The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 436: Sitting on the mountain

"Zhao Shimei, Feng Shidi, save me! Hurry to save me!"

Dongfang Wei was so scared that his face was white and he was not afraid of the solitary wing and the solitary. However, they are able to win him at the same time, and they can kill him.

Fortunately, the minds of Zhao Wei and Feng Chiyan were not so heavy, and when they heard the help of the East, they immediately displayed the strongest martial arts and ushered in the attacks of the gods of the Solitary family. Although the strength of the two of them is not comparable to those of the solitary family, but there are two of them to help the East to share the pressure, Oriental Wei can completely save his life.

The continuous collision sounds, the ground cracks, the void giant earthquake, Dongfang Wei, Zhao Wei and Feng Chiyan fall back hundreds of meters to stabilize their body shape. The East has a sacred armor, and the injury is not so serious. Zhao Wei and Feng Chiyan are also assisted by the side, and the injury is not serious.

"The great emperor inherits and quickly grabs the inheritance of the great emperor!"

Dongfang Wei pointed to the great emperor's inheritance of the martyrdom. Originally, they were recently passed down by the great emperor, and they were able to grab the inheritance of the great emperor in the first place. But now, they are repelled by the goddess of the Solitary family, and they can't enter much more than the gods of the Solitary family.

"The inheritance of the great emperor is mine!"

The solitary wing roared, and then his body left behind one after another in the same place, and the speed broke out to the extreme. His right hand, it is necessary to meet the great emperor's inheritance, and the result has not waited for him to succeed, dozens of fist shadows are bombarded on him.

It’s not someone else who’s shooting. It’s Dongfang Wei. Although it’s too late to display any sacred guns, his boxing is not bad. Dozens of fists and shadows are on the body of the solitary wing. The only ones only feel that their heads are groggy, their eyes are golden, and they are going to fall down at any time.

The ideal is beautiful, the reality is cruel, but the solitary wing is not able to get the inheritance of the great emperor, but instead is beaten by the oriental Wei. The injury of the solitary wing is not heavy, it is light and light, and it is usually not affected. But now it is different. This kind of injury is enough to affect the next action of the Solitary.

The other Dominion family's other tyrants were also not idle, and they rushed to the great emperor. The solitary charm did not get the inheritance of the great emperor. If they took the hand of the great emperor, wouldn’t they prove that they are more capable than the one?

The tyrants of the God of War Palace did not rush to reach out, because the East Wei ordered them to resist the tyrannical respect of the Solitary family. As for the East Wei himself, he reached out and grabbed the inheritance of the Emperor. How can the Oriental Wei give it to other gods in the God of War?

"They fight like this, don't know who will end up losing."

The sword demon secretly laughed, and the Tianzun of the Solitary family and the God of War Palace clearly played a real fire, and it was inevitable that death and injury occurred. Of course, what he said was not because of the struggle between the Solitary family and the God of War, but the surface of the emperor did have a ban.

The first one to touch the Emperor of the Emperor, the possibility of death is enormous. It is not that the swordsmen can't afford the goddess of the solitary family and the God of War, mainly because the prohibition of the surface of the emperor is used against the strong king.

If in the Taikoo period, even if the strong king of the Holy Land touched the emperor, it would be absolutely dead. That is to say, in countless years, the prohibition has been weakened, and Tianzun has banned it, and it is possible to survive.

He is a fraud, not a real injury, because he did not touch the emperor. They can't see the prohibition, and it doesn't mean that he can't see the prohibition. He has the supreme golden scorpion. In many ways, he must be stronger than the oriental singer and the singular charm.

There is no interest in the battle between the Solitary and the God of War. Instead of wasting time watching them fight, it is better to close your eyes and study the words "Gossip Antiquity".

The words "Gossip Antiquity" are obviously left by the strong men of the ancient times. In countless years, they still contain the spirit of the Emperor, and it is obvious how terrible the strong words are. That is to say, such a strong person has long disappeared into the long river of history, otherwise the sword magic may not dare to take such an ancient character as its own.

"Brother, don't you take the opportunity to escape?"

Solitary frost touched the side of the sword demon quietly and asked with the will. The gods of the God of War and the solitary family are not learning, but fighting in life and death. If they run away now, the success rate is enormous. If the struggle between the solitary family and the God of War Palace is over, if they want to escape, if they can succeed, it will be an unknown number.

"No need to fight for the truth of the fisherman's profit, have you not heard of it?"

The sword demon is also transmitted by the will. Since he is pretending to be a "single lord", then he has to pretend to be like a point, and to do things from beginning to end, not to be an end. Maybe, when he left the sacred place, he had to continue to pretend to be a solitary.

"What does the brother mean by sitting on the mountain?"

If the two tigers fight, there will be a wound, and it may even be both. When the goddess of the Solitary family and the God of War Palace suffered heavy casualties, they could start again and get the possibility of inheritance of the great emperor.

"No, my brother, our strength is too much for them. Even if those of the solitary family are killed and injured, we are not necessarily their opponents."

It’s not that Du Gushuang’s long-term ambitions and his own prestige, but the Tianzun of their solitary family and the Tianzun of the Duo’s family are indeed very different. If they are not injured, they may be able to fight for a battle, because the strength of "Duo Gu Cang" is stronger than that of Du Gu Yi and Dong Fang Wei.

The key point is that the injury of “Duo Gu Cang” looks extremely heavy. It is almost zero that the other gods of Du Gushuang and the Solitary family are expected to succeed in the inheritance of the great emperor. Not to mention the question of strength, the other gods of the Solitary family dare not dare to shoot, not necessarily.

"My injury is fake. I deliberately pretended it for them. In fact, I was not injured."

The scam is not concealed from the singularity of the singularity. Although he intends to give up the inheritance of the great emperor, he is happy to see the Tianzun of the Solitary family and the Tianzun of the Solitary family. The dog bites the dog, and the mouth is hairy. Whether Tian Zun of the Solitary family has killed the Tianzun of the Solitary family, or the Tianzun of the Solitary family has slaughtered the Tianzun of the Solitary family, he is happy.

The Solitary family has a hatred with him, and the solitary family has hatred with him. The enemy and the enemy fight, and of course he does not help. The more the gods of the Solitary family and the solitary family die, the more successful his plan is.

"What are you talking about? You are not hurt?"

It’s not that Du Gushuang does not believe in “Duo Gu Cang”, but “Duo Gu Cang” is too realistic. If this is not the case of "Duo Gu Cang", the Du Gushuang does not believe at all, and the breath of "Duo Gu Cang" is obviously fading to the extreme.

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