The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 414: Holy code

Of course, the things that Duoyi and Duguyue see are definitely not more than swords. After all, the swordsmen have the supreme gold scorpion, the eyes of the solitary wing and the solitary sorrow, and the swordsmanship is too much. Moreover, compared with the sword magic, they have no advantage over the onlookers.

Although the sword demon is standing in the forbidden land, it is not him who attacked the stone tablet. In addition, he has full confidence in his own strength and is not a political authority. The danger of the forbidden land, in his view, is the same.

"It turned out to be a sacred sect. It is no wonder that the previous boxing can easily kill the mid-term celestial **** of the God of War."

Anyone who can relate to the imperial power can not be underestimated. After seeing the sacred rituals hidden under the stone tablet, the sword magic is relieved. Although the sacred method is strong, it is not enough to make people desperate. Compared with the means of the great emperor, what is the sacred method?

"Duo Gu Cang, I have no enmity with you, and I have been fighting side by side not long ago. Why do you have to kill me?"

Zhao Wei angered, just two fists, it shocked her arm numb. If she had a few more punches, she would not be able to stop it. Oriental Wei and Feng Chiyan are now able to help her not. The problem is that Oriental Wei and Feng Chiyan are also attacked.

The strength of Dongfang Wei is limited by Zhao Qiang, and Feng Chiyan’s strength is weaker than Zhao Wei’s. If the stone tablet attacked Zhao Wei and attacked Dongfang Wei and Feng Chiyan at the same time, then Oriental Wei and Feng Chiyan could not protect themselves. It was a problem. How can I help her?

In Zhao’s opinion, only by quickly leaving the forbidden place can you save your life. "Duo Gu Cang" prevents them from retreating, which means that they are asking for their lives. It is normal for Zhao Wei to have opinions on "Duo Gu Cang".

"This is not the case, I am going to kill you. How can I put you to death?" The sword smashed his mouth and looked innocent. "The sacred place is your own. Do you want to enter before you come in?" The elders of the palace did not tell you how dangerous it is to rush to the holy land?"


Zhao Yu was so angry that he couldn't speak. Although "Duo Gu Cang" said the facts, they were not prepared to come in. Isn’t it good to give them to other Goddess of the God of War or the solitude of the Solitary family?

Afraid of what, what to come, Zhao Wei clearly saw that two more fists attacked her. She did not expect the Oriental Wei and Feng Chiyan, but the sword greeted her. How to say again, she is also the tyrant of the God of War Palace, there is no reason to sit still.

"How could this be?"

Zhao Wei’s face was obviously sunk because she found the attack to be stronger than the attack. Fierce boxing, like the ability to penetrate her sword, the power of violent, is to beat her back and forth.

The face of Dongfang Wei and Feng Chiyan is also not very good. Zhao Wei couldn't stop the attack of the stone tablet. Feng Chiyan couldn't stop it. Even if Dong Wei could block it, it wouldn't be much better than Zhao Wei. The key is who knows whether the attack of the stone tablet will continue to increase.

"Duo Gu Cang, you will not let it open, we will blame you for being rude to you!" Dongfang Wei was cold and threatened. "I admit, I am not your opponent. I am not your opponent. But three of us are playing you, You may not be able to take advantage of anything."

"Yes? Do you want to try?"

The sword magic does not matter, the East Wei obviously overestimated the strength of him and Zhao Wei and Feng Chiyan, or underestimated his strength. Zhao Wei, Dong Fang Wei and Feng Chiyan teamed up to fight him.

"Don's goose, don't forget, your back is just a solitary family, not a solitary family."

Feng Chiyan is also threatening "Duo Gu Cang", but it is not so obvious. The three of them add up. It is not important that the opponent of "Duo Gu Cang" is not important. What is important is that behind the Emperor Wei and Zhao Wei are the emperor forces.

The headquarters of the God of War Palace wants to retaliate against "Duo Gu Cang", and does not need to be hands-on, and tells them the top level of the Ares Palace branch. "Duo Gu Cang" is stronger, and it is only a small tyrant. The top of the War Palace branch is very happy to serve the headquarters of the God of War.

"I am too lazy to talk nonsense with you. You only have two choices, either kill me or honestly resist the attack of the stone."

The attitude of the sword devil is very determined, and there is no room for Zhao Wei and Dongfang Wei to discuss. In the world of martial arts, the strong is respected, not to talk about it. His strength is stronger than Zhao Wei and Dongfang Wei. He has the right to speak. If his strength is not Zhao Wei and the East Weiqiang, he dares to talk to Zhao Wei and Dongfang Wei. I am afraid that he has already died in the hands of Zhao Wei and Dongfang Wei.

"Actually, what really attacks you is not the stone tablet, but the holy product array under the stone. As long as you exhaust the energy of the holy character, I can easily break the stone."

The sacred sacred place has long since been destroyed, and the sacred ritual method below the stone tablet can be operated until now, which is not easy. If the swordsman did not guess wrong, the arranging of this sacred ritual, the rumors in the formation of the law, is high and scary.

From the time of Taikoo to the present, there are at least 10 billion years. If the sacred array of the usual array of repairs is estimated, it will be lost in the ancient times. However, the sacred rituals below the stone tablet not only did not disappear, but also easily smashed the mid-term sacredness of the God of War. Even the tyrannical Zhao Wei, who came out from the headquarters of the God of the War, could not stop the attack of this holy product.

"What are you talking about? Are you sure you are not deceiving us?"

Dongfang Wei frowned and asked, he was not afraid if he was only a sacred figure. With the sacred armor, he can fully protect himself under the attack of the holy character. As for whether Zhao can live or not, he can only see Zhao Wei’s own creation.

If he can help Zhao Wei, he can help Zhao Wei. If he can't help, he will not be jealous. He can't let him take his sacred armor to Zhao Wei. Zhao Wei’s life is important, can he be more important than his own life?

"Crap, do I have to lie to you?"

The eyes of the sword demon, always staring at the stone monument in the center of the forbidden area, Dong Wei and Feng Chiyan did not believe what he said, he did not care. Anyway, there is him, Oriental Wei and Feng Chiyan have no retreat.

"If you want to help her, it is very simple. You don't need to help her to resist the attack of the stone. As long as you take the initiative to attack the stone."

Zhao Wei is consuming the energy of the holy character method. If Dong Wei and Feng Chiyan can accelerate the energy consumption of the holy character method, they can really help Zhao Wei, and the sword magic does not fool them.

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