The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 540: The threat of Lianhua Daojun

"Elders of Kailu, their Tianfu, we have all checked, and there is really no inheritance of the great emperor."

"It seems that Du Gu Cang did not hand over the Emperor to them. I don't know if Du Gu Cang doesn't believe them, or else."

These Tianzun of the Solitary family are obviously disappointed. If they can find the inheritance of the Great Emperor in the Tianfu and the solitary Tianfu, they will become the heroes of the Solitary family. It is a pity that the day is not a wish, and the inheritance of the great emperor should still be in the hands of "Duo Gu Cang".

No trace of the king can not help but silence, the solitary frost and the solitary dive they want to hide the inheritance of the great emperor under the infiltration of his will, it is impossible. In other words, Du Gushuang and Du Guqian are not really inherited in the Tianfu. Otherwise, even if these gods of the Duo family can't find it, he can find it.

Originally, there is no trace of the king who has high hopes for the independence of the purgatory and the solitary spirit. After all, the Ares Palace and the Solitary family do not have the nine temples and the heavenly statue. Moreover, their solitary family has the most places, more than the War Palace and the Solitary family.

If the great emperor of the sacred sacred place is born, the warriors of the God of War and the solitude of the family will certainly not be able to compete with them. However, the performance of the solitary charm and the solitary purgatory made him disappointed.

They were alone in the spirit and they were inherited from the Great, and they were not able to preserve the inheritance of the Emperor. The great emperor of the Lonely Purgatory was taken away by the strong man who rushed to the sacred place, and the situation was extenuating. However, the inheritance of the great emperor was taken away by the "Duo Gu Cang", and no trace of the king was not angry.

That is to say, the solitary charm died under the sword of "Duo Gu Cang", otherwise, there is no trace of the Daojun must be blamed for reciting the Solitary. The sacred family of the solitary family not only lost to the celestial respect of the singular family, but also lost the inheritance of the great emperor.

"Yu Yun, younger brother, or do you also let the Taoist temple come out for me to check?"

No trace of the Tao is purely talking about playing, because he knows that Yunyun Daojun will not agree. In fact, after the monks and the warriors of the God of War Palace came out, the world of the will without the trace of Daojun shrouded the audience. Whether it is the singularity of the solitary family, Tianzun secretly handed over the emperor to Jinyun Daojun, or the warrior of the God of War secretly passed the emperor to the Lianhua Daojun, but he could not escape his perception.

"You dream!"

Sure enough, Jinyun Daojun did not hesitate to reject the Taoist priests. The Tiandu Zun, the Tiangu Zun, checked the Tianfu of Duo Qiang and Du Gushuang, and it was already the bottom line of him or their solitude.

The other elders of the Solitary family are equally mad, and there is no trace of the king. This is not to put them in the eye. Who can become a Taojun, who has no secret? Their Taoist palace can make no traces of the king check?

"Just kidding, what are you so nervous about?"

There is no trace of Daojun laughing and ridiculous, since it has been determined that the Solitary family has not been passed down by the Emperor, then he does not have to waste time with Yun Yundao. What really needs to be solved now is actually Lianhua Daojun.

As long as they hold the exit of the sacred sacred place, "Duo Gu Cang" can't be weathered. Even if "Duo Gu Cang" has been hiding in the sacred place for thousands of years, it is impossible to prove that it is an emperor. They have nothing to worry about.

The embers of the sacred sacred land are full of nine great emperors, and for many years, they have not been able to cultivate any great emperor. If the top leaders of the Solitary family are counting on the "Duo Gu Cang" to prove their way into the emperor, they can only say that they are delusional.

"Going back to the truth, the experience of smashing the holy land is over, you can go."

This is not the case for the Yundao Daojun, but also for the Lianhua Daojun. The performances of the solitary purgatory and the solitary singularity are indeed impossible. Fortunately, the disciples of the God of War and the solitary family have also failed to bring the great emperor of the sacred place.

As long as the nine great emperors of the sacred sacred place are still in the interior of the sacred sacred place, they will be alone in the morning and evening. Without their consent, the embers of the sacred place can't come out. They were not able to bring the great emperor to the original, but they delayed the time when their solitary family got the sacred place.

"There is no trace of the brothers, the sacred place is full of nine great emperors, you are not afraid to kill yourself?"

Lianhua Daojun knows that relying solely on their God of War Palace is not a struggle for the solitary family. However, as long as he spreads this matter out, there will be many emperors who are tempted. If several emperor forces exert pressure on the Duo family, will the high-ranking family members dare to ignore them?

"What does this mean for Shimei?"

The face of the traceless monarch can't help but sink down, and the great emperor of the sacred place is indeed a bit more. Although Tianjian domain is the site of their solitary family, the emperor forces in other territories are also not vegetarian.

Their solitary family occupied the home court advantage and dealt with two or three emperors. It is estimated that there is no problem. The key is that the emperor's powers from the nine emperors of the sacred sacred place will be more than two or three. If seven or eight emperors are killed at the same time, can the solitary family still cope?

"The nine great emperors of the sacred sacred place passed on to the three parts of the God of War. Otherwise, I can't control my mouth."

Threat, the words of Lianhua Daojun are the threat of nakedness. Since there is no trace of the king, she does not give her face, then she does not need to be polite with the traceless monarch. Before she had a good deal with the non-marking Daojun, there was no trace of Daojun directly giving her a stipend, and she was forced to make a decision.

“Is there too much inheritance of the three great emperors?”

There is no trace of Daojun, who is almost biting his teeth. The threat of Jinyun Daojun, he can ignore it, and he will not be able to destroy the family. However, the threat of Lianhua Daojun cannot be ignored by him unless he can wipe out the Lianhua Daojun and the Warriors who are present.

"Not much, if you agree to my conditions, your solitary family will only lose three great emperors. Otherwise, there will be more than three emperors lost by your solitary family."

Lianhua Daojun is not scaring the traces of the Tao. If seven or eight emperors force at the same time, it is impossible to trace them with the three great emperors.

Of course, as long as there is no willingness to give them the inheritance of the three great emperors of the God of War, she will certainly help the Duo family to keep secrets. Leading to seven or eight emperor forces, they can only get one great emperor inheritance.

"The three departments can't do it. At the very least, we can only give you the two great emperors of the God of War!"

No trace of the king is extremely tough, because he knows that the inheritance of the three great emperors is only the temptation of Lianhua Daojun. For the two great emperors of Lianhua Daojun, Lianhua Daojun will also agree.

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