The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 503: Breakthrough, holy kingdom! (sixth more!)

"In fact, we don't need the elders to go out. We just need to find the Yan brothers and we can take the emperor back!"

Zhao Yan’s brother Yan is the Yan Qingming of the Temple of War, and the Eight Kings. The strength of Yan Qingming, Zhao Wei has witnessed it. Don't say that "Duo Gu Cang" is only the Tianzun. Even if "Duo Gu Cang" is lucky enough to break through to the holy kingdom, it will still not be the opponent of Yan Qingming.

"Yes, the strength of Yan’s brother is enough to crush the solitary."

"It’s a pity that Yan’s brother can enter the place where the strong king can enter. If we rush in, I’m afraid I don’t know how to die.”

With the strength of Yan Qingming, it is easy to win the "Duo Gu Cang" or to inherit the Emperor. The problem is that Yan Qing has the task of Yan Qingming. Tian Zun and Sheng Wang are separate. They have not been able to complete their tasks. They hope that Yan Qing will help them. It is not necessarily feasible.

Yan Qingming’s opponents are not the holy kings of the solitary family, but also the “single and lonely”, but the solitary purgatory of the solitary family. Yan Qingming is certainly powerful, but the solitary purgatory is not bad. You must know that the Alphanian Purgatory is the Holy King of the Nine Halls, and the Holy Spirit of the Nine Halls.

“Would we like to cooperate with the Solitary family? Originally gave us the manuscript to them?”

The young Tian Zun on the left side of Zhao Yu asked tentatively that the Tianzun of the Solitary family had been passed down by a great emperor and was taken from them. This great emperor passed on, they took an original, and gave the manuscripts of the solitary family a copy of the manuscript, but not?

"No, work with them, we can't get anything."

The virtues of those who are alone in the family are not moral. Zhao Wei does not know. Not to mention the manuscripts of the Tianzuo family, even if they want to take a manuscript, the goddess of the solitary family will not agree.

What's more, the Tianzun of the Solitary family is not necessarily able to help them to recapture the inheritance of the Emperor in the hands of "Duo Gu Cang". It is also the Heavenly Respect. Zhao Yi even thinks that the unique spirit will not be the opponent of "Duo Gu Cang".

"Duo Gu Cang", but I have seen the emperor's classics obtained by the Du Gu family. It is said that the Solitary Charm does not want to put "Duo Gu Cang" to death. Zhao Wei certainly does not believe. "Duo Gu Cang" can appear in front of them without any injury, only to show that the solitary charm can not be "Duo Gu Cang".

However, Zhao Wei will never think of it. They have become the soul of the sword under the sword of "Duo Gu Cang". If they look for the remaining Tianzun cooperation of the Duo family, the remaining Tianzun of the Solitary family can agree to blame.

They are afraid of "Duo Gu Cang", aren't those gods of the solitary family not afraid?

Whether they are, or those of the solitary family, they can live to the present, not because they are strong, but because they are weak and weak, and there is no interest in "Duo Gu Cang". "Duo Gu Cang" did not find them, it is already their luck, they have to go to "Duo Gu Cang", not to find death?

"No, or not, can you say that ten Tianfu really can't be condensed into a temple?"

The sword demon clearly felt that he could break through to the holy kingdom at any time. However, when he was contemplating the temple, he found that the Datianfu of Lingdao was incompatible with the other nine Tianfu. He had two points in one, and now it is unrealistic to want to combine ten ten heavens.

The Datianfu of Lingdao was condensed with the wild scorpion, and the nine heavenly palaces of the swordsman were condensed with the ancient heaven and earth. I want to combine the ten heavenly palaces, unless he gives up the wild sages or the ancient heavens.

"No, it’s me. I have to combine ten ten heavens."

The sword magic has the path of the sword magic. Lingdao has the road of Lingdao, forcing the ten Tianfu to be one, whether it is against the sword or the Lingdao, it is not a good thing. The ten heavenly palaces are one and the same, certainly not pure. He used to be a supreme god, or is it to benefit from one point? Why is he now giving up the advantages of one-two points?

After thinking about this, the sword demon no longer hesitated, immediately urging the ancient heaven and earth, and concise his first temple. As for the temple of Lingdao, he can wait for the resurrection of Lingdao and then temper his own Datianfu into a temple. The sword demon can't temper Datianfu, because even if he is forced to run wildly, the tempered temple is flawed.

"Sure enough, only the nine Tianfu are one, not too simple."

If the sword is the devil, if you let other gods hear it, you don’t know what other gods will look like. Many of the tyrants will combine the eight heavenly houses into one, which is difficult to follow, not to mention that Tianzun will unite the nine Tianfu. He felt simple, just because he tried to combine ten ten heavens into one.

His nine Tianfu turned into a nine-handed sword, and then it seemed to be rehearsed and turned into a giant sword. Behind him, a Qinglian looked down on the giant sword below, and the green and dripping road continued to hammer the sword.

Condensing the first temple is not something that can be done in a short time. The sword demon felt that it would take at least half a day to consolidate the first temple. If other Tianzuns know that the swordsman used a half-day time to condense the first temple, it is still too slow, afraid of being able to vomit blood.

"When my first temple is completely formed, I can go to the place where the holy kings can enter, and compete with the great kings for the great inheritance."

The biggest difference between the area where the Holy King is strong and the area where the sword is located is that he can be rampant in the current area, but in the area where the Holy King is strong, be careful not to be planted in the hands of other holy kings. .

It is no problem to break through to the holy kingdom to deal with the ordinary sacred kings, but the sacred king who is in the same way as the sacred purgatory and Yan Qingming has only escaped. Faced with them, the swordsman has no chance of winning, and even can save his own life, it is a problem.

He wants to give the Ling family a battle for the great emperor. The number of children in Lingjia is numerous, and the inheritance of the Red Emperor and the Muyang Emperor is definitely not enough. Moreover, Lingjia is the emperor's power, and the reserves of the great emperor, certainly more and better.

There are a total of nine great emperors in the sacred place, and so far he has won two of them. The remaining seven, where he is, he doesn't know, but he knows where it is probably. Because these great emperors are inductive, there are only three great emperors in the area where they are in heaven.

Before leaving the area, he will take the third great emperor. The remaining six great emperors are estimated to be in the area where the Holy King is strong. In other words, he will soon be confronted with the Solitary family and the sacred kings of the God of War.

"I can continue to pretend to be a singer and deceive the trust of the sacred kings."

What happened in this area of ​​the Tianzun Warrior, those who are strong in the Holy King certainly do not know. As long as he is close to the sacred kings of the Solitary family, he will be able to get news of the sacred king. Yan Qingming and Duoling Purgatory, did they get the inheritance of the great emperor, and asked the sacred kings of the Solitary family to do it.

What the Sword Magic does not know is that Zhao Hao and other celestial gods of the God of War are also kept outside the area where the Holy King is strong. They are planning to wait for Yan Qing to come out, and then in the first time, the news that "Duo Gu Cang" will be passed down by the great emperor, tell Yan Qingming.

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