists of the previous two have directly blasted the two mid-term gods of our God of War. Can I be nervous?"

"Be careful to sail for thousands of years. If you die here, there will be no one who will avenge me."

"You don't talk coolly. If it's not you, can we come in for adventure? You have to go crazy, you are not afraid of death, you can come in yourself, why do you want to hang us?"

To say that Oriental Wei, Zhao Wei and Feng Chiyan have no opinions on the sword, it must be fake. That is to say, "Duo Gu Cang" is not played. Otherwise, Dongfang Wei, Zhao Wei and Feng Chiyan want to make "Duo Gu Cang" look good now.

Under the roof, people had to bow their heads. Oriental Wei, Zhao Wei and Feng Chiyan’s little lives were pinched in their hands by “Duo Gu Cang”. Even if they can't wait to smash the "Duo Gu Cang", the face can't be shown.

"It's not crazy. I just think it's meaningless to send those early Tianzun and mid-term Tianzun to come and die."

The swordsman does not care about the life and death of the gods of the Solitary family. However, the time is limited, and the later the delay, the more likely they are to meet the goddess of the Solitary family. The strength of the solitary charm is not the same as that of Oriental Wei, Zhao Wei and Feng Chiyan.

Not long ago, they were able to repel the Solitude because they had a quantitative advantage. See you again in the next time, it is estimated that the quantitative advantage is not on their side. The same mistake, the solitary charm will certainly not make another second, can become the celestial, no idiot.

"What are you saying? It doesn't make sense to send them to death. Does it make sense to send us to death?"

Zhao Wei complained that, in her opinion, the sinister manifestation of the stone monument in the central area of ​​the forbidden land is certainly not all. There are dozens of hundreds of fists, and even if she is, there is no way to live. After all, the power of those fists, she has witnessed it.

"Sister, be careful!"

Dongfang Wei and Zhao Wei are relatively independent, so he can clearly see that the two fists have fallen from the sky and slammed into Zhao. Just a boxing shadow, they can explode the mid-term celestial gods of their God of War. The two fists hit at the same time. He really didn't know if Zhao Wei could block it.

Two raids of the boxing shadow, not only the Eastern Wei did not expect, the sword magic did not think. Of course, with the strength of the sword, you can save Zhao Wei before Zhao Zhen reacts. However, the sword did not shoot because he believed that Zhao Wei would not be in danger.

The stone tablets in the central part of the forbidden land attacked them, and the swordsmen were psychologically prepared. The only strange thing is that the stone monument did not attack the swordsman, nor attacked the Oriental Wei and Feng Chiyan, attacking Zhao Wei alone.

After hearing the reminder of Dongfang Wei, Zhao Wei quickly moved to the left, trying to avoid the two fists that fell from the sky. "Duo Gu Cang" does not allow him to retreat, and there is danger in moving forward. What she can do is only to traverse. At the same time, she quickly pulled out the sword of the heavenly sword. If there were other fists attacked, she would attack and attack.

"what happened?"

Dongfang Wei and Feng Chiyan were surprised to find that while Zhao Wei was moving horizontally, the two fist shadows above were also traversing. Fortunately, Zhao Wei’s sword speed is fast enough, otherwise Zhao Wei is likely to suffer heavy losses.

"Hey! Hey!"

Two fists and shadows were successively smashed on Zhao’s Tianpin sword, and Zhao’s feet stepped deep into the ground. The right hand of the sword, shaking slightly, the power of the two fists is too big, no less than the other tyrants of their God of War.

"You just saw the two fists, have you seen it?"

The solitary charm turned and asked, the feelings of the two fists just gave her, like Zhao Yan’s personal hand. The difference is that Zhao Wei uses a sword, and the stone tablet uses a fist. She asked them to be alone and to be alone because she was not sure if this feeling was her own illusion.

"Looking at it, it is the hand of the stone tablet."

"The stone monument is weird. I don't know the words above, but I can see that the stone monument is very old, probably something from ancient times."

Du Guyi and Du Guyue said one after another, the authorities are fascinated, the bystanders are clear, they are far from the forbidden land, without any pressure. What they can see is much more than the Oriental Wei and Feng Chiyan who stand in the forbidden land.

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