The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 533: Very sad

"To calculate the time, the juniors inside should also come out."

Sitting on the outside of the sacred sacred land, the gentleman said faintly, the time of opening the sacred place is almost the same, but I don’t know how the harvest of the sacred place is. The harvest that is not expected by the Taoist is the harvest of the experience, not the inheritance of the great emperor.

From ancient times to the present, I don’t know how many Heavenly and Holy Kings have entered, but they have not seen the shadow of the great inheritance. No trace of the king did not expect to be alone in the purgatory, they can get the inheritance of the great emperor, the high-level let them compete for the inheritance of the great emperor, just give them a reason to confront the war gods disciples.

Not only does it have no traces, but the Lianhua Daojun also did not expect Yan Qing to receive the great emperor. The most eager to get the inheritance of the great emperor, the non-暮云道君 is none other than. Jinyun Daojun is constantly praying in his heart, hoping that the disciples of their solitary family can be passed down by the great emperor.

The Ares Palace and the Solitary family are not lacking in the inheritance of the Great Emperor, but they are not passed down by the great emperor. However, Jinyun Daojun also knows that the sacred kings have the hope of inheriting the great emperor, and they are extremely embarrassed.

Not to mention the sacred kings, can they find the inheritance of the great emperor, even if they can find the inheritance of the great emperor, they can not compete with the sacred kings of the warring palace and the solitary family. It’s not that Yunyun Daojun has no confidence in the sacred kings, but 暮云道君 knows that the sacred kings have too many strengths in the Jingu Palace and the sacred kings.

The sacred kings only cultivated the Taoist verses, Yan Qingming and the solitary purgatory, but they cultivated the emperor. The gap between the exercises alone is destined to be the sacred king. They are not Yan Qingming and their opponents. What's more, the number of the kings is still the least, and Yan Qing is the second to them.

What Yunu Daojun didn’t know was that they had already been wiped out by the whole army, and they were also dead and wounded. I have never seen such a thing before because it has not been passed down by the great emperor. This time the great emperor was born, the warriors of the God of War and the solitary family were all moving.


Lianhua Daojun’s eyes are staring at the exit of the sacred place. They don't ask for Yan Qing, they get the inheritance of the great emperor, only hope that Yan Qing is all right. Tian Zun and Sheng Wang, who are able to get the places of the Holy Land, are the geniuses of their God of War.

The first ones came out, they were the ones who dive them, and the ones that followed were Yan Qing, and the ones that came out were the ones who were pursuing them. The swordsman pretending to be a solitary bin, is honestly following them behind the Pole Purgatory.

"Well? Are you alone?"

The face of Jinyun Daojun changed again and again, because he did not see the king of the sacred king until the exit of the sacred place was closed. Normally, if they live, they will not stay in the holy land.

"Could it be that……"

They have the least number of places in the Solitary family. If they die several Heavenly or Holy Kings, Yun Yundao is completely acceptable. The problem is that now, only the solitary and the solitary frost, they are the gods, and none of the sacred kings who entered the solitude family came out.

"Impossible, I don't believe it!"

It’s normal for Jin Yundao to accept it, because they have never lost such a big loss. Although the sacred place is dangerous, but each of them can have a lot of heavenly and holy kings alive.

"Do you have a bad injury?"

Lianhua Daojun whispered softly, Yan Qingming their injuries could not her eyes. Compared with the Solitary family, the loss of their God of War is acceptable. Just don't know why, Yan Qing Ming's face is more ugly than one.

"Elders, we have seen the great emperor passed down, and I have been passed down by two great emperors, but unfortunately they have been taken away by the Pole Purgatory."

Yan Qingming did not conceal, and quickly told the Lianhua Daojun what happened inside the sacred place. Of course, he did not know that he had lost the inheritance of the five great emperors.

"You mean that they have obtained the inheritance of the five great emperors? And you still meet the core disciples of the sacred place?"

The look of Lianhua Daojun could not help but dignified. No wonder Yan Qingming had their injuries. It turned out that the great emperors and the sacred warriors of the solitary family fought.

Although the voice of Yan Qingming is not large, they are clearly heard without the trace of Daojun and Yunyun Daojun. Yunyun Daojun finally understood why the sacred kings were all overwhelmed. In the battle for the inheritance of the great emperor, the warriors of the God of War and the sacred kings of the Solitary family will not be soft-hearted to the sacred king.

“What is Yan Qing’s meditation?”

Rao is the heart of the Taoist, and can't help but get excited. Although their solitary family does not lack the inheritance of the great emperor, the inheritance of the five great emperors is enough to enhance the strength of their solitary family. The more the great emperors pass on, the more selective they are for their children. In the long run, the strength of their solitary family will not be blamed.

There is no trace of Jun Jun thought that even if they are out of luck, they will get a great emperor. Who would have thought that they had received the inheritance of the five great emperors, and it really exceeded his expectations.

"No, arrogant, if they got the inheritance of the five great emperors, how could this expression be?"

The authorities are fascinated, the onlookers are clear, and Lianhua Daojun looks at their eyes in the solitude of Polo, full of incomprehensible colors. They are either dejected, or indignant, or ashamed and difficult. It is not like what they should have after being passed down by the great emperor.

"Elders, we used to get the five great emperors of the sacred place to inherit, but the great emperors passed back to the strong people who rushed to the holy land."

The solitary purgatory hated and said that the warriors and the sacred warriors of the Solitary family did not compete with them. The problem was that the powerful sacred sacred contenders for the great emperor's inheritance were fascinating.

"what did you say??"

The so-called music is very sad, no trace of the king is now this feeling. If they do not have the inheritance of the great emperor, they will not feel anything. But now, Ming knows that they have been given the inheritance of five great emperors, and then they have lost their ancestors and they have lost their inheritance. No trace of the king can't wait to kill them.

No trace of the king is pointing to the lonely and purgatory of their noses, yelling, "How do you do things? The emperor's inheritance is all in hand, can be robbed back by the strong man of the sacred place?"

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