The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 419: When the next person calls

If the sword demon threatens the solitude in the language, the singular charm will not be placed on the heart. In the first place, the strength of the solitary enchantment is stronger than that of the "Duo Gu Cang". Secondly, the background of the solitary enchantment is bigger than that of the "Duo Gu Cang". What do you want to do to retaliate against the solitude?

However, the sword demon directly proves to the solitary charm that he has the ability to set his own solitude and death to death. The facts are in front of you, and you must not be alone. It’s just three fists, and it’s almost shattering the tiger’s mouth of the solitary charm. The holy character method hidden inside the forbidden land is more powerful than the one.

"I hope that you can talk and count, and when the great emperor is born, let us rely on the ability."

The compromise of the solitary charm is completely in the expectation of the sword. As a solitary family, the future is like a glory. If you die in a sacred place, you can be willing to be alone.

Moreover, the solitary charm has confidence in its own strength, and the words of the great emperor are hers. "Duo Gu Cang" can't grab her, Dong Wei is Zhao Wei, they can't even grab her. After all, this time she is no longer a single-player, and the goddess of the solitary family is her backing.

"You don't have to guard against me. As long as you help us to exhaust the energy of the holy product, I just want to harm you, and I don't have that strength."

The sword demon knows what the singularity of the singularity is in the scruples. It is nothing but fear that he will suddenly become difficult to deal with the solitude in the process of consuming the holy character. There is still the possibility of escape from the solitude of the solitude. If you are in the forbidden land, you will not know how to die.

"I believe in you, if I die in your hands, our solitary family will not be willing to give up."

As long as the Duo Clan has the ability to avenge the Solitary Demon, it will not turn a deaf ear. Don't say that killing a "Done Solitary" alone, even if it is to razor the Solitary family, it is not difficult.

"Don't come over, I can go in alone!"

The words of the singularity of the singularity of the singularity are both spoken to the "Duo Gu Cang" and also to those who worship the Duo family. She is the lord of the solitary family. If she is to count her, the top of the solitary family will certainly not ignore it.

"Yes, sister!"

They were alone in the Duoyi and Duguyue. The holy place was in danger everywhere, and they had to go in. It’s probably not a bad thing for them to die in the solitude. They and the singular charm are the same generation of warriors, there is a unique charm, they are always the green leaves.

It is a pity that the sacred tactics can bring threats to the solitary enchantment. The strength of the solitary charm is far above the Oriental Wei and Zhao Wei. They are still able to block the attack of the sacred sect of the sacred rituals, not to mention the unique solitude of the nine Tianfu.

"You try your best to shoot the stone tablet, and then the stone tablet will attack you. With your help, I believe that the energy of the holy product will soon be exhausted."

It is enough to be worthy of the three people of Dongfang Wei, Zhao Wei and Feng Chiyan, and even have it. After all, the Oriental Wei is still reserved, and the expectation of the sword and the devil is far greater than that of the East.

Zhao Wei and Feng Chiyan's faces can't help but be weird, because "Duo Gu Cang" and the solitary charm are all about the shot. With their understanding of the stone tablet, the stronger the attack power of the solitary enchantment, the stronger the corresponding counterattack will be.

Of course, Dongfang Wei and Feng Chiyan will not remind them of the unique charm. The more serious the injury is, the more likely they are to be passed down by the great emperor. What's more, they and the solitary charm and enmity, reminding the solitary charm is not equal to stupid?

"The **** of the God of War is working hard, I will work hard right away, why can you idle?"

The solitary enchantment has a very big opinion on "Duo Gu Cang". After all, "Duo Gu Cang" has twice let her eat. I thought that this time with the many celestial family of the solitary family, can revenge and hate, who had thought that she was once again eaten by "Duo Gu Cang".

Up until now, she is not sure whether "Duo Gu Cang" can detonate the holy character array under the stone tablet, but one thing is certain, "Duo Gu Cang" can indeed use the holy character array below the stone tablet to set her up. To die.

"I want to help you stare at the sacred sect. You should not think that I have no strength, but not the same way as your output." The sword did not continue to explain, but the hard way, "If you are not willing to help, Either get out of the way or die!"

In the past, the Dominion of the Solitary family must dare to speak with the solitary charm, and it is necessary to smash his corpse. It’s a pity that at this time, unlike the past, if the solitary charm is really turning to the face of “Duo Gu Cang”, the possibility of dying in the sacred place is very great.

In the view of the solitary charm, the life of "Duo Gu Cang" is far from the importance of her life, so that she can go with the "Duo Gu Cang", she can not accept it. The origin of "Duo Gu Cang" is worse than her, the strength is weaker than her, and she has no qualification for her funeral.

"Hey, today's account, I remembered it!"

The solitary charm took a deep breath and pressed the anger in his heart. She kept telling herself that there is no need to be a little tyrant with the Solitary family. The inheritance of the Emperor is the most important.

Although their solitary family did not lack the inheritance of the great emperor, but those who came forward did not get the inheritance of the great emperor. If she brought the great emperor of the sacred sacred place back to the solitary family, wouldn’t it be a great contribution?

The solitary family does not lack the inheritance of the great emperor. It does not mean that the solitary family does not need the inheritance of the great emperor. The emperor inherits this kind of thing, of course, it is more good. The lords of their solitary family are not a minority. Maybe the emperor of the ancient times can let them go further.


The sword demon is low, and it is simply to treat the solitary charm as his next person. The origin and strength of the solitary charm, in his view, is not worth mentioning. He has seen the Heavenly Respect, which is stronger than the one who is alone. Moreover, the solitary charm is only the descendants of the great emperor, but he is the great family of the emperor, and the descendants of the great emperor and the emperor have no comparability.

The singularity of the singularity is tempered, but it is still done according to the instructions of the sword. However, she did not use all her strength, only tentatively attacked the stone. Her sword has not touched the stone, and the three fists are coming from the sky.

"Is the sister-in-law who is on the kid? The kid is not a disciple of the sacred place. Why can he detonate the holy character of the sacred place?"

"Is it strange, isn't the sister-in-law who has always looked down on the singularity of the Solitary family? How do I feel that she seems to listen to the domineering deity of the Solitary family?"

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