The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 523: Tao Fu

"Yan Qing dare to fight and fight, because he is not like this, he will lose."

The sword demon can see that Yan Qing is not the opponent of the independent purgatory. Before Yan Qing can press the solitary purgatory, it is purely because the solitary purgatory is not serious. The strength gap between Yan Qingming and Duoleng Purgatory is not only compensated by the emptiness of the emptiness.

Yan Qing's exhibition of the blue sky is really powerful, and it is replaced by the ordinary nine-sacred king. Maybe it may be defeated in the hands of Yan Qingming. The problem is the strength of the solitary purgatory. Looking at all the nine kings of the three thousand territories, they are all in the upper reaches.

Do not want to win, but do not want to pay extra price. Yan Qing must use the temple to fight with his temple, because Yan Qingming has no other means to defeat him. However, he has a way to defeat Yan Qingming, naturally there is no need to take his temple and the temple of Yan Qingming hard.

"I will be afraid of you?" In the tone of the solitary purgatory, full of disdain, "Do you think this is a dog jumps on the wall? If you can't beat me, use the temple to pour it?"

The temple avoids the war, and does not mean that the Alpha Purgatory will also avoid the war. While the Alpha Purgatory is talking, the attack of the holy sword is never stopped. The power of the blue sky to destroy the konjac is powerful, but the defects are equally prominent.

The singularity of the singularity of the singer, the singularity of the singer and the purgatory have already known that Yan Qingming wants to copy the previous results, it is simply impossible. As long as you don't give the blue sky the opportunity to destroy the sorcerer, the blue sky will destroy the konjac.

The **** sea otter, the sword out of thunder, the attack of the solitary purgatory is like a squally shower, and does not give Yan Qing a breathless opportunity. As long as the Yan Qingming is defeated in front, the eight temples that Yan Qingming is urging are not enough.

"Damn, why is he not fooled?"

Yan Qingdi secretly swears, after all, the Almighty Purgatory is the Holy King of the Nine Halls. He thought that he was a solemn sarcasm in the Purgatory. He did not dare to use the temple to fight with his temple. He was insane and purgatory, and then he was divided into him. Who knows The solitary purgatory was not taken seriously.

Continue to display the blue sky to destroy the konjac, Yan Qing can not win the independence of the purgatory, and display other martial arts, Yan Qingming can not win the independence of the purgatory. At this point, Yan Qingming only used some special means to defeat the solitary purgatory.

In the usual time, Yan Qingming will lose to the independent and purgatory in the face of other holy kings, and will not rely on the means of the next three to win. But now it is different. The victory and defeat of He and Polo will determine who owns the five great emperors in front of the sword.

"Bai Kong destroys the konjac!"

Yan Qingming suddenly snarled, and the sound of the waves was like a tide, impacting the Alpha Purgatory. At the same time, he secretly urged the elders to give him the traits of the Tao, and prepared to use the power of the Taoist plaque to defeat the singer.

If this matter is passed on, how bad his future reputation will be, you can imagine. If it weren’t for the five great emperors of the Holy Land, he would not use any of them. The one-of-a-kind purgatory that relies on the Taoist symbol to win is ten times more than the loser to the one-of-a-kind purgatory.

The elders of the God of War Palace gave Yan Qingming a Taoist plaque, which was originally intended to deal with the solitude of Polo. How big is the gap between the strength of the Eight Kings and the Eight Kings, can the elders of the God of War Palace not know?

They did not expect Yan Qingming to defeat the Alphan Purgatory by virtue of his own skills. In their view, Yan Qingming would only lose to the Alphan Purgatory as long as he was attacked by the Alphanian Purgatory. They have already been tens of thousands of people, telling Yan Qingmou not to use things, how to win is not important, what is important is who wins and who loses.

It is related to the inheritance of the great emperor. Even if Yan Qingming is not happy again, he must use the edicts that the elders gave him. Compared with the inheritance of the five great emperors of the sacred place, what is the face of Yan Qingming?

The blue bamboo branches suddenly smashed out, and hundreds of thousands of roads were like magic dragons, and they rushed to the independent and purgatory. Although the blue sky is only used to attract the attention of the independant purgatory, Yan Qingming also did not keep it. The power of the Eight Kings of the Eight Kings can not be underestimated. The presence of the Holy King of the Warrior, and the Alone Purgatory can easily block the offensive of Yan Qingming.

"Do you have a good character?"

The authorities are fascinated, the bystanders are clear, and the singular purgatory has not found the sacred charm of Yan Qingming, and the sword magic feels the scent of the Tao. It seems that Yan Qingming intends to defeat the one-of-a-kind purgatory with nine temples by virtue of the power of the Tao.

What he said before is that whoever wins will get the inheritance of the opponent's emperor. However, he did not say that he could not use the Taoist symbols, and that he did not say that he was alone in Purgatory and Yan Qingming. Regardless of whether Yan Qingming has used the Taoist traits, as long as Yan Qingming can defeat the Alphan Purgatory, the five great emperors in front of the Swordsman are Yan Qingming.

"Oops! It's a Taoist symbol!"

When the Lonely Purgatory noticed that the Taoist symbol was awkward, it was already late, and the sacred charm of Yan Qingming was like a monarch. The horrible knife light will inundate the solitary purgatory in an instant, and the fierce and unparalleled sword is enough to tear this piece of heaven and earth.

The power of Yan Qingming’s temperament, the power of the explosion, is no less than the martial arts of Daojun’s personal display. In other words, the solitary purgatory is equal to fighting with the Tao, and is a powerful and powerful Tao.

The elders of the God of War Palace have some understanding of the Alpha Purgatory, and the ordinary Tao Jun is not necessarily the opponent of the Alpha Purgatory. They give the sacred charm of Yan Qingming, naturally it is not an ordinary Taoist symbol.

"Shameless! This kind of upright confrontation, Yan Qingming actually use the Tao Fu?"

"No wonder Yan Qing dare to work with the brothers. It turns out that there is a good product in hand. He has already made up his mind, and he has to use the Tao Fu to deal with his brother?"

"What are the shameless things, use the Taoist symbols to count our brothers, what is the skill?"

These sacred kings of the solitary family are filled with indignation, and Yan Qingming is a self-sacred purgatory that wins by his own skills. They have nothing to say. The problem is that Yan Qingming secretly uses the Taoist plaque to deal with the Alpha Purgatory. Even if he wins, he will win the battle.

Moreover, there is a bet on the matchup between Lonely Purgatory and Yan Qingming. If the Lonely Purgatory is defeated in the hands of Yan Qingming, the three great emperors who were obtained before the Solitary family will be given to Yan Qingming.

"What shameless and shameless, is it not shameless to use the nine temples to deal with the eight temples of our Yan brothers?"

"Whether the Yan brothers were not injured in the early years, can the Alpha Purgatory now be his opponent?"

"Did your elders not tell you that you have lost the king? You can win the Yan brothers. It is the skill of the Yan brothers. Who is not going to give you the sacred princes of the sacred family?"

These sacred kings of the God of War Palace quickly gave Yan Qing a way out, as long as Yan Qingming was able to defeat the singer and purgatory, they did not care how Yan Qingming won.

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