The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 518: Reluctantly weak

The proposal of the sword demon, the solitary purgatory can not help but give both hands to agree, if the presence of the Solitary family and the God of the Temple of God, all of them, even if they can recapture the inheritance of the Emperor of Yanqing, they have to pay a small price. . If you are alone in Purgatory and Yan Qing, you can minimize the loss of their solitary family.

"Yan brother, you don't want to be theirs. The one and the only purgatory is the nine kings. You are single with him, are you giving them a chance?"

"Yes, they are purely stimulating you. The Eight Kings want to win the nine kings. It is difficult to go to heaven, but the nine kings want to win the Eight Kings. It is easy."

"Don't listen to them, Yan Shi brother, you quickly carry the great emperor, we help you to stop these sacred warriors of the solitary family."

Many of the holy kings of the God of War have persuaded them not that they have no confidence in Yan Qing, but that they clearly know the difference in the strength of the Eight Kings and the Eight Kings. Yan Qingming played the invincible hand of the Holy King in their gods of war, because their gods of war are now without the nine kings.

They will not put the one-of-a-kind purgatory with nine temples in their eyes because of the strong nature of Yan Qing. Any warrior who can consolidate the nine temples is a talented generation. If they look at the independent and purgatory, they will suffer a big loss.

"What? Don't you dare?"

The solitary purgatory can't help but laugh and laugh, defeating Yan Qingming and capturing the inheritance of the Emperor in Yanqing's meditation is ten times more than all the holy kings who are present in the battle of the God of War. Although his radical method is poor, but it works, who makes Yan Qingming the strongest **** of the God of War?

The merits of the inheritance of the three great emperors alone are enough to improve the status of the solitary purgatory. If he brings the two great emperors of Yan Qingmian back to the Duo family, he can even become one of the candidates for the next owner of the Duo family.

Yan Qingming can not care about his face, but can not care about the face of the God of War. He represents the strongest force of the warrior of the God of War. If he does not have the courage to do it with the Alpha Purgatory, what other warriors will say to them?

"Jokes, what am I afraid of? Can I still fear that you will not be?" Yan Qing Ming looked at the eyes of the Alpha Purgatory, full of disdain, "When I am across all major territories, are you still eating milk?" ”

The same is the king of the king of the king, the age of Yan Qingming is much larger than the one and the other. When the independence of the purgatory became famous, Yan Qingming was already in a semi-recessed state. Strictly speaking, the solitary purgatory and the Yanqing meditation were separated by several generations.

"You used to be able to cross the various territories because I didn't grow up, or you will meet me, only the abused."

After the waves of the Yangtze River push the waves, the waves before the death on the beach, the world of martial arts is the strong, not the elders. The solitary purgatory will not be because Yan Qingming is older than himself, and he is afraid of Yan Qingming. Age and strength are completely different.

The solitary purgatory seems to be more arrogant, but he has arrogant capital, the only warrior present, only he is the nine kings. The holy kings of the God of War Palace are so irritated that they still have no intention of refuting the meaning of the solitary purgatory. Isn’t it because the solitary purgatory has more than one temple in Yanqing?

"I don't know what to say! If I have been hurt by a road, would you dare to swear in front of me?"

Yan Qing angered, with his talent, can condense the ninth Tianfu many years ago. If it were not for the problem of a road injury, he now estimates that he is already a strong man. What did the King of the Nine Halls count in front of his Dao?

"The old guy like you can only play tricks and really move your hands. I can beat you with a bare hand and cry!"

It is not difficult for him to defeat Yan Qingming. What is really difficult is how to make Yan Qing reluctantly confront him, and then the loser will hand over the inheritance of the Emperor.

The strength of the sword magic, whether they are strong, not important, the important thing is that the sword magic represents the sacred place. In the face of the sword, Yan Qingming is not afraid to go out of the way, and annoyed the end of the strong people who smashed the holy land, Yan Qing can not afford.

"According to his knowledge, only to help us to get more of the great emperor's inheritance, they have a way to live in the holy land."

"You said that the Eight Kings of the God of War Palace can support a few tricks under the sword of the brothers?"

"If the brothers are going all out, I think that the Eight Kings of the Temple of God at the Temple of War is more than the tenth move. I don't know if the brothers intend to use a few strengths."

Many of the sacred kings of the solitary family whispered, and they could see that Yan Qingming had been angered by the independence of the purgatory. The match between the Lonely Purgatory and Yan Qingming will be staged. What they have to do is just stand by and watch the play.

The core disciples of the sacred sacred place, such as the sword demon, are the arbiter. They believe that the sacred warriors of the God of War are afraid to act rashly. The solitary purgatory allowed them to look at the sacred warriors of the God of War, just to be on the safe side.

"You are all the nine kings of the temple, but also the interest of such a tongue, is it interesting?" Yan Qingming gently wiped his bamboo branches, and said that he did not lift his head. "It is stubborn and weak. Strength, not a mouth. If you can win me, the two great emperors I got before will be handed down.

Yan Qingming is betting on whether he can gamble whether he can overcome the independence and purgatory, and also bet on whether they can get more of the great emperor. His bet was only the inheritance of two great emperors, the bet of the solitary purgatory, but the inheritance of the three great emperors. From the point of view of the bet, he is earning, the key is whether he can win.

"You can rest assured that if I am defeated in your hands, these three great emperors are yours."

While talking about it, the solitary purgatory took all the three great emperors that had been obtained before and placed them in front of the swordsmen. He believes in the sword magic because he feels that the strong people who smash the holy land want to recapture the inheritance of the great emperor.

It is impossible for the sacred warriors of the God of War to want to rob him of the inheritance of the great emperor. After all, the sacred warriors of their solitary family are not blind. Moreover, the number of the sacred warriors of their solitary family is far more than the sacred warriors of the God of War.

"You beat you, I will give you a testimony." The sword did not go to see the Alpha Purgatory, but put his hand in front of Yan Qingming, "Your Emperor passed down?"

The solitary purgatory has taken out the great emperor, and Yan Qing is naturally embarrassed to continue to hide the inheritance of the emperor in the temple. The more the swordsman is so unscrupulous, the more the Yan Qingming and the solitary purgatory feel that the strong behind the sword is unfathomable.

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