The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 435: Two waste people

If the solitary charm is dead in the hands of the East, it will become a shame to Heaven. Dongfang Wei can do this, relying on the holy character and not fake. However, the rumors will be more and more exaggerated, and when passed to the back, it will become the only one of the nine Tianfu, but only eight Tianfu. The fact that the solitary charm is wounded, they will not mention that the East Wei urging the holy things to behave, they will not say.

The purpose of the high-level warrior palace to give the oriental sacred sacred charm is to deal with the solitude of the solitude. The unique solitude of the nine Tianfu is enough to match many of the sacred kings. The ordinary sacred symbol is useless. However, the top of the God of War Palace did not think that the singular charm will be injured in the sacred place, and the injury is not light.

Dongfang Wei was so scared that he quickly stopped his hand, and that he could die in the sacred place, but he could never die under his holy character. The solitary family cultivated the solitary charm into Tianzun, and the resources consumed were enough to cultivate more than a dozen or even dozens of tyrants.

The death of other Tianzun family, the traceless elders may not ask, but the death of the solitary charm, the traceless elders must be managed. Their Lianhua Daojun in the Temple of God is very strong, but Tianjian is a site of the solitary family. There is no advantage in the home court, and there is little hope for Linhua Daojun to keep the East.

"If she is dead, will my status in the solitary family rise in the future?"

If you have the words of Heaven, the status of Ba Tian Zun will definitely be affected. The same is the domineering, the position of the solitary wing in the solitary family, completely inferior to the position of the Oriental Palace in the headquarters of the God of War. The difference between the Solitary family and the God of War Palace is that the Solitary family has the genius, and the God of War Palace does not.

There is no such thing as a solitude, they can still be passed down by the great emperor, and those who are in the God of War can't win them. They are not the ones who look down on the God of War, but they occupy a quantitative advantage. They have to play more and less, and the God of War Palace is not as good as Heaven. They can lose.

Moreover, if the solitary charm is not dead, they will get the greatest credit from the great emperor, and it must be the only one. Because of this, the solitary wing is so eager to die alone in the sacred place. When other Tianzun shot to save the Solitary, the Solitary did not hesitate because he knew that their attack could not save the Solitude.

Duo Yi believes that there are not a few gods who share his thoughts with him. There are many Tianzun shots, but there is not much to see if you really want to save the solitude. He was shot alone, worried that the high-ranking family of the solitary family felt that he could not be saved, and he was punished by the high-level families.

After all, the current situation is different. The solitary charm is not to fight with the East, but to compete for the inheritance of the Great. If they don't help, the top 80% of the Duo's family must be held accountable for their responsibilities. It is not the same thing that they have not saved the Solitude and the Solitude.

"What is the situation? Isn't he going to kill the Solitude? How can he help the Solitude?"

Du Gushuang stunned, the East Wei Mingming can kill the singular charm, I did not expect that he actually recovered his strength at the last minute. Without his urging, relying solely on the power of the sacred symbol, it is the only one that can't be killed, and can only be seriously injured.

The most hoped that the solitary charm will die in the hands of Dongfang Wei, in fact, it is not the Tianzun of the God of War, but the Tianzun of the Solitary family. The Solitary family is a branch of the Solitary family. However, the Solitary family is not willing to be the vassal of the Solitary family.

They are not alone in the sacred family, they are alone in the frost and they are alone. They certainly hope that the solitude of the solitude family will die in the sacred place. Of course, if the solitary charm can die in the hands of the East, it is more beneficial to them, because it can intensify the contradiction between the God of War and the Solitary family.

The division of the God of War Palace is not a solitary family, but the headquarters of the God of War Palace is the same as the solitary family. If the solitary family fights with the headquarters of the God of War, the Solitary family can take the opportunity to develop. If their Solitary family can get the emperor during this period, and the high-level families of the solitary family will return to their hearts, their solitary family may have been promoted to the Imperial Power. It is.

The struggle of the emperor's forces is not a matter of one year or two, and it may be able to fight for hundreds of years. Although the most lacking of the Solitary family is the emperor, the second is time, but as long as there is enough time for the Solitary family, it is possible to get the emperor.

The great emperor in front of him has little to do with their solitary family. The most promising thing for their solitary family is the inheritance of the demon emperor, and only the inheritance of the demon emperor can give them the opportunity to surpass the solitary family.

The inheritance of the ordinary emperor, at most, allowed them to be promoted to the emperor's forces, and they could not surpass the solitary family. The inheritance of the demon emperor is different. Whether it is the inheritance of the great emperors of the solitary family, or the inheritance of the nine great emperors of the sacred sacred land, they are inferior to the inheritance of the demon emperor.

"You dare not kill me?"

The solitary charm is the tone of doubt, but her expression is extremely positive. The sacred place is in their Tianjian domain, and the Tianjian domain is the site of their solitary family. Dongfang Wei does not dare to kill him. It must be because she is from the solitary family. The oriental taboo is her background.

"It’s not important to kill you, but it’s no different from you now and you alone."

Dongfang Wei smiled very incomparably, the whole sacred place, his two most taboo Tianzun, one who was too close to the great emperor, was severely wounded by Diwei, could not fight again in a short time, and the other was driven by him. The sacred product is a big hit, and the strength of 10% can be used to play two or three. In other words, "Duo Gu Cang" and the solitary charm are not enough to worry about, as long as the East Wei can resist the attack of the solitary wing.


The singularity of the singularity of the singularity of silver teeth, because the East is said to be the fact, it is unrealistic to expect her to compete for the inheritance of the great emperor. Other Tianzun of the Solitary family can continue to compete for the inheritance of the Great Emperor, but she can only stand as a bystander in the distance, just like "Duo Gu Cang".

Twenty or thirty different kinds of martial arts, almost simultaneously attacked the sacred symbol of the Eastern Wei. Although these goddess of the solitary family failed to save the solitude, their attacks were enough to pose a fatal threat to the East.

The sacred symbol of the Eastern Wei dynasty was obviously bleak after a heavy singularity. The East Wei, who witnessed all of this, quickly retreated, and sure enough, just a moment later, the holy character was blown up in the air.

The rest of the attack, like a sword, stabbed the East. At this time, the Oriental Wei and the just-unknown charm, just felt the deadly threat, and he was killed by these attacks when he was slightly careless.

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