The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 561: Huxu Wu's obsession

"If there is a problem, there must be a problem in this place. How could the true dragon in the early days of the Holy King surpass a peak King like me in terms of will?"

Hu Xunwu said with great pressure. It turns out that Yao Hongmian was right. The more the pressure goes up, the other holy kings of the Fox clan can't reach his height. The problem is that only the imperial dominion of the Holy King was on him. It stands to reason that the same level of warriors in the early days of the Holy King, the height that Ling Dao can reach must be under the demon red cotton, after all, the demon red cotton is a nine-tailed demon fox, the strongest willpower race.

Not only is it difficult to understand the foxes, but the other sage kings of the fox family cannot accept this fact. Their willpower is not as good as that of Huxu Wu, because it has seven temples, and their willpower is not as good as Lingdao. What is it? Isn't Ling Dao only one temple?

"I think that his presence above us does not mean that his willpower is stronger than ours. Maybe this place's suppression of true dragons is weak. We are not true dragons, so we cannot enjoy that kind of welfare."

"My brother's thoughts coincided with me. I also think that this place has different suppression powers on Zhenlong and our fox warriors. Otherwise, it can't be explained."

Willpower is the advantage of the nine-tailed demon fox. Even if Ling Dao's realm is similar to them, they also feel that Ling Dao's willpower is not as good as them, let alone Ling Daocai's holy king. True Dragon's strength is in the physical aspect, not the will aspect.

"Is his willpower stronger than those holy kings of the Fox clan?"

It is also cheating. The height that Ling Dao can reach, above Feng Lingyue, can already explain some problems. At least, Ling Dao's willpower is obviously stronger than Feng Lingyue. You must know that Feng Lingyue's realm is higher than Ling Dao. Even the nine-tailed demon fox in the early days of the Holy King's Realm may not be able to surpass Feng Lingyue in terms of will.

The holy kings of the Fox clan did not affect Ling Dao. For him, tempering the world of will is the most important thing right now. As long as the holy kings of the fox tribe do not come to provoke him, he will not delay cultivation because of the holy kings of the fox tribe. However, the current height can put pressure on him, and it is difficult to give him much improvement.

"Did I read that right? He's still going up?"

"Is the height just now still not his limit? He really only has the early stage of the Holy King?"

It wasn't that the fox did not make a fuss about them, but the shock that Ling Dao had caused them was too great. They couldn't reach the height where Ling Dao was just now, let alone the height that Ling Dao could reach next. Even if the suppression of true dragons in this place is really not as big as the fox tribe, it is not so much worse?

Feng Lingyue was so shocked that Ling Dao was able to withstand the pressure, fearing that she could have her several times. However, Ling Dao's face did not change at all, indicating that the pressure was still not enough to cause much damage to Ling Dao's will world. Now she has to admit that in terms of volition alone, she is really inferior to the imperial dominion of the Holy King in the middle.

"Look, it is the projection of his world of will!"

Yao Hongmian shouted at Ling Dao above. Whether Ling Dao's willpower is strong or not can be completely seen from Ling Dao's will world projection. Although reason tells her that Ling Dao's willpower will only be weaker than her, and will not be stronger than her, but Ling Dao's performance really does not look like a martial artist with weaker willpower.

At the same time, Hu Xiwu and Hu Budu looked up and looked at the projection of Ling Dao's world of will. Hu Budu even wondered whether he would attack Ling Dao ’s will world projection later, so as to prove that his will power is far superior to Ling Dao.

"This, this, this ..."

The next moment, Hududu was dumbfounded, because he felt how terrible the world of Ling Dao's will was. Fortunately, he did not rush, otherwise, it would only be himself. Although he was reluctant to admit it, he knew in his heart that his willpower was inferior to arrogance.

The other holy kings of the Fox clan were also silent, no wonder Lingdao ignored them from beginning to end. What they did just now seems to Ling Dao's eyes the same as the clowns. Not that Ling Dao looked down on them, but what they did just now, just thinking about them all felt pain.

It is nonsense that this place cannot be measured accurately, and that this place is not as powerful as the Fox clan in suppressing Zhenlong. Their height is not as high as Ling Dao, simply because their willpower is not as high as Ling Dao. If their willpower can surpass Ling Dao, will they not be able to surpass Ling Dao?

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I really don't believe that his true dragon in the early days of a holy king could surpass us holy kings in will."

"It's incredible, we are the holy king of the Fox clan. Why does he surpass us in terms of will?"

Before, they could also give a variety of reasons to demonstrate that it is not that their willpower is weaker than Ling Dao, but that external reasons have prevented them from playing as high as Ling Dao. But now, anyone can see that Ling Dao's willpower is stronger than them.

Whether they can accept it or not, in fact, they can't open their eyes and talk nonsense, right?

"It's nothing. Some warriors are talented in some ways. I guess he is the kind of warrior who is gifted in will."

"Yes, haven't we in the fox family had a genius who is far stronger in physical strength than in the same realm? His willpower is stronger than us. We can't say that the dragon family is stronger than our fox family, right?

Ling Dao is just an example. As long as the warriors of the Dragon race they met before, they have not surpassed them in terms of will as long as they have the same realm. If the warriors of the Dragon race surpass their foxes in terms of will, they will really not accept them.

"Don't say it, you don't feel shame enough, do you?"

Hu Xun Wu coldly reprimanded, if Ling Dao was the top warrior of the Holy King Realm, they would lose to Ling Dao in terms of will, it would not be as shameful. The problem is that Ling Dao has only the early stage of the Holy King. They are several levels higher than Ling Dao. Even if Ling Dao is talented in will, they will not lose to Ling Dao in terms of will, right?

"I found that this place can temper our world of will. As long as we lower our heart to cultivate, we will definitely catch up with, or even surpass, that boy."

The other sage kings of the Fox clan could accept the fact that they lost to Ling Dao, but Huxu Wu could not accept it. No more than Ling Dao, Hu Jinwu will not leave this place. Even if Ling Dao had left, he would have to exceed the height before Ling Dao left before leaving this place.

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