The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 534: Daojun confrontation

"Elders, I think this thing is really no wonder that the brothers who are smashing the holy land are too shameless!"

The solitary thunder was so angry that he had to gnash his teeth, and the core disciples of the sacred sacred land clearly promised them. As long as the singular purgatory could defeat Yan Qingming, the two great emperors in Yan Qingming’s hands were all owned by the Alchemy.

As a result, he was defeated by Yan Qingming, and the core disciple of the sacred place disappeared. At first, they still don't understand why the swordsmen have to go. They dare to kill the warriors and the warriors of the solitary family. It does not mean that they even dare to kill the core disciples of the sacred place.

Is it not the death of the core disciple who kills the sacred place in the sacred place?

The solitary thunder was not concealed, and he quickly told the elders of the sacred place to tell the elders without traces. Those who are rushing to the holy land can not come out, not by looking at themselves, but by looking at the high-level families of the solitary family.

"What are you talking about? Are there still alive in the sacred place?"

It is normal for the Taoist priest not to believe that the sacred sacred place has been destroyed for so many years, and it is impossible to have any core disciples. What's more, listening to the meaning of the solitary thunder, the sacred sacred land not only has a core disciple, but also a strong king of the kingdom and even the main level.

"That's true, even if I borrow a few courage, I don't dare to deceive the elders."

The solitary thunder can't wait to swear to the sky to prove that he is telling the truth. The strength of the Eight Kings is not weak, but compared with the strong kings, it is still not enough. He said this to the unmarked Daojun, and he hoped that there would be no revenge for him. He relied on his own strength alone, and there was no hope of revenge.

"Do you know that the core disciple of the sacred sacred place is not a singular or a sacred king of the God of War?"

No trace of the king did not ask the solitary thunder, but asked the solitary purgatory and the solitary Qingtao. The solitary thunder will not lie to him, nor dare to lie to him. The problem is that the solitary thunder may be deceived by the "core disciple" who rushed to the holy land.

"I have the impression of the Solitary family and the Holy King of the God of War. The core disciple of the sacred place is not the sacred king of the Solitary family and the God of War."

Du Gu Qingtao said with great certainty that although the vast majority of the warrior's sacred kings of the warriors can't name them, but they have seen and never seen, they are definitely different. He has seen more or less a little impression, the key is that he has no impression of the sword. It is even more impossible to say that the sword demon is the sacred king of the Solitary family, because the sacred kings of the Solitary family died in the sacred place.

They did not think that the sword demon might break through the holy kingdom within the sacred sacred place. However, Du Gu Qingtao was also impressed by the solitude family and the celestial warriors of the God of War. This possibility can be completely ruled out.

"Elders, are you saying that other military might be able to go in?"

Solitary purgatory can not help but ask, the sword demon is neither the warrior of the God of War, nor the warrior of the solitary family. If the Taoist priest can ensure that other forces can not enter the sacred place, then the sword can only be smashed The core disciple of the Holy Land.

“It’s impossible!”

No trace of the king suddenly decisively shook his head, and then it was silent, because he understood the meaning of the solitary purgatory. The problem is the gods and holy kings who have gone forward. No one has ever seen a warrior who smashed the holy land.

Moreover, the sacred sacred place has been destroyed for so many years. Does it mean that the martial arts in the sacred sacred place have been passed down for tens of billions of years? is it possible?

"I would rather believe that there are other forces of the warriors who have mixed into the sacred sacred land, and do not believe that there are still martial artists in the sacred place."

Lianhua Daojun said slowly, she was very angry when she could not keep the inheritance of the Emperor. However, when she learned that she was alone in purgatory, they also failed to preserve the inheritance of the great emperor, and her anger disappeared without a trace.

"Do you think that a small sacred warrior may sneak into the sacred place under my eyes?"

The Taoist priest immediately asked, and the solitary purgatory and the solitary thunder were all said that the sword demon was only in the early stage of the sacred king. He believed in the judgment of the singular purgatory and the solitary thunder. In the holy king area of ​​the sacred sacred place, only the sacred kings can enter. The singular purgatory is the sacred king of the nine temples. It is unrealistic for the swordsmen to deceive the independent and purgatory in the realm.

"The Holy Warrior can't do it, but the Taoist? If a Taoist is helping him in secret, can you perceive it?"

Lianhua Daojun suspected that the Taoist Lord was hiding in the dark, and then sneaked in the sword when he entered Yan Qingming and the Alpha Purgatory. She did not say Da Jun, because she knew that there is no trace of the lord, she only said that the Taoist, no trace of the king will not lift her with her.

"It's still not right. According to them, the sacred warrior can control the empire of the sacred sacred land. How can the sacred warrior who is replaced by other forces control the inheritance of the sacred sacred land?"

Contrary to Lianhua Daojun, there is no trace of the monarch who would rather believe that the sacred sacred place has a descendant, and does not believe that other forces have mixed into the sacred place. The warrior who just came out, but all of them are in the eyes, obviously there are no other forces of warriors mixed in, only their solitary family and the Temple of the God of War and the warriors of the Solitary family.

The sacred warrior who has been mixed in is not coming out now. Is it necessary to hide in the time when the sacred holy land is opened next time?

From the beginning to the end, Jinyun Daojun did not open his mouth. Their independence family not only did not inherit the great emperor, but also suffered heavy losses. He really did not know how to go back to the family. As for the sacred place, is there any military who lives and what does it have to do with him?

"The trial of the sacred place is over, you can go back with your descendants."

There is no trace of the princes who have issued orders for accomplices. If the strongmen who rush to the sacred places are ready to be born, they will have to pass on their great emperors. But these things have nothing to do with the Solitary family and the God of War.

They can't keep the inheritance of the great emperor, but they can be annoyed. However, as long as the emperor's inheritance of the sacred place is not taken away by the elders of the solitude and the elders of the God of War, there is still room for change.

"What? You are the inheritance of the nine great emperors who are ready to swallow the sacred place?"

Lianhua Daojun asked coldly, and no trace of the king was so anxious to chase them away, obviously there is another plan. She listened to Yan Qing's meditation, and the strong man who rushed to the sacred place had the meaning of being born, so he would pass on the great emperor to them to show it. Just don't know why, the strong man who rushed to the holy land later changed.

"Jokes! Since the sacred place is in our Tianjian domain, then the great emperor of the sacred place is originally our own solitary family. What is it?"

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