The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 522: Temple lock

The emptiness of the blue sky is different from most martial arts. Most of the martial arts are about the momentary explosion, and the power of the emptiness of the emptiness is gradually enhanced. The longer the Yan Qingming drags, the stronger the power of the blue sky.

The solitary purgatory guess is correct, the blue sky is the card of Yan Qingming. If it weren’t for the blue sky to destroy the konjac, Yan Qingming would not take up the challenge of being alone and purgatory. What Yan Qingming cares about is not to win or lose, but to inherit the great emperor of the Holy Land.

If you show other martial arts, Yan Qingming has no chance of winning. Rao is the talent and understanding of Yan Qingming, and it is difficult to make up for the disadvantages of the temple. Yan Qingming can make this matchup a current situation, which is already very remarkable. Switched to the other eight halls of the Holy King, I am afraid that has long been defeated under the sword of the Alpha Purgatory.

"It’s not a brother of Yan, and the single fight is not even weaker than the nine kings of the Solitary family."

"I heard that Yan Brother was not condensed out of the ninth temple because he had suffered a road injury. With only eight temples, Yan brothers can compete with Duoling Purgatory. If there are nine temples for Yan brothers, Isn't it possible to hang up the solitary purgatory?"

"Baikong destroys the konjac really powerful, no wonder many elders are practicing, Yan brothers can practice the blue sky in the holy kings to destroy the konjac, really extraordinary."

These sacred warriors of the God of War Palace thought that after the swords of the Lonely Purgatory, Yan Qingming was not the opponent of the Lonely Purgatory. Who knows, Yan Qingming is more and more brave, and even forced the independence of the Purgatory to sacrifice nine temples.

They finally know why the blue sky destroys the konjac so high that they can only have such a high status. They just know the martial arts that they know, and they really can't be compared with the blue sky. Only the eight temples of Yan Qingming, the display of the blue sky to destroy the konjac can have such power, replaced by the strong king of the road to display, fearing that it can kill the solitary infernal on the spot.

"What happened? His temple locked my attack?"

Yan Qing can't help but widen his eyes. The nine temples of the Lonely Purgatory seem to be prisoners, and lock his blue sky and annihilation. It is hoped that the blue sky will destroy the konjac and defeat the singular purgatory. Now it seems that it is completely out of play.

The blue sky destroys the konjac, although it is powerful, but the nine sacred temples of the singular purgatory are as strong as the rock, and the sacred sorcerer of the sacred sacred sacred sacred sorcerer can't break the nine temples of the solitude of purgatory. How did the nine temples of the Lonely Purgatory refine it like this, Yan Qing did not know, anyway, the next matchup, his hope of winning is very embarrassing.

The attack of the solitary purgatory is getting closer and closer to Yan Qingming, and the violent breath seems to be able to overturn this piece of heaven and earth. Yan Qingming only feels that the scalp is numb, and there is no blue sky to destroy the konjac. His advantage in martial arts is gone. If other martial arts are used, Yan Qing will not be the opponent of the Alpha Purgatory.

"How can he have such courage? Is he not afraid of the temple being damaged?"

"If I didn't guess wrong, his temple should have been tempered by special methods. Otherwise, how could his temple be banned from the blue sky?"

On the strength, these sacred warriors of the God of War Palace are indeed inferior to the Alpha Purgatory and Yan Qingming, but they can still understand the situation on the field. It was Yan Qingming who had prevailed in the past, but now he has the upper hand and is the one and the only purgatory.

Just now, the nine temples of the Alphanian Purgatory, playing Yan Qingming, were caught off guard. Yan Qingming's greatest reliance, not only failed to help him defeat the solitary purgatory, but also caused him to be in a very passive situation.

"You are not afraid, what am I afraid of?"

Yan Qing gnawed his teeth and then sacrificed his eight temples and slammed into the nine temples of the Alpha Purgatory. Since the blue sky destroys the konjac and can't destroy the nine temples of the Alpha Purgatory inside, then he can only use his eight temples to destroy the nine temples of the Alpha Purgatory from the outside.

The frontal attack of the solitary purgatory, the direct attack of Yan Qingming retreats. The sacred war sword of the solitary purgatory gives Yan Qing a feeling like a sickle's sickle, and he can cut off his head at any time.

The blue bamboo branches suddenly burst out of the incomparable sly light. Yan Qing’s hands lifted the blue bamboo branches high, like a **** king who was going to open up the earth, and slammed out. The sword is full of power and the momentum is strong. The power of the Eight Kings is not to be underestimated. The void was swaying, and the bamboo branches in Yan Qing’s hands seemed to smash the space.

"The use of the temple by the Solitary Purgatory is far from being comparable to Yan Qing."

The sword demon secretly said that the temple of the sacred purgatory is actually the same as his Tianfu sword. He used his own Tianfu combat sword to attack opponents. He was alone in his purse and used his temple as a prison to lock his opponent's martial arts. His Tianfu is used to attack, and the temple of the Alphanian Purgatory is used for defense.

The confrontation between Yan Qingming and Duoling Purgatory is really wonderful. Whether it is the blue sky and the demon martyrdom of Yan Qingming, or the temple lock martial used by the solitary purgatory, the sword magic has benefited a lot. He encouraged Yan Qingming and the solitary purgatory to do it, and it was rewarding.


The collision of the temple is particularly fierce, the emptiness of the void, the broken road, splashing around, I don’t know how many towering trees have been destroyed. The counterattack of Yan Qingming is so fierce that it is extremely fierce, and there is even a kind of posture to fight with the solitary purgatory.

Originally, the Lonely Purgatory saw Yan Qingming urging the eight temples to fight with his nine temples. He wanted to say that Yan Qing was not self-sufficient. Unexpectedly, Yan Qingming did not want to be fatal, and did not take his eight temples seriously.

In such a fierce battle, the singular purgatory can destroy the eight temples of Yan Qingming, but his own nine temples will also suffer a lot. It’s not worth the cost of defeating Yan Qingming at such a big cost.

Under the circumstance, the solitary purgatory had to mobilize its nine mosques to avoid the war. Yan Qingming could go crazy, but he could not go mad. He is the holy king of the Nine Halls, and his future is bright, unlike the Yan Qing, there is no future.

Yan Qing is suffering from a wound in the road. He is known for his own purgatory. Without any accident, Yan Qingming can only be the Eight Kings in this life. Do not say the great emperor, even the road to the kingdom, has nothing to do with Yan Qingming.

"You are afraid!"

The retreat of the solitary purgatory made Yan Qingming see the turn. Fighting strength, Yan Qingming certainly can't fight alone but purgatory, but desperately or fight the temple, the sole and infernal heart has scruples, it will be fearful.

At least in the momentum, he won, and the momentum of the Eight Kings overshadowed the Holy King!

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