The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 519: Shenwu

"I worked hard to get the inheritance of the four great emperors. I didn't expect that the two emperors in their hands would have more inheritance than me."

The sword demon secretly said that the three great emperors of the Lonely Purgatory and the two great emperors of Yan Qingming were all present in front of him at this time. He even had the impulse to immediately escape with these great emperors.

In the history of the sacred sacred place, there are only nine great emperors. The four great emperors who have already reached the sword and the five great emperors of the Lonely Purgatory and Yan Qingming are the inheritors of all the emperors.

If the warrior palace and the warrior of the solitary family know the inner thoughts of the sword demon, they are afraid of being able to vomit blood. After all, the sword magic has not broken into the holy kingdom for a long time. Moreover, the inheritance of the Great Emperor obtained by the Swordsman is actually the most, and there is no such thing as the inheritance of the Emperor in the hands of Solitary Purgatory and Yan Qingming.

"No, I can't escape. With my current strength, don't talk about Yan Qingming and the solitary purgatory. Even the kings of the God of War and the sacred kings of the Duo family can easily take me down."

The swordsman quickly vetoed the thoughts of the past, and Yan Qingming and Duoling Purgatory were the dignitaries of the core disciples of the sacred land, and did not do anything to him. If he took away the inheritance of the great imperial purgatory and Yan Qingming, it is not the same as telling Yan Qingming and the solitary purgatory. Is his identity false?

"You are lucky!"

Yan Qingming took the lead, and the Eight Kings of the Eighth Temple were against the King of the Nine Halls. First of all, it’s strong, and when you start to suffer, he certainly understands. With the one-in-one purgatory, he only has to go all out to have the hope of winning.

In response to the sacred king, Yan Qing’s roots did not show any martial arts, because it was not necessary. However, in dealing with the Alpha Purgatory, he did not hesitate to display the famous martial arts of their God of War.

The blue bamboo branches are like dragons, and they are rampant and invincible. The attack speed of Yan Qingming was incredibly fast. In just a moment, the blue bamboo branches pierced hundreds of times. The sound of breaking the air repeatedly sounded, and the countless roads gathered together into giant swords, and they slammed into the independent and purgatory.

"Not self-reliant!"

The solitary purgatory is cold and cold, and the strength of Yan Qingming’s display is stronger than that of the Eight Temples he had encountered before. However, compared with the nine-sacred king of him, there is still a big gap. There are no ideas for even using the holy weapon.

"God is in the air!"

Whether it is the Temple of War, or the solitary family, there is no shortage of sacred martial arts. Tianjiao, like the solitary purgatory, naturally does not cultivate any ordinary martial arts. The martial arts that he exhibited was the martial arts that he realized when a great emperor was at the peak of the holy kingdom in ancient times.

Emperor Wu of the Emperor Wu, the fame of the ancient times, is no less inferior to those of the Three Royal Palaces and the Five Emperors. It is not that he has played invincible in three thousand territories, but because he is the sword of the sword, it is the strongest sword repair at that time.

The palm of the sky is dense and dense, blocking the route that Yan Qingming has avoided. The solitary purgatory did not use its own pulp, and the green bamboo branches of Yan Qingming were hard, and the physical strength of the nine kings was certainly not comparable to the holy weapons. What's more, Yan Qing's sacred weapon gives him the feeling that he is so sharp that he won't be stupid.

"Hey! Hey!"

The great sword formed by the Tao has appeared one after another, and the palms of the Lonely Purgatory, like the continuous, have been hitting the sword. Of course, the attack of the cyan dragon, the solitary purgatory also did not ignore.

The collision between Shenwu Yunyun and Youlong Bailian is the first confrontation between Yan Qingming and Duoleng Purgatory. The cyan dragon, which seems to be rampant, is just a blink of an eye, and it is being lifted by the solitary purgatory.

"What kind of martial arts is this? How have I never seen it?"

"I don't believe it, this is not true! The dragons and sorcerers of Yan's brothers' performances have been taken away by the uncle's purgatory."

"Is the gap between the Eight Kings and the Nine Kings really big?"

The face of these sacred warriors in the God of War Palace is obviously not very good-looking. Anyone can see that Yan Qingming is not an opponent of the Alpha Purgatory. Although they were psychologically prepared, they never thought that Yan Qing would not be able to beat the unarmed purgatory with bare hands.

The strength gap between Yan Qingming and Duoleng Purgatory is only a big difference from what they expected. I knew this before, they should stop Yan Qingming, and as this develops, the two great emperors in Yan Qingming’s hands are afraid that they can’t keep it.

"Haha... The Eight Kings of the Eighth Hall, why are you arrogant in front of our brothers? Now know the gap?"

"The brothers don't want to be merciful. He doesn't say much to you. If you kill him half-heartedly, the elders of the God of War Palace have nothing to say."

"It seems that the inheritance of the Emperor in Yan Qingming's hands is very fast."

Contrary to the sacred warriors of the God of War, these sacred warriors of the solitary family laughed. The solitary purgatory does not use the holy weapon, and it is capable of suppressing Yan Qingming. If you use the holy weapon, Yan Qing can not support ten tricks in front of the Alpha Purgatory. It is an unknown number.

It is not that they look down on Yan Qingming, but the strength of the Alpha Purgatory is outrageous. Their solitary family had never been out of the nine kings. The problem was that the former nine princes and princes had sighed after seeing the strength of the solitude and purgatory.

"Yan Qingming, Yan Qingming, I am so looking forward to you, I did not expect you to be this strength, you let me down!"

The solitary purgatory can't help but laugh and laugh, Yan Lianming's exhibition of dragons and sorrows, in his view, is even worse than the eight temples he met before, and the nine temples he met, there is nothing comparable Sexual.

You must know that he is the top-ranking strongman who can be on the top of the list of the kings, and Yan Qing’s strength is not even at the end of the list of holy kings. The ranking of the holy king is almost the same as that of the Tianzun rankings. However, the rankings of the holy kings are artificially discharged, and the rankings of the gods are automatic.

"Their showdown, won't you be so blind?"

The sword demon is also a bit disappointing. It is reasonable to say that the God of War Palace can let Yan Qingmou lead the team. Even if the strength of Yan Qingming is not comparable to the one-of-a-kind purgatory, it can be quite equal to the one-of-a-kind purgatory. However, from the point of view of the showdown, the strength of Yan Qingming is too much to be alone in purgatory.

"Anxious, the showdown of the trick has just begun!"

The face of Yan Qingming has nothing to change. Although it is a martial art that he is good at, he is not his killer. He dares to fight with the Almighty Purgatory, is it because he has full confidence in his own strength?

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