The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 560: The Seven Kings of God

"How can it be?!"

It is normal for Yao Hongmian not to believe. In the same realm, the height she can reach will only be above the lords of other races, not below the lords of other races. But now, the sage king of the fox family told her that the realm of Feng Lingyue and Lingdao was only the first stage of the sage king and the middle stage of the sage king. Doesn't this mean hitting her face?

The heights of Ling Dao and Feng Lingyue already exceeded the extreme heights of Yao Hongmian. According to the test standards of this place, Ling Dao and Feng Lingyue's willpower is stronger than the demon red cotton. In the same realm, losing to Feng Lingyue in terms of recovery ability and speed, Yao Hongmian is acceptable. But if she lost to Feng Lingyue in terms of will, Yao Hongmian couldn't accept it.

"I can't read it wrong. This sister of the Feng clan is definitely a middle-aged warrior of the Holy Kings, while this brother of the Dragon clan is a former warrior of the Holy Kings."

The prince of the fox tribe is extremely sure that the realm of Ling Dao and Feng Lingyue is lower than him. It is almost impossible to impersonate the peak of the holy king realm or the power of the monarch realm under his eyelids. . Furthermore, he can see that Ling Dao and Feng Lingyue are extremely young, and they can even say that they are young. Even if he is such a genius, at the ages of Ling Dao and Feng Lingyue, he can only practice to Tianjun Realm.

"What are you talking about?" Yao Hongmian stared round and asked incredulously, "The older brother of the Dragon family is in the early period of the Holy King, and the older sister of the Feng family is in the middle of the Holy Kingdom. Shouldn't he be the dragon's brother? Is it higher than the Feng sisters? "

Even if the prince of the fox family said to the demon Hongmian, "Lingdao is a warrior in the middle of the sacred kingdom, and Feng Lingyue is a warrior in the early period of the sacred king", the demon hongmian did not believe it, let alone the fox's apex Or "Ling Dao is a warrior in the early days of the Holy King, and Feng Lingyue is a warrior in the middle of the Holy King."

Anyone can see that Ling Dao's position is much higher than Feng Lingyue. According to Yao Hongmian, the realm of Ling Dao should be higher than Feng Lingyue. The problem is that their elder brothers told them extremely steadfastly that Feng Lingyue's realm was higher than Ling Dao, and he was very specific.

"Who the **** should we believe? Is it for the sisters or brothers?"

The sacred kings of the fox family looked at each other, not that they did not believe in Yao Hongmian, but that the views of Yao Hongmian were completely opposite to those of their brothers. It is true that Yao Hongmian knows a little about this place, but their elder brother Hu Xiong has seven temples, which are not comparable to Yao Hongmian.

"What do you ask, what are the realm of the dragon and Feng's brothers and sisters, wouldn't you see it yourself?"

Hu immortal said impatiently, not only Hu Xiwu can see through the realm of Ling Dao and Feng Lingyue, he also has five temples. As long as Ling Dao and Feng Lingyue did not deliberately hide their realm, warriors higher than them could easily see through their realm.

"How do I feel that my brother is right? They really only have the first stage and the middle stage of the Holy King."

"Sister, are you remembering it wrong? Or you remember it wrong?"

The realm of Ling Dao and Feng Lingyue is not a secret at all in the eyes of the holy kings of the Fox clan. Before, they had simply explored the realm of Ling Dao and Feng Lingyue because they too believed in the judgment of Yao Hongmian. Who knows, Hu Jinwu's statement turned out to be true. Ling Dao's realm is indeed higher than Feng Lingyue.

"I'll remember it wrong? What kidding?"

Yao Hongmian shook her head quickly. The holy kings of the Fox clan could say that her judgment was wrong, but she could not say that she remembered it wrongly or wrongly. Think about it with your toes, and you know that the higher you go, the more pressure the warrior will bear. Normally, since Ling Dao is up and Feng Lingyue is down, Ling Dao's realm should be higher than Feng Lingyue.

Of course, Ling Dao ’s realm may also be lower than Feng Lingyue, not because she remembered it wrong, but because Ling Dao ’s willpower far surpassed the warriors in the same realm. The world is huge, and there are all kinds of wonders. Nine-tailed demon foxes are the strongest willed races, but other races may not be able to produce very powerful willpower.

"It's boring to fight, don't you know if you tried it in the past?"

Hu Budu stopped the meaningless quarrel. The fact is better than eloquence. As long as they test their willpower in the past, they can know whether the demon red cotton is saying true or false. Anyway, they have both the sacred king martial arts peak warrior, the sacred king martial arts early warrior and the sacred king martial arts late warrior.

"Brother said yes, let me see if the higher the place, the greater the pressure."

His realm is higher than Ling Dao and Feng Lingyue. Theoretically, the height he can reach is definitely above Ling Dao and Feng Lingyue. However, before reaching the height of Feng Lingyue, he had felt great pressure, let alone the height of Ling Dao.

"Sister, it seems that you really remembered it, otherwise, they are lower than me, how can they be above me?"

At present, the lowest level of the realm is the highest. Followed by Feng Lingyue in the middle of the Holy King Realm, and finally in the latter of the Holy King Realm. Heaven and earth conscience, it really isn't that he wants to raise the bar with Yao Hongmian. It turns out that the lower the position, the higher the realm.

Of course, if he continues to go up with his teeth, it is not impossible, but it may cause damage to the world of will. He does not need to run the risk of breaking the world of will for this test.

"No, your height is not too much pressure for me, and I can keep going up."

Before waiting for the demons to protest, Hu Xunwu frowned and said that he had seven temples standing at such a height and felt really little pressure. It wasn't until he reached Feng Lingyue's height that he felt a lot of pressure. That mysterious power seemed to crush the world of his will.

At the same time, the other holy kings of the Fox clan also noticed that something was wrong. Aside from Ling Dao and Feng Lingyue, their height was indeed directly proportional to their realm. The higher the position, the higher the realm. There are no exceptions.

"I'll just say, I can't remember wrong, the higher the position, the greater the pressure."

The position of the demon red cotton is the lowest, who made her only the early stage of the Holy King? However, not only was she not unhappy, but she was full of smiles. She was in the lowest state, shouldn't she be at the bottom?

The only thing that puzzled her was why was Ling Dao and Feng Lingyue on her? Even the foxtail martial arts, which has seven temples, is not as high as Lingdao?

"Look at you, you are higher than the dragon brother in the Ming Dynasty. Why is your willpower not as good as the dragon brother?"

Since Ling Dao's realm is similar to her, she will definitely not call Brother Ling Dao again. The ridicule of Yao Hongmian has obviously caused the dissatisfaction of other holy kings of the Fox tribe.

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