The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 504: Lingdao Rebirth (seventh!)

"No wonder that Tianfu is not comparable to the temple. The strength of the temple is ten times that of Tianfu."

The sword devil said to himself, the nine heavenly palaces have been tempered and become the first temple. He used to use the temples of Tianfu and the holy kings to fight hard. It was a tightrope walk, and he was slightly careless. His Tianfu was in danger of breaking. If he took his former Tianfu and had a hard time with this temple, the former Tianfu did not know what it would be like.

At the same time that the temple is formed, it means that he has broken through to the holy kingdom. From now on, he is no longer a celestial martial artist, but a sacred king. He can feel that he has greatly improved both in terms of physical strength and strength.

Hundreds of ways have rushed into the newly formed temple. The temple is suspended in the air and stands opposite the Datianfu of Lingdao. Although they are about the same size, they differ greatly in strength.

"There is not much time left. I will resurrect Lingdao now and then split up."

Two points in one, unless the two ontology die, or another body can resurrect through the living body. The demon emperor divides Ling Dao into two ontology, which really helps Ling Dao to be very busy. Otherwise, Ling Dao will definitely not have the current achievements.

Of course, the resurrection of the ontology consumes a lot of energy. The sword demon almost exhausted his energy, and barely resurrected the Lingdao, and the resurrection of the Lingdao, squatting on the body, there is no breath of the military.

Fortunately, there are no other warriors nearby, or else, whether it is the sword magic or the Lingdao, there is danger to life. At this time, the sword is very weak, and Lingdao is the power of the hand. If Zhao Wei or Du Guyue is there, he can kill Ling Dao and Jian Mo.

"I come!"

Lingdao is running fast and ridiculously, absorbing the energy between heaven and earth. Of course, the most important thing is to connect the wild world. By relying solely on the energy of this world, Lingdao still does not know how long it will take to return to its peak state.

Just a moment later, behind the Lingdao, there was a huge black whirlpool. The other end of the whirlpool is the wild world. The speed at which Lingdao draws energy from the wild world is 100 times that of the present.

"My recovery speed is not slower than you!"

The sword magic does not show weakness, and immediately runs the ancient lotus scriptures. I saw his body, as if it had become a green lotus. The body of the demon emperor is Chaos Qinglian, and the strongest place of Chaoqing Qinglian is to absorb the energy in chaos.

The resilience of the demon emperor is more perverted than the emperor of the phoenix family. That is to say, there are no other chaotic Qinglian in the three thousand territories. Otherwise, the Phoenix family simply cannot say that they are the most resilience races.

"The Red Emperor and the Emperor of Muyang Emperor passed on to you, and I will continue to pretend to be a solitary person. As for the inheritance of the rest of the Emperor, I can only look at luck."

Yan Qingming and Duoleng Purgatory are all there. Even if the swordsman is more confident, he can't say that he can grab the inheritance of the Emperor from Yan Qingming and Duoling Purgatory. Even if the Sword and the Lingdao are combined into one, they will still not be the opponents of Yan Qingming or Duoling Purgatory.

"I can pretend to be a strong person of the demon family. Anyway, the interior of the sacred place is originally a demon."

The cultivation of the singularity of the singularity of the immortal, can be transformed into a real dragon, or into a phoenix, or other demon. There is no human warrior inside the sacred sacred place. The demon martial arts still have it, but only a few.

Of course, if Lingdao becomes a real dragon or a 鲲鹏, it will definitely not work. Even if it is at the strongest time, the sacred sacred place does not dare to catch the real dragon or the 鲲peng back to the captivity. The monsters they caught were mostly impure. Only in this way, the top forces of the Yaozu would not ask.

The dialogue between Ling Dao and Jian Mo is purely self-talking, which is his own bad taste. The swordsman who returned to its heyday, did not stay, and immediately set off to the area where the Holy King was strong. The third great emperor of the Tianzun area will be handed over to Lingdao. With the strength of Ling Dao, it is not a piece of cake to clean up the Tianzun of Zhao Wei or the Du Gu Family?

There is a reason for the sword magic not to be passed down by the great emperor. On the one hand, it is because he wants to pass the emperor's inheritance to Lingdao, so that Lingdao can obtain the third great emperor of the Tianzun area. On the other hand, it is because he can feel the inheritance of the great emperor in other places, and the great king of the king who inherits the great emperor can also feel the inheritance of the great emperor in his hand.

He didn't dare to gamble. If Yan Qingming or the Lonely Purgatory had the great emperor in his hand, it would be difficult for him to keep the great emperor in his hand. After all, as long as he goes to the area where the Holy King is strong, there is a great chance that he will encounter Yan Qingming and Duolpur Purgatory.

"When I condense my first temple, it's not too late."

Sharpening the knife without cutting the wood, Lingdao did not rush to shoot, but sitting in the field to practice. Other Tianzun condensed the temple for the first time, and more or less will take some detours. But Lingdao will not, after all, the sword is not only the temple that was concise.

In less than half a day, the first temple of Lingdao was formed. He cultivated the wild, and he urged the temple, and sometimes turned into a real dragon, sometimes turned into a phoenix, and sometimes turned into an idol, and sometimes turned into a singer, and played a lot of fun.

About a few hundred miles away from Lingdao, Du Guyue stared at the stone in front of them and couldn't help but get excited. Similar stone tablets, they have seen, hidden in the stone monument, is the inheritance of the great emperor.

"Brother, can you break this stone?"

The young Tianzun, standing next to Du Guyue, asked weakly. It is not that he wants to fight against the solitary stag, but the reality. Even if they knew that the great emperor was in the stone monument, they could not get the inheritance of the great emperor.

"I can't break it."

Du Guyue said with a dejected voice, only seven of Tianfu's he could not match the Duo Ding and the solitary wing, and could break the stone in front of him. Say that they are bad luck, and Tianzun, who came forward, did not see any great emperor inheritance, and they met two. They said that they were lucky. Not only did they not get the inheritance of the great emperor, but they also suffered from the singularity of the "Duo Gu Cang".

"Can you ask the brothers and sisters of the Holy King to come over and use their strength to break through the stone in front of them? Should there be no problem?"

They can't break the stone because they don't have enough strength. The ones of the sacred kings of their solitary family are stronger than one, and they break open the stone in front of them. Unfortunately, such a proposal is not useful.

"They can't come, we can only come in the area where we are." Du Guyue shook his head and said immediately, "Since we can't get the inheritance of the great emperor inside, then simply hide this stone monument so as not to be alone. Cang found."

Not all Tianzun can't break the stone monument, at least they have seen it with their own eyes, and "Duo Gu Cang" has easily broken such a stone monument. That is to say, but Du Guyue still tried several times without giving up.

It turns out that the stone in front of you is almost the same as the stone monument they saw last time. The attack of Duguyue not only failed to break the stone monument, but even a trace could not be left on the stone tablet.

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