The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 541: Sword magic crisis

Lianhua Daojun could not help but silence. There is no trace of Daojun who dares to say that the two great emperors passed down because it is known that the inheritance of the two great emperors is her bottom line. Below the two great emperors, she will not agree.

It stands to reason that the two great emperors can be passed down, and they have exceeded the expectations of the top of the Ares Palace. The problem is that Lianhua Daojun, under the premise that the sacred sacred land will have nine great emperors passed down, only inherits the two great emperors, and it is a bit unwilling.

It is also the emperor's power. Why can the solitary family get the inheritance of the seven great emperors, and they can only get two in the God of War? Even if the Tianjian domain is the site of the solitary family, they will pass the three great emperors in the Temple of God, but not too much?

"There are two things, I want three, there is no room for negotiation!"

The more critical moments, the more you can't make concessions, the tone of Lianhua Daojun is unprecedented. Since the trace of the Tao can be passed on to her two great emperors, it is entirely possible to pass on her three great emperors, provided that she is tough enough.

Leading to other emperor forces, they may not have the inheritance of two great emperors. However, the end of the solitary family will only be even worse. Originally, the solitary family can be inherited by the six or seven emperors. If other emperor forces are attracted, it is a problem for the solitary family to keep two or three emperors. Since the trace of the Tao can see her bottom line, then, attracting other emperor forces, the solitary family will be what to end, no trace of the king must know.

"Sister, don't toast, don't eat fine wine!"

No trace of the king looks at the eyes of the Lianhua Daojun, killing the turbulent, if the Venus of the Warriors will be wiped out, their solitary family will not only be able to preserve the inheritance of the nine emperors of the sacred place, but also avoid the nine emperors of the sacred place. The news of the birth of the world leaked out.

If it weren’t for the traces, the king would not be sure to leave the Lianhua Daojun, and he would not be so scared to scare the Lianhua Daojun. In the case of being able to do it, he will not talk nonsense with Lianhua Dao.

"Sister, do you promise him? In Tianjian domain and their hands, we have to suffer a big loss!"

The elders of the God of War, standing next to Lianhua Daojun, whispered that no trace of the king gave them two choices. One was honestly carrying two great emperors to return to their Ares Palace, and the other was to fight for life and death. Do not kill them all, no trace of the king will not stop.

"When we came, did we expect Yan Qing to get the inheritance of the great emperor?"

Of course, there are some answers. Yan Qingming’s hopes of being passed down by the great emperor are not great. However, the places where the high-level warriors have exchanged for them at a sufficient price only let Yan Qing’s use them for experience, and they are simply bloody.

"Is it really necessary to compete for the inheritance of the third great emperor?"

There are obvious differences on the side of the God of War. Some elders think that the two great emperors are quite good. Some elders agree with Lianhua Daojun. Since it is possible to win more emperors, they must fight. of.

"Sister, is the inheritance of the two great emperors not exceeded our original expectations? Why do you have to fight for the inheritance of the third great emperor?"

The sacred place is not the first time to open. The problem is that it has been opened so many times before, and there has never been any great emperor. They used to think that this time they could get a great emperor, even if the ancestors blessed. Now there is no trace of Jun Bai to give them the inheritance of the two great emperors. How is Lianhua Daojun not satisfied?

They don't have the greed of Lianhua Daojun. The strength of Lianhua Daojun is stronger than them. Even if they really fight, Lianhua Daojun can retreat. The inheritance of the great emperor is of course important, but compared with their lives, it is not so important.

"Would you like me to give you some time, do you discuss it?"

In front of the situation, in fact, there is no trace that Daojun had expected that Lianhua Daojun’s attitude is tough, and does not mean that the attitudes of other elders in the God of War Palace are equally tough. They have not been able to cultivate to the kingdom of the kingdom, so they are so dead in the Tianjian domain, certainly not reconciled.

Moreover, the inheritance of the two great emperors and the inheritance of the three great emperors are similar to the elders of the Jingshen Palace. The cultivation of the original is the inheritance of the great emperor. Can the great emperor of the sacred sacred land be better than the emperor of the warring palace?

They brought the great emperor of the sacred sacred place back to the Temple of God, which was used by the younger generations, not for their own use. They are willing to help the younger generation to win more great emperors without any danger. On the other hand, if it is dangerous, life-saving is the most important thing, and what the great emperor inherits is second.

"Don't discuss it, you can either agree to my conditions, give us the three great emperors of the God of War, or wait for the emperor's forces to come and ask for the inheritance of the emperor!"

While talking, Lianhua Daojun stunned the other elders of the God of War. She can see that there is no trace of the king, but at this moment, she will never allow the other elders of the God of War to help her. The inheritance of the three great emperors and the inheritance of the two great emperors may be similar in the eyes of other elders, but she feels a lot worse.

"Well, count you, three in three!"

Just when the other elders at the Temple of God of War thought that they would be in trouble, No Traces replied with a bite. These elders of the God of War even thought that they had misunderstood, how could the singularity of the home court advantage so easily yield?

Lianhua Daojun looks at the eyes of the unmarked Daojun, full of vigilance, and it’s too fast to have no trace of the promise.

It is not her suspicion, but she does not believe that there is no trace of the king, unless there is no trace of the king can swear in the name of the Tao. Of course, she is unable to take the initiative to mention this request in the Tianjian domain, so as not to kill the killer. She dared to ask for the inheritance of the three great emperors because she did not believe that there would be no traces.

"He promised me to give us the inheritance of the three great emperors of the God of War. It should be just a matter of expediency. If you return to the shrine in two speeds, be sure to bring me to the palace."

The inheritance of the three great emperors is definitely worthy of the palace of the God of War, and only the palace of the God of War is in person, and the Lianhua Daojun can be assured. I changed to the other elders of the God of War, and I don’t know how to die.

"The things behind you have nothing to do with your juniors. Go back first."

To deal with the many elders of the God of War, they can't help anything. No matter how strong the nine kings of the temple, it is impossible to be the enemy of the Lianhua Daojun. Lianhua Daojun can become the leader of these elders in the Temple of the God of War. The strength is naturally not comparable to that of a junior like Purgatory.

"Duo Gubin left!" Just as the swordsmen were ready to leave behind behind them in the Polo Purgatory, there was no trace of Jun.

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