The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 557: Relic Sword

"He really only has the early days of the Holy King?"

Not only does Feng Lingyue not believe that Ling Dao is a warrior in the early days of the holy king, the two holy warriors of the idol family also do not believe it. The true dragons in the early days of the Holy Kings may defeat the idols in the late days of the Holy Kings. However, the true dragons in the early days of the Holy Kings may never defeat the idols in the late days of the Holy Kings.

True dragons are strong in the body, idols are strong in power, and Ling Dao is able to defeat the idol tribe in the late stage of the sacred kingdom. This shows that he is stronger than the latter in both power and body. Because of this, Feng Lingyue is difficult to understand. Is "Long Ling" an imperial emperor?

"I just underestimated the enemy just now. I will never make the second mistake again for the same mistake!"

The warrior of the idol family in the late period of the sacred king state said hatefully that the faces of Feng Lingyue and his younger brother changed, and he looked at them all. Only in front of them, defeating "Long Ling", he will not be reduced to the laughingstock of demons.

His classmate may be tight-lipped, but Feng Lingyue certainly won't. In the later period of the Holy King, he was not as good as the "Long Ling" in the early period of the Holy King. If he spread it, not only would he lose face, but even the entire idol family would be sneered by other races.

Three majestic temples were suspended in the air, and hundreds or thousands of Taos were converted into combat knives, swords, swords, or spears. . The sacred martial arts he is currently performing is obviously a better grade than the sacred martial arts he has just performed.

"It's interesting, but it's a pity that you met me!"

Ling Dao said hurriedly that the holy martial arts of the idol family, a samurai warrior in the later period of the Holy King Realm, used to deal with the vast majority of warriors in the early period of the Holy King, and they had a good chance of winning. However, his strength is far above the vast majority of warriors in the early days of the Holy King.

He did not sacrifice the temple like the samurai late warriors of the idol family, nor did he perform other holy martial arts, but continued to use the royal dragon fist. The majestic boxing power, like two true dragons, rammed through, ignoring the martial arts of martial arts performed by the warriors in the late period of the idol family.

"Where does he come from? Is it true that the warriors in the late stage of the holy king of our idol family are muddy?"

Standing in the middle of the distance, the Holy King was full of embarrassment. The status of "Long Ling" was obviously lower than that of his brother. However, "Long Ling" was full of disdain when he looked at his brother. "Long Ling" A warrior in the early days of the holy king, why should he look down on a warrior in the late period of the holy king like his brother?

Their idol family is no worse than the true dragon family. The true dragon family was once the overlord of the three thousand territory. But their idol family is not the overlord of the three thousand territory. He wished to take the shot himself, so that "Long Ling" could see the power of their idols.

Feng Lingyue's eyes were dazzling, and the strength demonstrated by "Long Ling" was not weaker than her brothers and sisters in the later period of the Holy King Realm. No wonder she did not see a look of fear or worry on the face of "Long Ling" from the beginning to the end. It turned out that "Long Ling" was enough to rival the late warriors of the sacred kingdom of the idol family.


The terrifying fist was invincible, and the Tao was condensed into a sword, a sword, and a spear, which exploded. The martial arts of the holy martial arts performed by the warriors in the late period of the holy king realm of the idol family collapsed under the attack of Lingdao. The power of imperial real dragon fist was greatly exerted in Ling Dao's hands.

This is the confrontation between human martial arts and demon martial arts. Ling Dao represents the human race, and the samurai in the later stage of the holy king realm represents the demon race. Of course, the victory of Ling Dao is not enough to show that human martial arts is better than demon martial arts. After all, Ling Dao's strength is not weaker than the martial arts of the idol family in the late period of the sacred king.

"How could this be?"

In the eyes of the late martial arts of the idol family, the martial arts are filled with incredible. The holy martial arts that he went all out to perform, not only failed to defeat Ling Dao, but was defeated by Ling Dao's imperial real dragon boxing. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he really didn't believe that the sacred kings of the true dragon family could have such strength.

Before he could react, Ling Dao was chasing after victory, and the sloppy dragon horn pierced his body severely. The physical body of the idol is powerful, but in front of the dragon dragon horns, it is as fragile as tofu. The bright red blood smashed to the ground like raindrops, and the dense potholes were like telling the suffering of the warriors in the late stage of the true king of the true dragon family.

In the later period of the holy king of the idol family, the warriors backed up in an attempt to avoid Lingdao's pursuit. However, Ling Dao won't let him succeed. The sharp dragon claws scratched on him one after another, and the bone wound was deeply visible, which made him grin with pain. In the late period of the Holy King Realm, he had no power to fight back under the fierce offensive of Ling Dao.

"Brother, if you don't help me, I will die in his hands!"

Although it is a shame to ask for help from my brother, face and life are more important than the latter. He alone is obviously not an opponent of "Long Ling". Only by adding his classmates, they can have a chance of defeating victory. His brother is a middle-aged warrior in the Holy King Realm. Even if he loses to "Long Ling", he can also relieve him of a lot of pressure.

"With the strength of my brother, I'm not his opponent. If I don't use the holy weapon, I will not be his opponent."

In the middle of the sacred king realm of the idol family, the warrior did not rush, but at the first time sacrificed the holy artifact gifted to him by his elders. Wan Yaoyu is in great danger and there is no holy weapon to protect his elders.

The demon and the human race are different. The preciousness of the holy weapon in the demon race is by no means comparable to the human race. In the ancient times, the three emperors were able to overthrow the rule of the demons, and the help of weapons was indispensable. The demons have a great advantage either in the flesh, in strength, in speed, or in will. The human race has no advantage in these aspects, and can only start with weapons.

In other words, the weapon is made up for the lack of human warriors. For example, the human warriors are weak in body. If they fight with real dragons or idols with bare hands, they will definitely suffer a lot. Only by using weapons can Terran Warriors confront Idols and True Dragons in the front.

"Give me kill!"

In the middle of the sacred kingdom of the idol family, the warrior shouted at "Long Ling", and the holy weapon had spirit. As long as he instilled his power into this holy weapon, the holy weapon could explode with extremely powerful power.

"Sacred sword?"

Feng Lingyue couldn't help but be a little dumbfounded. The warriors in the middle of the sacred kingdom of the idol family urged the holy sword and the sharp edge as if they could split this world. The eruptive power of the holy war sword is obviously stronger than the holy martial arts that the warrior in the late period of the holy king just showed.

"Are you guys shameless? Two to one, and holy tools?"

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