The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 512: I have to be all! (fifteenth!)

"I hate! I hate our independence, there is no great inheritance, hate the war **** palace does not put our lives and deaths in the eyes, hate the solitary family does not take us as our own branch!"

"We shouldn't come in. The sacred kings who came in from our solitude family can go out because they haven't met the madmen like Yan Qingming and Duolun Purgatory."

"Yan Qingming and Duoleng Purgatory are damned, I want to curse them two dead and dead places!"

Before the death of many sacred kings of the Solitary family, they cursed Yan Qingming and the solitary purgatory. Although it is not Yan Qingming and Duoleng Purgatory who killed them, if these are not ordered by Yan Qingming and Duoling Purgatory, these holy kings of the Solitary family and the God of War Palace will not be so crazy. These sacred kings of the Solitary family and the God of War Palace are at most accomplices, and Yan Qingming and Duoling Purgatory are the masterminds.

Yan Qingming and Duoleng Purgatory did not do it because it was really unnecessary. The strength of the holy kings of the Solitary family is not at the same level as their war palace and the sacred warriors of the solitary family. What's more, their sacred warriors in the Temple of God and the sacred kings of the Solitary family have also crushed the sacred warriors of the Solitary family.

One and another king of the kings fell, and the earth was stained with blood. These sacred intestines of the Solitary family are repenting. I thought that the experience of smashing the holy land was their chance. I did not expect that the sacred land became their graveyard.

"Is there a discovery of the Great Emperor?"

The solitary purgatory couldn't help but ask, the loud voice, even spread to several kilometers. There are more and more independent solitaires who have died under the hands of the holy kings of the Solitary family. Unfortunately, they have never been able to discover the inheritance of the great emperor.

Yan Qingming did not ask, because he had already greeted the sacred warriors of the God of War. If anyone discovers the inheritance of the great emperor, he will immediately pass him a voice. As a result, no one has been rumored to be a singer.

"What do you do with the solitary family? Isn't it true that only the warriors and the warriors of the three independent forces and the independent solitary family come in?"

It seems now that the king of the sacred king did not lie, and the sacred warriors of the solitude family did not lie. The two great emperors that had appeared before were indeed not in their hands. The sacred kings of the sacred kings and the solitary family are all dead in white. Of course, Yan Qingming will not have any guilty conscience for them.

"The sacred place of the sacred sacred place is really only the military of our three forces can come in, and the warriors of other forces can't get in."

If, in the past, the solitary purgatory said this, it can be said that it is categorical. But now, the solitary purgatory says that, in fact, there is some guilty conscience. Because the two great emperors that had appeared before were not in their hands, they were in the hands of Yan Qingming, and they were not in his own hands.

Because the previous two great emperors were in the hands of Yan Qingming, Yan Qingming could surely hide far, and how far to hide, would never be so high-profile to deal with the sacred kings and the sacred kings. In the hands of Yan Qingming, there were originally two great emperors. If two of the previous two were added, he would have four great emperors.

Moreover, Yan Qingming has the means to disconnect the inheritance of the great emperor, and can completely disconnect his great emperor. There is no need to disconnect the two, and then keep two, isn't it idle?

"I suspect that the rest of the great emperors are moving. Otherwise, how can we still find the inheritance of the great emperors until now?" Solitary purgatory pondered for a moment and said again, "Actually, the region we are in, Only one great emperor passed on. But before we felt it was clearly the inheritance of the two great emperors, don't you feel strange?"

The sword magic can pass through the inheritance of Muyang Emperor and Chihong Emperor, and it is inducted that the area where the Holy King is located has six great emperors. The solitary purgatory and Yan Qingming can also feel the inheritance of the great emperor in their hands, sensing the inheritance of the three great emperors in the region where Tianzun is located.

It is a pity that the Alpha Purgatory and Yan Qing can't enter the area where Tianzun is located. What they can do is to inherit the great emperor of the Holy Land. However, until now, they still did not find traces of the inheritance of the Sixth Emperor, or that they did not sense the location of the Sixth Emperor.

"I don't know the inheritance of the three great emperors in the Tianzun area. The Tianzun of your solitary family got a few."

Yan Qingming did not pick up the words of the independent and purgatory, but talked about the inheritance of the great emperor in the Tianzun area. In his view, the three great emperors in the Tianzun area were also divided into the Temple of War and the Duo, and those of the Solitary family were purely accompanying.

If the East Wei and the solitary charms are again, the Tianzun of the Solitary family may also be wiped out. However, Yan Qingming and Duolun Purgatory know that the East Wei and the solitary charm are still some women's benevolence, they can't get rid of the hand.

What Yan Qingming and Duoling Purgatory did not know was that the Oriental Wei and the Solitary Charm not only failed to get rid of the Tianzun of the Solitary family, but they died in the hands of "Duo Gu Cang". The three great emperors of the Tianzun area have neither the part of the God of War and the part of the solitary family.

"The inheritance of the great emperor in the Tianzun area is a matter of enchanting them. What I have to do is to get all the six great emperors of the holy kingdom." Seeing the sacred kings of the singular family, they are about to die and die. Then hide your own purpose, but directly say, "The last great emperor of the Holy King area inherits me, the two great emperors in your hand, I want!"

"I knew that when you killed the holy kings of the Solitary family, you would start to work on our God of War. I really didn't expect it."

Yan Qingming's face, there is no change, after all, it is expected. He and the solitary purgatory are actually a kind of person. The solitary purgatory wants to get all the inheritance of the great emperor in the holy kingdom. Why don’t he want to?

In the past, there were sacred kings who were there, and he and the singer and purgatory were restrained. But now, the sacred kings have been wiped out by the whole army, and the singular purgatory has revealed his own fangs. He also has no hidden ambitions.

"The six great emperors of the Holy King area are mys!"

Yan Qingming almost said that he was biting his teeth. The three great emperors in the hands of the Lonely Purgatory passed on, and he longed for it. Based on his own strength, he is indeed not the opponent of the Alpha Purgatory. However, the high-rises of the God of War Palace dared to let them come in and compete with the many holy kings of the Solitary family for the inheritance of the great emperor, which naturally gave them sufficient protection.

In the face of confrontation, Yan Qingming does not have no chance at all. As long as it is handled properly, the Alpha Purgatory will be hit hard. He didn't have the idea of ​​killing the Alpha Purgatory, because if the Alpha Purgatory died in his hands, the singularity of the Solitary family is afraid to go crazy.

There is no trace of the anger of the king, don't say that he can't afford it, even if they are the Lianhua Daojun of the Temple of God, they have to shun. Yan Qing’s desire is only the inheritance of the great emperor of the sacred place. His life for the solitary purgatory is not of much interest, or he is not interested.

"You dare to say, just don't know, can your strength be worthy of your ambition!"

The solitary purgatory has been beckoning, and the sacred warriors of the solitary family have come over. Those who oppose the sacred warriors of the Alphanian Purgatory and the God of War, relying on himself alone, certainly can't.

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