The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 521: Akasaka

"I am not mistaken? Yan Qingming can actually press our brother to fight? Is he really the Eight Kings?"

These sacred warriors of the solitary family can't accept the situation in front of them. It is normal. The difference in strength between the Eight Temples and the Eight Kings is not known. It stands to reason that the solitary purgatory can sway Yan Qingming, who knows the opposite is true.

They even suspected that the information given by the elders was a false news. Yan Qing was not the Eight Kings of the Eight Dynasties, but the Nine Kings of the Eighth Temple. Otherwise, how did the elders of the God of War Palace feel relieved of Yan Qing?

The number of places in the God of War Palace has not been more than their own solitary family. If it is only the Eight Kings, the Yanqing Temple, are they still necessary to come in?

"It is not the problem of the temple, mainly because the brothers are underestimating the enemy. Yan Qingming used this point to press the brothers."

"Yes! The martial arts of Yan Qingming's exhibition is powerful, but it is still unrealistic to defeat the brothers. If it is not because of the brothers, he is at most like a brother."

"There is no need to worry about my brothers. The martial arts of Yan Qingming's performance is estimated to be his killer. However, until now, even the soldiers are useless."

They are still full of confidence in the independence and purgatory, and the independent and purgatory is the sword repair, and the bare hand is unable to exert the true strength of the independent and purgatory. In other words, until now, the independence of the purgatory has left a hand, and the deer is dead, but it is still unknown.

The strength of the solitary purgatory, they have seen, as long as the solitary purgatory is willing to pull the sword, Yan Qingming has no hope of winning. Moreover, they firmly believe that it is a matter of time before and after the solitary purgatory draws swords. After all, the wins and losses of Yan Qingming and the solitary Purgatory match are related to the inheritance of the great emperor.

Yan Qingming's face is still extremely dignified. He will not be taken lightly at the last moment. The sacred warriors of the God of War are optimistic because they do not feel the pressure that the Alpha Purgatory brought him.

It’s just a bare-handed, insane purgatory, and you can force Yan Qing to display the blue sky to destroy the konjac. Yan Qingming knows that he has the upper hand now, just because the solitary purgatory does not have a sword. As a sword repair, a solitary purgatory with a sword and no sword is completely different.

"I admit, you are the strongest eight-sacred king I have ever seen, but unfortunately, your opponent is me!"

The solitary purgatory slightly smiled, and then the strong eight-sacred king, met him like the nine-sacred king, can not win. Originally, he intended to show his strength in the face of other Tianzun, bare-handed boxing defeated Yan Qingming.

Unexpectedly, Yan Qingming, who used the martial arts of the Taoist martial arts, was so strong that if he was unarmed, the singularity of the singer would be defeated. Under the circumstance, the solitary purgatory can only pull out its own sacred war swords and display the martial arts of their solitary family.

With the independence of the nine temples, the difficulty of practicing Taoist martial arts is much lower than that of other holy kings. Coupled with the martial arts of his cultivation, the difficulty is not high. He can now use the martial arts to deal with Yan Qingming, which is normal.

"Red 霄 霄 thunder sword!"

The martial arts of the solitary purgatory is the painstaking research of their solitary family. Although the power can not be compared to the blue sky and the demon scorpion that Yan Qingming casts, but the red stunned thunder sword he displayed is not weaker than the blue sky of the Yan Qingming.

On the one hand, it is because Yan Qingming did not play the full power of the blue sky to destroy the konjac, on the other hand, because the solitary purgatory has nine temples, the strength of the solitary purgatory would have been stronger than Yan Qing. The advantages of martial arts are not enough to make up for the disadvantages of Yan Qingming in terms of strength.


The thunder roared, the electric light shone, and the sacred war sword in the hands of the solitary purgatory, like disappearing, can only see the sword light, and can not see the entity of the sword. The sky seemed to be reddish, and the **** light shrouded the entire battlefield.

The sacred warriors who stood in the distance felt great pressure, not to mention the first and foremost Yan Qing. The solitary purgatory of the swordsmanship method is the same as the one-of-a-kind purgatory with bare hands and empty fists.

“Is this the true strength of the Alpha Purgatory?”

"I don't think it's the Holy King of the Nine Halls. I know that it is not easy for Yan Brothers to defeat the Pole Purgatory."

"I have confidence in Yan’s brother. I don’t have enough confidence. Yan’s brother will not be able to do it with the singer.”

These holy kings of the God of War Palace have both worried about Yan Qingming and those who believe that Yan Qingming can win. Their holy king of the God of War is not the first time to smash the holy land, but the former kings have never seen any great inheritance.

They finally got the inheritance of the two great emperors, and Yan Qingming will certainly not give it to the solitary purgatory. The inheritance of the two great emperors is especially important for Yan Qingming. Yan Qingming pointed to the merits of the two great emperors and asked them to treat him with a high-level injury.

The battle between Akasaka’s thundering sword and the blue sky destroying the konjac is like a confrontation between two kings, and the solitude of the singer is strong, and the singer of Yan Qing occupies the opportunity. At the same time, Yan Qingming will not be the opponent of the Alpha Purgatory.

Yan Qing is secretly shocked, and the blue sky is destroying the konjac. The singular purgatory can still block his offensive. Fortunately, he shot early, otherwise, he is not an opponent of the independent purgatory. The solitary purgatory now resists the blue sky and destroys the konjac, and the power is multiplied.

"Can't go on like this anymore. How can I lose to the Eight Kings of the Temple of God in the Temple of God?"

The Solitary Purgatory decisively sacrificed nine temples, and 10% of the strength broke out. The **** swordsmanship, rising from the sky, countless swords, like the flood of the gate, rushed to the blue sky to destroy the magic. The red-red sacred warfare sword is like a phoenix. It burns with flames. The two swords that look like wings are suddenly thrown out and go straight to Yanqing.

The difficulty of defeating the konjac in front of the blue sky is certainly not small, so the attack of the singular purgatory is mainly directed at Yan Qing. As long as the Yan Qingming is solved, the blue sky will destroy the konjac. Don't look at the blue sky to destroy the konjac to attack on its own, but such an attack is also controlled by Yan Qingming using the power of the will.

"Do you want to turn over? I won't give you a chance!"

Yan Qingming, who has experienced a hundred wars, can naturally see the purpose of the solitary purgatory. He did not continue to confront the Duo Purgatory, but he was fighting and retreating. If he was hard, he would not be the opponent of the Purgatory. However, as long as he continues to drag down, dragging to the power of the blue sky to destroy the konjac, far beyond the singer of the singer of the singer, he is the final winner.

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