The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 511: One-sided slaughter (fourteenth!)

"Interesting, the solitary family and the Ares Palace are going to kick out the Solitary family first, and then they start again?"

The swordsman who hides in the dark still does not have the meaning of appearing. He fights for the fisherman's profit, and there is no dispute at the moment. If he appears, he will not be a fisherman. The most important thing is that with his current strength, it is extremely difficult to be a fisherman. Solitary purgatory and Yan Qing fight to the end, maybe there is still the strength to kill him.

The holy kings of the Solitary family were indeed unlucky. He shouted that the princess passed on the emperor and was only used to find the inheritance of other great emperors. Unexpectedly, not only attracted Yan Qingming and the solitary purgatory, but also brought in the holy kings of the Solitary family.

"I would like to see if you are telling the truth or a lie!"

Yan Qingdi did not hesitate to raise the blue bamboo stick and squatted on the head of the sacred king. This stick directly required the life of the Holy King, and the eight temples of the Holy King were disintegrated. Whether it is Yan Qingming or Lonely Purgatory, they are staring at the eight temples of the Holy King.

As long as the two great emperors in the hands of the sacred king appear, Yan Qingming and the solitary purgatory will fight for it. Yan Qing Ming does not believe in the promise of the independent and purgatory, to the fat of his mouth, it is impossible to spit it out.

However, until the eight temples of the Holy King disappeared, Yan Qingming and Duoleng Purgatory failed to see the great emperor. It seems that Yan Qing’s guess is correct. The sacred king is actually passing on the great emperor and handing it over to other holy kings.

"If you can take the initiative to surrender the great emperor, I can not kill you. Otherwise, your end will not be the same as the solitary."

Yan Qingming stepped on the body of the sacred king, and said with awkwardness, his eyes swept over the sacred kings of the singular family. If anyone's face is not right, or if his eyes are dodging, then the great emperor who received the sacred king will inherit 80% of them.

The sacred king is more cautious than Yan Qingming’s imagination. Yan Qingming even suspects that the sacred king gave the two great emperors to the two sacred kings. As long as one of the sacred warriors can live away from the sacred sacred place, then their singular family will inherit the great emperor from now on. Of course, if the two sacred kings are alive and leave the sacred place, the sacred king can laugh at madness even under Jiuquan.

"We really don't have the inheritance of the great emperor. From the beginning to the end, we have never received any great emperor inheritance."

"I don't want you to say that we have indeed tried to compete with you for the inheritance of the great emperor, but we are stopped every time by my brother."

"When the brother-in-law died, I can swear in the name of the Tao. He has never received any great emperor inheritance. There is no great inheritance in our hands."

Many of the sacred kings of the Solitary family have opened their mouths, and it is a matter of life and death. They must say a few words to themselves. Whether they are the holy kings of the God of War, or the holy kings of the solitary family, they can kill them. Now the warring palaces and the holy kings of the solitary family are even more likely to join hands to deal with them. Today, today, it is estimated that they are a jealous day.

"Is my judgment really wrong? Didn't I really get the inheritance of the great emperor?"

Yan Qing can't help but question his own judgment. He can see that these holy kings of the Solitary family have not lied. After all, these holy kings of the Solitary family have moved out. They may dare to lie to him and the Pole Purgatory, but even if they borrow a few courage, they dare not deceive the gods.

The solitary purgatory is also full of frowns. Since he and Yan Qingming have sensed the inheritance of the two great emperors, it is enough to prove that in this place, there was a great inheritance of the great emperor. The problem is that the two great emperors were neither in his hands nor in Yan Qingming's hands.

They thought that the two great emperors were in the hands of the sacred king, or in the hands of other holy kings in the Solitary family. But now it seems that the two great emperors that have appeared before may not really be in the hands of the sacred kings of the Solitary family.

At the same time, is it not only the three independent forces of their solitary family, the God of War, and the solitary family? What is the link and what is the problem? Is there a sacred warrior of other emperor forces coming in?

"what do you say?"

Yan Qingming did not rush to make a decision, but asked the Alpha Purgatory. These sacred kings of the Solitary family seem to be, though not as a lie, but Yan Qingming feels that the singular purgatory will not let them go.

"Ning killing mistakes, not letting go, who knows if they are cheating us?"

Sure enough, the words of the independent and purgatory confirmed the guess of Yan Qingming. The solitary purgatory originally wanted to start with the holy kings of the Solitary family. Now, the Alpha Purgatory has the reason to start the holy kings of the Solitary family. He can only confuse his hands.

"Well, we are dead!"

"They just want to kill us. Whether we have the inheritance of the great emperor is not important at all."

"Escape, everyone rushes to escape, can escape one is one."

The solitary purgatory just said, they heard clearly, and the sacred warriors of the solitary family have already arrived. It’s not just that they can cope with the Warriors or the sacred warriors of the Solitary family.

Now the warriors and the sacred warriors of the Solitary family will kill them. All they can do is escape. Moreover, their hopes of escaping the birth of the day are very embarrassing. But, again, it’s better than no hope. If they are desperately fighting with the warring palaces and the sacred kings of the solitary family, they will definitely be wiped out by the whole army. If they escape separately, they will have a chance.


Alone Purgatory and Yan Qingming were ordered at the same time. However, Yan Qingming secretly used the will to pass the sound, and told the other gods of the God of War to save the power. Can you kill the sacred kings of the Solitary family? Yan Qing does not care, saving strength is the most important.

"This kind of pursuit is not expected to last long. The battle between the Solitary and the God of the Gods is the highlight."

The God of War and the solitary family of the sacred kings of the sacred kings of the Solitary family, the swordsmen are not interested, because it is a one-sided slaughter. What he is really interested in is the confrontation between Yan Qingming and Duoling Purgatory. Only the confrontation of such a strong can make him gain something.

The solitary purgatory did not allow the sacred kings of the Solitary family to preserve their strength. Anyway, the sacred warriors of the Solitary family only knew how to escape. The sacred warriors of their solitary family would not have many deaths and injuries.

The little movements of the sacred kings of the God of War, the singular purgatory is not undiscovered, but he is too lazy to tear it down. In the face of absolute strength, this little trick of Yan Qingming is meaningless. When he cleans up the holy king of the Solitary family, he will clean up the holy kings of Yan Qingming and the God of War.

"No matter who was the inheritor of the great emperor before, the inheritance of the nine great emperors of the sacred sacred place, all of them are me!" Duoling Purgatory secretly said in his heart.

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