The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 542: Eternal red haze

"Well?" The sword demon had to stop and turned and asked, "I don't know what the elders are telling?"

No trace of the king first ordered the sacred king and Tianzun who were present in the solitude family to go back, and then left the "Duogubin" alone. It is definitely not a nervous thing in the sword, it must be fake. The swordsman and the ling of the road are one, and the two temples are definitely not the opponents of the Tao.

"He shouldn't wear my blue lotus mask? Is it because I accidentally revealed something flawed?"

The calmness of the sword demon is purely for the unscrupulous Tao Jun, because he knows that if he can't pass the trace of the Tao, he is afraid that he can't go today. At the very least, there is no doubt that there is not enough evidence. There is no evidence that the Tao will not be able to do it.

"Before I let you conceal your identity, I am afraid that you will use my name to make a mistake. But for a while, the experience of the sacred place has ended. You don't have to continue to call me an elder."

No trace of Daojun’s eyes on “Duogubin” is full of smiles. The talent of “Duogubin” is not bad. If there is another cultivation, the future cannot be limited. He left the other holy kings and Tianzun, leaving "Duogubin" alone, and intends to accumulate enough credit for "Duogubin".

As long as the embers of the sacred place are born, they will be able to inherit the nine great emperors of the sacred place. At that time, just arrange a task for "Duogubin", and "Duogubin" can become a hero of the solitary family. This kind of thing that uses power for personal gains is not a problem.

The pupil of the sword magic suddenly shrinks. What is the relationship between Du Gubin and Wu Duojun? How does he know? It’s entirely accidental to pretend to be a solitary bin. Isn’t Bingu’s son or grandson without a trace?

He pretended to be a solitary and a solitary in the Solitary family. It can be said that it was smooth and smooth. He thought that he would pretend to be a solitary bin, and there would be no accidents. As long as they follow the eyes of the many elders of the Solitary family, they are flying away from the sky.

Although they are far superior to the swordsman, their strength is not difficult. The sword demon and the lingdao are now in a state of fit, and the cultivation of the ridiculous singularity of the singer can completely transform into a real dragon. Dragons can be big and small, can rise and hide, and they can't hold him alone. Before leaving the sacred sacred place, Ling Dao was the incarnation of the real dragon. Under the eyes of the solitude and purgatory, they were combined with the sword and the magic. They were ignorant of the singular purgatory.

"No, no, I can only warn myself if I continue to call the elders, lest I use the name of the elders."

The sword magic said to the scalp, if you can't get away with it, the hope of getting out is awkward. His methods to deal with the solitary purgatory are really no problem, but it is not enough to deal with the traceless king. The eyesight of the Taoist priest is far from being comparable to the sacred king like the Pole Purgatory.

"You are keeping up with me?"

There is no trace of the brows, and the potential of Du Gubin is not low. However, there are countless warriors who want to be his apprentices, and there are many talents like Duobin. Du Gubin can be his apprentice, and he is the blessing of Du Gubin’s eight generations.

He did not accept the solitary binoculars shortly before the opening of the sacred sacred place. They did not know that Du Gubin was his apprentice. It was normal. Du Gubin got the quota for the sacred place. If the announcement of Du Gubin is the news of his apprentice, they may give special care to Du Gubin. In that case, the trial of the sacred place will not be able to smash the effect of the solitary.

"No, how can I get angry with the elders?" The sword magic is afraid that there is no trace of the king and does not believe, and quickly explained, "What is the identity of the elders, my identity, lend me a few courage, I dare not rebel with the elders." ”

The other elders of the solitary family face each other. "Duogubin" is a matter of no apprentice, and they are also ignorant. There is no trace of the dialogue between Daojun and "Duogubin". They listened inexplicably. "Duogubin" does not call the elders who have no traces, and shouts no traces.

"If there are no other things for the elders, I will go back first."

Did not wait for the trace of the road to respond, the sword magic is awkward. Only by getting rid of these elders of the solitary family can he ensure his own safety.

It is a pity that he just turned around and there is no trace of Jun Jun. He said again, "You stand for me!"

The eyes of the unmarked Daojun could not help but squat up. The feeling of "Duogubin" in front of him was completely different from that of Du Gubin in his impression. The former Du Gubin respected him and opened his teacher to respect the master. The current "Duo Youbin" did not have a bit of awe. The trial of the sacred sacred place may enhance the strength of "Duogubin", but it is impossible to change the mentality of "Duogubin".

"You are not a solitary bin!" No trace of the king suddenly pointed to the sword magic, asked, "said! Who the **** are you?!"

Just now, no trace of the king used the power of the will to cover the sword, but unexpectedly found that "Duogubin" on the body, there is no eternal red glow of the atmosphere. The Eternal Red Sunshine is not only the emperor of their solitary family, but also the practice of Du Gubin.

It is impossible to hide the eternal heat of the Qingxia in the glory of the sacred king. No trace of the king can not detect the eternal heat of the Akasaka, which is enough to explain that there is a problem with the "Duogubin" in front of him, and the problem is very big.

"It's over!"

The sword can't help but feel a headache. It seems that there is no trace. Daojun already knows that he is not a solitary bin, or else, no trace of the king will not ask such a word.

"Brother, what happened?"

"He is not alone, but who else?"

"How come I am getting confused, can you explain the explanation?"

The other elders of the solitary family have opened their mouths. First, there is no inexplicable dialogue between the Taoist and the "Duogubin", and then there is no trace of the king who asks the identity of "Duogubin". Can you still be a singular or a sacred warrior in the Temple of God of War?

"I don't know who he is. The only thing that can be certain is that he is not a solitary but a different person. Du Gubin is practicing the eternal Akasaka, but you can feel the eternal redness in his body. Is it breathable?"

After hearing the explanation of No Trace, the other elders of the Duo family quickly used the willpower to cover the sword. The eternal heat of the red haze, they know, after all, the eternal red haze is still very big in the fame of their solitary family.

"No, he really doesn't have the eternal heat of the red haze. Is he really posing?"

"It’s too much. Just look at his appearance, just like Du Gubin. The holy king of the Solitary family estimates that there is no such thing. Should he be the holy king of the God of War?"

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