The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 556: Difficult to understand (fourteenth more!)

"Did your elders not warn you not to disturb other martial arts at will?"

Ling Dao looked down at the eyes of the two sacred kings, as if they were sharp swords. His right hand, like the vast sky, fell suddenly. The attack of the two holy kings of the idol family as if they encountered natural enemies, scared back in a panic.

He didn't mean to hide his strength deliberately. The human race has genius. Why doesn't the Dragon race have genius?

Since their clan can cultivate the early warriors of the Holy King who defeated the middle and late warriors of the Holy Kings, then the Dragons can do the same. What's more, he is now disguised as a warrior of the true dragon family. How strong the true dragon family was during the wild period, Feng Lingyue knew, and the two holy kings of the idol family also knew.

"Brother, our attack seems to be blocked by him?"

"It's interesting. It seems that he has an extraordinary status in the Dragon clan, but he doesn't know if he can block the martial arts of our idols."

Seeing that Ling Dao broke their attack, the two holy kings of the idol family, although somewhat surprised, were not panicked. The attack they just made was just a small test. If Ling Dao is better than them, they must not believe it.

"Sister, don't take your shot, let me come!"

Sacred martial arts are not the same as if they are not. Once in the later stage of the sacred king's kingdom, once he has performed sacred martial arts, let alone the warrior in the early stage of the sacred king's kingdom, even if it is the middle sage of the sacred king's kingdom, he may be killed on the spot. He and Ling Dao are both sacred kings and martial arts soldiers. Even if Ling Dao died in his hands, the Dragons have no face to investigate.

"Slaying the dragon!"

In fact, the holy martial arts carried out by the samurai in the later period of the holy king realm are not called dragon slaughter at all. He shouted like this to scare Ling Dao. Who made Ling Dao a warrior of the true dragon family?

The horrible boxing power is like being able to tear the sky, and the idol family, the holy martial art that has been innumerable in the later period of the Holy King Realm, is truly extraordinary. Destroying the fist of fist, straight into the sky, no matter his teacher or Feng Lingyue, they felt the extremely terrible edge.

Feng Lingyue and his classmates can fully imagine how Ling Dao will feel first. However, since he has practiced the martial arts of sacred goods, then he has to distinguish between victory and defeat, or even death. Anyway, the current idols are not weaker than the true dragons. He doesn't need to be afraid of the background of Lingdao.

"Imperial Real Dragon Fist!"

Ling Dao didn't hesitate at all, and immediately exhibited the Emperor's True Dragon Fist, and saw countless Taos, turned into two true dragons, and slammed into the holy product of the idol family ’s late saint. Martial arts. Although the sacred king of the idol family has a higher level of warriors than he did in the later period, he has an advantage in blood and exercises.

The emperor's scriptures of the idol family cannot be underestimated. The problem is that the emperor's scriptures of the idol family cannot be compared with the barren wild gods. In terms of bloodline, he is an emperor, and this holy king of the idol family is inferior to him in the later period, which is normal.

"Come again!"

In the confrontation just now, the warriors of the sacred kingdom of the idol family obviously did not take advantage. He said nothing, rushed directly to the sky, and the closer he was, the greater the damage that the sacred martial arts he could inflict on Ling Dao. His thoughts coincided with Ling Dao, and Ling Dao also dived down.

"The physical strength of your true dragons is indeed better than that of our idols. However, your realm is lower than me, and I don't believe that your physical strength is above me."

The warriors of the idol family in the later stage of the holy king said coldly that the physical strength of the idol family is not weak. Coupled with the fact that he is two little higher than Ling Dao, he has full confidence in his physical strength, which is completely understandable.

Feng Lingyue was already stunned. Isn't Ling Dao the only pre-holy kingdom? How to fight, in no way weaker than the warriors in the early days of the holy king of the idol family?

It is not that she hasn't seen genius, but it is rare to be able to fight against a genius like Ling Dao in the early days of the Holy King and the late idols.

The key is that she didn't know Ling Dao before. The reason why she walked with Ling Dao was because Ling Dao had sympathy for her. Unexpectedly, Ling Dao turned out to be a genius, and not an ordinary genius. Because she can see that the late holy king of the idol family is not weak among the warriors in the same realm.

"Hit against my brother? I think you're looking for death!"

A cruel smile emerged from the corner of the middle-aged holy king of the idol family standing below. His realm is higher than Ling Dao. In terms of physical strength, Ling Dao and his brother are at best at best. However, in terms of strength, his brother was enough to surpass Ling Dao. Positively shocked, what will happen to Ling Dao, he can fully predict.


Sure enough, just a few moments later, the middle-aged warrior of the idol family heard the sound of broken bones. If he hadn't guessed wrongly, Ling Dao's claws might have been smashed by his brother.

Feng Lingyue was so scared that she almost covered her eyes with her wings. It wasn't her long-term aspirations that killed her might. But Ling Dao was two small realms lower than the late holy king of the idol family. Ling Dao was defeated, and she was completely understandable.

"I let you run away, you don't listen, you have to be incapable, are you hurt now?" Feng Lingyue complained about Ling Ling and said, "Wait for me to run behind you, hope we two Get out of their field of view. "

Ling Dao did not expect that Feng Lingyue was quite moral. However, Feng Lingyue does not need to run on his back, because it wasn't him who was injured, but the late emperor warrior of the idol family. The physical power of the idols is indeed terrible, but compared to him, it is still not enough.

Normally, only the Ling Dao in the early stage of the holy king's realm is indeed inferior to the late warriors of the holy king's realm of the idol family. But at the last minute, Ling Dao used Jiuzhuan Zhenlong Jin, and his physical strength was improved several times. It is no wonder that the warrior of the idol family can surpass him in terms of strength in the later period.

"How could this be??"

The physical pain did not have much impact on the warriors in the late sacred kingdom of the idol family. The key is the impact on the spirit. He even lost to Ling Dao in the aspect that he is most proud of, or the most proud of their idols.

If Ling Dao's realm is higher than him, he can barely accept it. The problem is that Ling Dao's realm is not only higher than him, but lower than him. Doesn't this mean that in the same realm, his power is much worse?

"Did I read that right? It wasn't Brother Long who was injured, but that silly elephant?"

Feng Lingyue first looked at the late martial arts warriors of the idol family, and then stunned Ling Ling Road. Her worldview was also greatly affected. As a martial art warrior, of course, she knows what is the strongest place for the true dragon family and the idol family.

Isn't it that the power of the idols is unmatched? How does the power of Ling Dao seem to be greater than that of the late martial arts of the idol family? Is she wrong? In fact, the power of the true dragons is the biggest? What is the strongest race in the flesh?

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