The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 418: Arrogant sword

The meaning of Dongfang Wei’s words is that “Duo Gu Cang” does not have the qualification to join forces with the solitary charm. On the strength, there are only eight Tianfu's "Duogu Cang", which is obviously not the opponent of the solitary charm. On the background, the solitary family behind "Duo Gu Cang" is only a branch of the solitary family.

The celestial respects brought by the celestial gods and the unique solitude of "Duo Gu Cang" are not comparable. "Duo Gu Cang" can be stronger than the Dominion family's domineering, because his talents are different, and the other Tianzun of the Solitary family is the same as the warrior who is the same as the Duo's family. The hope of winning is very embarrassing.

"Brothers, don't listen to the gods of the God of War, saying that the gods of the God of War Palace are not allowed to die in the holy land."

"Yes, within my family, my heart will be different!"

"Our singular family is originally a branch of the solitary family. It is not a shame to rely on the sacred family."

Many Tianzun of the Solitary family have repeatedly advised that it is not important for the East Wei and the solitary charm to be more credible. The key is that if you don't rely on the solitary charm, you will not only be alone, but they will also be buried.

These heavenly gods of the God of War and the gods of the solitary family are weak and weak, and they cannot see it. Working with these gods of the God of War, they are likely to die in the hands of the gods of the Solitary family.

"The mouse is in the light! The mouse is in the light!"

Feng Chiyan repeated, the Tianzun of the Solitary family took it for granted that they would be able to sit back and relax as long as they were willing to rely on the Solitude. As everyone knows, without the threat of their **** of war, the gods of the solitary family will only be more unscrupulous.

The solitary family and the many goddess of the God of War Palace teamed up to barely fight the gods of the Solitary family. Although they are not necessarily the opponents of the Tianzuo of the Solitary family, the Tianzun of the Solitary family may not be willing to fight with them.

In the end, the many celestial gods of the Ares Palace and the Solitary family are likely to be wiped out by the whole army. Correspondingly, those of the Solitary family have suffered heavy losses. It is not a last resort, and those who are alone in the family will not fight with their lives.

"I didn't intend to persuade you because you are a smart person, I believe you will make the right choice."

The calmness of Dongfang Wei was all pretending. In fact, his heart was very panicked. If "Duo Gu Cang" is really stupid, other Tianzun of the God of War may be able to escape from birth, and he and Zhao Wei and Feng Chiyan are sure to die.

There was an attack on the stone monument before, and there was a sword magic to stop them. Not far away, there was still a solitary charm. How can they escape?

"You have two choices. One is to cooperate with us. When the energy of the holy product is exhausted, who can get the inheritance of the great emperor, each with its own skills. The other is to start with us now, I admit, we are alone. These and the gods of the God of War are not the opponents of the heavenly lords of your solitary family. But as long as I detonate the sacred ritual, we can go with you."

The threat of the solitary charm, in the view of the sword magic, is a joke, if the sword magic takes out all the strength, killing the solitary charm like a pig dog. Of course, the swordsman will not take the initiative to unlock the seals.

"Detonation of the holy character method?"

Oriental Wei, Zhao Wei and Feng Chiyan only felt that the scalp was numb, and the fist shadow attack that broke out by the holy character method alone would make them tired. If "Duo Gu Cang" detonates the sacred ritual, do they want to turn it into powder?

The brow of the singular charm, wrinkled into the word "chuan", the power of the sacred ritual, she can feel. If "Duo Gu Cang" can really detonate the sacred line of law, she and the goddess of the solitary family can indeed escape.

What she can't be sure of is whether the "Duo Gu Cang" can detonate the holy character. If it can't, "Duo Gu Cang" is swindling her. If she can, she will start to "Duo Gu Cang" and they are looking for death.

If the sacred sect is detonated, "Duo Gu Cang" is equally difficult to escape. Under normal circumstances, "Duo Gu Cang" will not detonate the sacred sect. However, "Duo Gu Cang" may indeed detonate the sacred sect in the case of knowingly dying.

"Hey, are you a three-year-old when you are? You said that you can detonate the holy character, can you detonate the holy character?"

While the singular charm is talking, he is staring at "Duo Gu Cang" because the eyes are not deceiving. If the eyes of "Duo Gu Cang" are erratic, or dripping, 80% is deceiving her, and she will not believe in "Duo Gu Cang". She will not believe in "Duo Gu Cang".

"This is what you are looking for, no wonder me!"

The sword demon knows the mind of the solitude, so he directly swayed his sword to the solitude. However, he did not use the sword method of the Solitary family, but the Da Yan Qing Hong sword that was used alone. The most important thing is that what he is imitating now is the breath of the solitude.

Da Yan Qing Hong Jian has not touched the stone monument. The two fist shadows are descending from the sky, and they are kneeling on the Da Yan Qing Hong sword. The giant sword of the sword of the sky is broken instantly. After all, the sword demon is only to give a lesson to the solitary charm, and has not come up with the true skill.

Then, three more fists were smashed out. This attack was neither the Eastern Wei and Zhao Wei, nor the swordsman, but the unique charm of not standing far away. Although the singularity of the singularity did not enter the forbidden area, the attack of the stone tablet could leave the forbidden area.


The solitude of the solitary charm, the stone tablet attacked her, obviously stronger than the attack on the East Wei and Zhao Wei. Fortunately, she was prepared, and the sacred sword was repeatedly thrown in her hand, and finally broke the three punches.

"The sister-in-law is mighty, the attack of the forbidden land, for the sister-in-law, is simply vulnerable!"

"The gods of the God of War Palace and the sisters are one day and one place. They face two fists and shadows. They are so embarrassed. If they have three fists, they are afraid of their lives."

"Crap, the gods of the God of War Palace can compare with the teacher and sister? Are you looking at the teacher, or are you looking at Tianzun?"

Many Tianzun families of the solitary family have touted the Tao. The one-of-a-kind charm is the first day of their solitary family. Do not shoot the singularity of the singular charm, who is the flattering?

It’s a pity that their flattering was photographed on the horse’s leg. It seems that the solitary enchantment is an attack that easily breaks the stone monument, which is actually not the case. They didn't notice at all that the right hand, hidden in the sleeve, was shaking slightly.

"How? I give you two choices, which one are you going to choose?"

The little movements of the singularity of the singularity have not smashed the eyes of the swordsmen. The swordsmen believe that if they are cherished, they will not be able to do it.

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