The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 535: Keep pace

There is no trace of Daojun coldly looking at the Lianhua Daojun, although the emperor's inheritance of the sacred sacred land is full of nine, but the emperor inherits such things more and better, he is not convinced that the great emperor of the sacred place has passed down.

The place of the sacred sacred place is the high-level of their singular family to the war **** palace. If Yan Qingming can bring the great emperor, it is Yan Qing’s ability, or it’s useless, but it’s useless. Nothing to say.

The lotus flower of the Lianhua Road is the inheritance of the Emperor who smashes the sacred land. No trace of the Tao can give him a good look. Even if there are more than a dozen of the great emperors of the sacred sacred land, they are all of their own solitary families. There is no share of the God of War.

"It is not the case. The inheritance of the emperor of the sacred place is naturally a sacred place. Otherwise, why is it the inheritance of the great emperor of the sacred land, not the inheritance of the great emperor of your own family?"

Regarding the inheritance of the great emperor, Lianhua Daojun will not give up easily. Whether it is a dead skin, or a strong word, he will stay and inherit the empire of the sacred land.

If there is only one great emperor in the sacred place, Lianhua Daojun does not have a chance. However, there are nine great emperors in the sacred place, and they are not allowed to grab two or three parts in the Temple of God.

Jin Yundao’s lips are slightly moving, and the nine great emperors who rushed to the sacred place are equally interested. It is a pity that the strength of their solitary family is too poor to compete with the Solitary family and the God of War Palace for the inheritance of the Great.

Moreover, it is impossible for the solitary family to pass on to the independence of their own family. If they are passed down by the great emperor, they will be separated from the control of the solitary family. The solitary family's defense against their solitary family is far beyond the Jingu Shrine.

Thinking of this, Jin Yundao can only swallow his mouth into the mouth. The experience of the sacred sacred place, their solitude and family have suffered heavy losses, and if they sin again, they will lose even more.

Lianhua Daojun competes for the inheritance of the Great Emperor, and there is no trace of how the monarch does not see Yan Qingming and Lianhua Daojun, but if Yunyun Daojun is open to discuss the inheritance of the Emperor, can the elders who are alone in the family be alive and return, It is a problem.

Jinyun Daojun even felt that there was no trace of the Tao. Now he is screaming at the fire, and there is nowhere to vent. If he mentions the inheritance of the great emperor, waiting for them, I am afraid it is a disaster. The inheritance of the great emperor of the sacred sacred land can only make the war **** palace and the solitary family fight. Since their independent family has no strength to fight, it is honestly an audience.

What did you want to fight for the benefit of the fishermen? The battle between the Temple of God and the solitary family will not be able to benefit from their independence. No way, the strength gap between their solitary family and the God of War and the solitary family is too great.

"I hope they can fight, otherwise, how can I escape?"

After coming out, the sword demon was obviously cautious. A lot of them were powerful, but they still had a big gap compared with the Lianhua Daojun and the No Trace King. If the swordsman reveals any flaws in front of them in the Lianhua Daojun and the Traceless Jun, they don’t know how to die.

He is now posing as a sacred warrior of the Solitary family. In theory, it is ten times more dangerous than a warrior who pretends to be a solitary family. The Solitary family has neither the emperor nor the emperor to sit in the town. With the help of the Qinglian mask, he does not have to worry about being seen in the original family.

However, the solitary family is different. If he goes back to the headquarters of the Duo family with the Lone Purgatory, his identity is likely to be exposed. The Solitary family knows that he is a demon emperor, and the solitary family knows the same. If the identity is recognized, his end can be imagined.

"I said that the inheritance of the Emperor of the Holy Land is our unique family. Then, the inheritance of the Emperor of the Holy Land is our unique family."

Tianjian domain is the site of their solitary family. No trace of the king is fully qualified to say such words. In the God of War, they did not fight the Temple of God, but in the Tianjian domain, the Temple of God also did not fight their solitary family.

The inheritance of the great emperor is rare, but the God of War will never come out of the nest of the emperor. That is to say, in the battle for the inheritance of these great emperors in the sacred sacred place, the God of War Palace has no hope of winning.

"Don't say that I look down on your God of War. In our Tianjian domain, how many princes you dare to come to in the Temple of God, we will dare to kill many princes."

If even the great emperor of Tianjian domain can't keep it, how do their solitary families do the dominance of Tianjian domain? It is also the emperor's power, and their solitary family inherits more time than the God of War. How can they be afraid of the God of God Palace?

"The nine great emperors have passed down. You have six in the solitary family. We have three in the God of War. Is this always a problem?"

Lianhua Daojun was thick and cheeky and talked with no traces of the king. The nine great emperors passed on the solitary family and took the big head. They took the small head in the Temple of God and they were the concessions of their war palace. After all, the sacred sacred place is in the Tianjian domain. They want to go to the Duo family with the five-five family. The solitary family will certainly not agree.

Moreover, even if the three great emperors inherit, the solitary family will not be given. This is the price of the Lianhua Daojun. If there is no trace of the King to kill the two great emperors, Lianhua Daojun is completely acceptable.

"Dreaming! The inheritance of the nine great emperors is our own solitary family, and none of you have any war palace!"

There is no trace of Jun Jun’s categorical statement. He will not give in to the inheritance of the great emperor. What does Lianhua Daojun mean? In fact, he understands in his heart, but he has no intention of giving a war **** palace to him.

"If you let them know that the inheritance of the nine great emperors is in my hands, will they swallow me?"

The sword demon secretly laughed, and there was no point in his argument that there was no dispute between Daojun and Lianhua Daojun. Because the inheritance of the nine great emperors of the sacred sacred place is in his hands, what is the core disciple of the sacred sacred land, and what is the strongest of the holy land, is false.

The inheritance of the nine great emperors of the sacred sacred land will not be the Temple of the Gods, nor will they be the solitary family, but the Ling family. Those Lingjia children who are far away from Tianlingyu will certainly not think that Lingdao helped them to grab the inheritance of the nine great emperors. Ling Jiacai did not take long to promote the emperor's power. The most lacking thing at the moment is the inheritance of the great emperor. The nine great emperors passed on to the urgent need of the Ling family.

"Would you like to learn from the juniors?" Lianhua Daojun did not continue to argue, but suggested that "the trick is to play one game, you win, the nine great emperors of the sacred place will be owned by your solitary family. I win. If you inherit the nine great emperors of the Holy Land, you will have to give us three parts of the God of War."

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