The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 415: Solitary plan

"Senior, I think what he said is true. He really does not have the need to deceive us."

It stands to reason that Zhao Wei should not support "Duo Gu Cang". If it is not "Duo Gu Cang", she will not fall into such a crisis. However, the method described by "Duo Gu Cang" can really help her reduce the pressure.

Regardless of whether "Duo Gu Cang" is true or false, Dongfang Wei and Feng Chiyan will attack the stone tablet and the stone tablet will counterattack. At that time, the stone tablet to attack, not only Zhao Yi alone. Correspondingly, the attack that is distributed to Zhao Wei will be weakened.

"Oriental brother, I listen to you, you said to attack the stone, I will shoot!"

Feng Chiyan quickly threw the hot potato to Dongfang Wei. He was born in the division of the God of War. He could not offend Zhao Wei, nor offend the East Wei. Because if he said that he would attack the stone, he would probably offend the East. If he said that he would not attack the stone, he would offend Zhao.

Zhao Yu’s life and death, Feng Chiyan did not care. If it is possible, Feng Chiyan is not willing to attack the stone. The two mid-term celestial goddess of the God of War was attacked by the stone tablet because of the attack on the stone tablet.


Dongfang Wei did not hesitate and decided directly. Actively attacking that stone monument is indeed dangerous, but at least the initiative is in their hands. In addition, his strength is stronger than Zhao Wei and Feng Chiyan, and there is also a sacred warrior armor. It is also the death of Zhao Wei and Feng Chiyan.

Feng Chiyan secretly smiled. Since the East Wei must be hands-on, he can only do it with a hard scalp. Who can make his birth less than the Oriental Wei? If he is the tyrant of the headquarters of the God of War, can he listen to the East?

As long as I think of the tragic situation of the two middle-term Tianzuns before, Feng Chiyan’s hands are shaking and there is a big fear between life and death. He did not use weapons, nor did he use any martial arts, but simply punched the stone to the stone.

His attack is weak, and the counterattack is estimated to be weak. If his attack is too strong, the counterattack will not kill him, at least he can be seriously injured. His strength is in the face of Dongfang Wei, Zhao Wei and "Duo Gu Cang".

Dongfang Wei did not rush to shoot because he was dubious about the words of "Duo Gu Cang". Before the independence of the family, Tianzun came in and died, and the goddess of the God of War was dead. The difference is that the goddess of the Solitary family did not attack the stone tablet, and the stone tablets of the gods of the God of the Gods attacked.


Feng Qiyan’s attack lingered on the stone tablet, and the stone tablet trembled a few times. Then, two scarlet fist shadows, like the ability to cross time and space, instantly lingered on Feng Chiyan's body.

At the crucial moment, Feng Chiyan’s reaction was not unpleasant, and the sacred sword was instantly unsheathed. The white knife slammed into the two fists, and the sky seemed to have **** rain, and the pungent **** smell filled the air.

Obviously, Feng Chiyan’s attack is stronger than Zhao’s attack. Dongfang Wei couldn't help but be grateful. If he was not careful, his situation was estimated to be no different from Feng Chiyan.

"Duo Gu Cang" may be true, as long as they exhaust the energy of the holy character array under the stone monument, "Duo Gu Cang" can break the stone monument. However, rashly attacking the stone monument is extremely dangerous.

"What? Are you afraid?"

The sword demon looks at the eyes of the East Wei, full of contempt, the Oriental Wei is not only the tyrants, but also the most powerful tyrant of the headquarters of the God of War. Unexpectedly, there is no courage in the East Weilian. It seems that even if the East Wei can consolidate the ninth Tianfu, it will not be the top 50 of the Tianzun ranking.

"Jokes, neither of them are afraid, what am I afraid of?"

At the same time as Dongfang Wei spoke, he attacked the stone tablet. However, his attack intensity is not even half of Feng Chiyan. Feng Chiyan has been careful enough, and the result is that Oriental Wei is more careful than Feng Chiyan.

The sword demon looked so stunned that the East Wei’s mouth was so fierce, and he really started to move, and he was more embarrassed than Feng Chiyan. Fortunately, Dongfang Wei is not the tyrant of their Ling family, or else he is afraid of being killed by the East.

"My guess is really correct. I attacked my boxing shadow and obviously did not attack Feng Chiyan."

Attacking Dongfang Wei's two fists is only slightly stronger than attacking Zhao Wei's two fists. The Oriental Wei, wearing a sacred war sword, easily blocked the two fists. It is a pity that the attack on the stone tablet obviously did not stop. Dongfang Wei had to continue to fight.

"Sister, what are they doing? What does it mean to take the initiative to provoke the stone?"

The solitary wing couldn't help but ask, in his opinion, Feng Chiyan and Dongfang Wei's behavior is completely looking for death. I don't know if it is because of the forbidden land, "Duo Gu Cang" and Feng Chiyan and Dongfang Wei, they can't hear a word.

"They want to exhaust the energy of the stone. Only then can they get the inheritance of the great emperor in the stone."

Even if it is the strength of the solitary charm, it has not been able to clearly understand the words of "Duo Gu Cang" and Feng Chiyan and Dongfang Wei. Fortunately, she can hear something, plus her own guess, to give this explanation.

Otherwise, just by relying on your own eyesight, the things that can be seen are equally limited. The more this is the case, the more so-called enchantment in the "Duo Gu Cang" is more popular, because she found that she is in many ways can not match the "Duo Gu Cang."

She is the sacred family of the solitary family. As a result, even the tyrants of the singular family can not match, and how much more shameful she is.

"It’s still a great sister, and the sister is not the only one in our solitary family."

Du Gu Qing complimented the side, but he did not see it, the ear of the solitary charm was red. Du Gu Qing's flattering can be said to have been photographed on the horse's leg, because in the solitary charm, Du Gu Qing is satirizing her, although Du Gu Qing does not have this meaning, but who makes the solitary charm?

"You stay here, I sneak up to the front."

When the great emperor passed away, the solitary charm does not know. However, only by preparing for it, the solitary charm can take away the inheritance of the great emperor from the hands of "Duo Gu Cang" and Dongfang Wei. Not long ago, "Duo Gu Cang" was so bad that she lost her face. Now she is coming to take revenge.

Wait until "Duo Gu Cang" worked hard to take out the great emperor in the stone monument, and then she passed on the emperor as his own, how desperate is "Duo Gu Cang"? She is not ignorant of the desire of the Solitary family to inherit the great emperor!

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