The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 555: Two silly elephants (thirteenth more!)

"Gamble, bet on it, what dare I have?"

Feng Ling said indifferently that the two holy king warriors of the idol family seemed to her to be simple goods with developed limbs. It is not difficult to overcome them in willpower. Since the two holy king warriors of the idol family wanted to bet, she taught them hard.

"After a while, you will eat this grass I gave you, and then you will find that you can reduce the pressure by half."

While the two holy kings of the idol family were not paying attention, Feng Lingyue quickly rushed a green grass into Lingdao's paw. This is the grass that Feng Lingyue pulled near the cliff. Last time, she discovered that this grass can enhance her resistance to that mysterious power.

"Shimei is very confident in herself, but unfortunately, in the face of absolute strength, it is useless to have confidence."

"First of all, Shimei, if you lose, you can't rely on your account. Otherwise, you two will probably have to suffer a lot."

The two holy kings of warriors of the idol family were all smiling and crooked. From the moment Feng Lingyue promised them, they won. One of them is a middle-level warrior of the Holy King Realm, and the other is a late-time Holy Warrior. How can they lose to Ling Dao and Feng Lingyue?

They rushed to the cliff, and then rose into the air. Don't look at their unusually large size, but their movements are extremely sensitive. The mysterious force that oppressed them, of course, reduced their speed. However, the height of the two of them has already surpassed Ling Dao and Feng Lingyue.

"Two silly elephants, just because of you as a fool, also want to win me?"

While Feng Lingyue was talking, she secretly swallowed the grass hidden in her paws, and then rushed to the sky at a faster speed. This is not her first visit to this place, so she knows her limits. Below the limit, she does not need to slow down, and soon she flew over the heads of the two holy kings of the idol family.

"What's going on? Isn't she Ba Tianzun? How could Ba Tianzun's willpower surpass our brothers?"

"It's really wrong, and if you look at the real dragon, he's not as slow as he rises. Just a few moments later, he can exceed our current height, right?"

The two holy kings of the idol family clearly did not expect that they would lose to Feng Lingyue and Ling Dao. It's not that they don't want to fly upwards, but that the oppression brought by the mysterious force is too strong. If you forcibly fly up, both of them will be damaged.

Ling Dao did not care about the views of the two holy kings of the idol family, only he came to exercise his own willpower. Feng Lingyue and the two holy kings of the idol family are only thinking of winning or losing, they don't even want to stay here to temper their willpower.

Before long, Ling Dao not only exceeded the height of the two holy kings of the idol family, but also exceeded the height of Feng Lingyue. The reason he swallowed the grass that Feng Lingyue gave him was not because he was afraid of losing to the two holy kings of the idol family, but because he intuitively told him to swallow that grass, he would get more benefit.

"You two have lost. Hurry and kneel down."

Feng Lingyue said with a smile, the two holy kings of the idol family have obviously risen to their limits, and if they go up, they will certainly not be able to carry them.

"Cheating, you two must have cheated. Otherwise, how could you have won our brothers in the realm of you two?"

"The younger brother is right. The two of them must have cheated in ways we don't know. No wonder they can surpass our younger brother."

In fact, it doesn't matter if Feng Lingyue and Ling Dao cheated. The two holy kings of the idol family just don't want to confess their accounts. If they lose to Feng Lingyue and Ling Dao, they will be ashamed. If Feng Lingyue and Ling Dao knelt down again, will they still have a foothold in the territory of the demon race?

"Sister, I give you two choices. You either have to come down by yourself, or we can beat you down!"

The eyes of the two holy kings of the idol family looking at Feng Lingyue were obviously bad intentions. Although they could not reach the height of Feng Lingyue, they defeated Feng Lingyue with their strength. By no means difficult. The gap between the strength of the deity and the warriors in the middle of the sacred kings and the warriors in the late sacred kings is definitely not the willpower that can make up.

"You two are so shameless, not only do you not confess your account, but also plan to use this girl strong?"

Feng Lingyue was obviously not angry, and she had never seen such a shameless warrior since she was small. It's a pity that her brothers and sisters are not there. Otherwise, she can let those brothers and sisters help her to teach the two Holy Kings in front of her.

As for Ling Dao, she had no hope at all. Ling Dao's realm was obviously not as high as those two holy kings of the idol family. Neither she nor Ling Dao will be the opponents of the two holy kings of the idol family. What she thinks now is whether she can escape her birth at the speed of her and Ling Dao.

Although the Phoenix and True Dragons are not known for their speed, the Phoenix and True Dragons are definitely faster than the Idols. She and Ling Dao can't beat the two holy king warriors of the idol family, it doesn't mean that she and Ling Dao can't run the holy king of the idol family.


Ling Dao was almost choked by his own saliva. Why does Feng Lingyue's words sound strange?

He didn't worry too much about the two holy king warriors of the idol family. In the realm of the real dragon, he could compete with the mid-holy warriors of the holy king, and even the late warriors of the holy king.

"Childish! The demon world has always been weak and strong. You are weaker than us. Why should we listen to you?"

"Actually, our brothers are teaching you. If you don't have enough strength, you should keep a low profile outside, otherwise your end will be miserable."

The two holy kings of the idol family have already shot while talking. They can see that it is obviously unrealistic to expect Feng Lingyue to take the initiative. Although their attack was not fatal, it was enough to hurt Batianzun, or even cause serious damage to Batianzun.

The majestic power is like turning the heavens and the earth. The idols are indeed the strongest races. With physical power alone, they can explode enough to rival the martial arts of sacred goods. In the archaic period, the Three Emperors were not able to overthrow the rule of the demons by their own strength.

"Brother Long, why don't we just run? At the speed of our two, shouldn't they catch us?"

Feng Lingyue hurriedly preached to Ling Dao. The two holy kings of the idol family were attacking closer and closer to them. If they do n’t run again, they may fall into the two holy kings of the idol family. Jing Wuzhe's hands. She really did not expect that Ling Dao was in a daze at this crisis.

In fact, Feng Lingyue misunderstood Ling Dao. Ling Dao was not, of course, dazed, but he was exercising his own willpower. The actions of the two holy kings of the idol family have caused dissatisfaction with Lingdao. He stood in the air and hone his willpower. The two holy kings of the idol family had to come to attack him. What does it mean?

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