The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 517: Sword magic approach

The means of solitary purgatory, the solitary Tengchong is known, the offender who sins the sacred land, the worst result is nothing but death in their hands. In comparison, the offense of offending Polo in Purgatory will only be even worse. The solitary purgatory can make him survive and die.

The gap between the Seven Temples and the Nine Halls is not only in terms of strength, but also the degree of importance that the solitary family attaches to them. The solitary purgatory is going to pack up the solitary rush, and even the high-ranking solitary family will not intervene even if they know it.

"Give you the inheritance of the three great emperors, are you still not satisfied?"

The eyes of the sword demon suddenly became extremely sharp, like a knife, and the skin was sore and soothing. He only broke through to the holy kingdom, and naturally he is not the opponent of Yan Qingming and Duoling Purgatory. Therefore, the identity of the core disciple of the sacred sacred place is still to be preserved, and no flaws can be leaked.

"That...not that I am not satisfied, that is the elder of our solitary family is not satisfied."

Duo sighed and explained, I don't know why, he has seven temples, he was actually pressed by the sword in the momentum, he did not even dare to look directly at the eyes of the sword. Single-handedly, his strength can clearly crush the sword magic, after all, the sword magic has not broken into the holy kingdom for a long time.

"In fact, you don't have to give them the inheritance of the God of War. You are smashing the holy land in our Tianjian domain, not in their God of War." The solitary Tengchong pointed to the sacred kings of the God of War, sneer, "You give Their great inheritance is meaningless. Can you go out, mainly because of the attitude of the elders of our solitary family? They have no right to speak in the Temple of God."

The solitary Tengchong said the fact that Tianjian domain is the site of their solitary family. Yan Qingming came in and competed for the inheritance of the great emperor. However, the high-levels of the God of War Palace want to reach out to the Tianjian domain, and the high-level of their solitary family is not Will agree.

Outside the sacred sacred place, the elders with the Temple of God of War are not fake, but their mission is to protect the holy king and the gods of the God of War. The elders of the solitary family will never allow them to intervene in the sacred land. The strength of the Solitary family is not strong, but it is not important. In the days of Tianjian, the elders of the God of War are afraid to let go.

"What do you mean? The quota of the sacred place is not given by your solitary family, but the palace of our God of War Palace has changed things. You want the inheritance of the great emperor in my hand to be able to grab it with the skill. Do you feel humiliated by the means of abuse?"

Yan Qing’s cold face asked, whether the holy kings of the solitary family were singled out with him or with the war of the gods, he could accept it. However, the solitary Tengchong is obviously intending to borrow the sacred sacred land, forcing him to hand over the inheritance of the great emperor in his hand. He is from the heart and looks down on the solitary. In a confrontation, if he loses to the Alpha Purgatory, or if they lose to the Solitary Family in the Temple of War, he is convinced.

Dou Tengchong did not argue with Yan Qingming. Yan Qing said that it is not important. What is important is how the swordsman thinks. After all, the decision-making power is in the hands of the swordsmen or those who are in the sacred place. Anyway, it seems that if you are alone, you can be wise, and there is no need to use force.

"They can get the inheritance of the great emperor. It is their skill. If you want their great emperor to inherit, you can grab it by your skill. My master will not care about you."

The swordsman can't help Yan Qingming and the solitary purgatory, and naturally will not put pressure on Yan Qingming. What's more, the identity of his core disciple of the sacred sacred place is still fabricated. If they are seen by Yan Qingming and the solitary purgatory, they can see that there is a flaw. Whether he can save his life is a problem.

Whether it is Yan Qingming or Lonely Purgatory, I know that there are three great emperors in the hands of the swordsmen. The reason why Yan Qingming and Duoling Purgatory can suppress the greed in their hearts is purely because they are afraid of the strong behind the sword.

The skinny dead camel is bigger than the horse. Although the sacred sacred place disappeared into the long river of history as early as the ancient times, it is unbelievable to say that there are not a few peaks or lords in the sacred place.

"You can't do this. If the three great emperors in our hands are passed down by them, do you think that the elders of our solitary family will let you leave Tianjian?"

Solitary Tengchong feels that it is necessary for him to talk about the outside world with the swordsman. It is their solitary family, not the Temple of God, that can really decide to live and die in the sacred place. He is actually threatening the swordsmen. If the swordsmen don't help them, they deliberately pass the great emperor to Yan Qingming.

"At that time, if you want to live, do you have to pass on the three great emperors on your hand and give them to the elders of the Solitary family?"

The inheritance of the great emperor is of course important, but the swordsman's life is definitely more important. They took the initiative to give the elders of the Duo family, but they can still save their lives. If they do not take the initiative, the elders of the solitary family can completely wipe them out, and then their great inheritance will still become the possession of the elders of the solitary family.

Of course, if the swordsmen continue to huddle here, the elders of the solitary family are helpless to them. After all, only Tianzun and the Holy King can come in. The Tao Junqiang is not able to enter, and the Taoist has no hope of coming in.

"You don't rush to answer me, think about it, help us actually help you."

When the solitary rushes to the back, the bigger the courage, the more likely they are to die in the hands of the strong behind the sword. However, less than a last resort, the strong behind the sword magic will not be shot. Once you shoot, the strong behind the sword will only stay here forever.


"I really didn't expect that there would be someone like you in the Tianzun of the Solitary family."

"You so many people, are you still afraid that we are so human?"

Many of the great kings of the God of War are looking at the eyes of the solitary, full of anger and contempt, and the behavior of being solitary is indeed a bit too much. At least change them, ask yourself, they can't do anything like this without a face.

"If this is not the case, each of you will have a holy king, and the loser will pass on the former great emperor to the winner."

The meaning of the sword demon is to let the solitary purgatory and Yan Qingming singled out. In this kind of comparison, the two sides will definitely send the strongest ones. The holy kings of the God of War are obviously the strongest of Yan Qing, and the many holy kings of the solitary family are the ones who are the heads of the independant purgatory.

"I have no opinion!"

The opening is not a solitary, but a solitary purgatory. Single-handedly fighting, alone and purgatory have full confidence in their own strength. What's more, his opponent is just a sacred warrior with eight temples.

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