The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 562: I want to compare you with the flesh!

"Yes, brother!"

The sacred kings of the fox tribe all nodded, not to say how much they were afraid of the foxes, but because they lost to the early warriors of the sacred kings like Ling Dao, they were really unwilling. The advantages of the fox warriors in terms of will will be greater than that of the dragon warriors, not to mention that their realm is higher than Ling Dao, and their will power should not be weaker than Ling Dao.

When they first arrived, the height of Ling Dao was about one hundred meters higher than the height where Foxtail Wu now stands. But now, the height of Ling Dao is already 180 meters higher than that of Hu Jinwu. There are only two explanations for Ling Dao's performance. Either Ling Dao has found a way to counteract that mysterious power, or Ling Dao has used that mysterious power to enhance his strength of will.

Whether it is the former or the latter, they all have more hope than Ling Dao. Of course, Hu Xunwu definitely hopes to be the latter. Only the latter can let him surpass Ling Dao in terms of will. The former's words are actually of little significance. What he wants is a decent win, not speculation.

"I'm not dreaming, are these holy kings of the Fox clan trying to challenge Brother Dragon's willpower?"

Feng Lingyue's eyes rolled slowly. If these holy kings of the Fox clan challenged the physical strength of Ling Dao, she could understand that after all, the strongest physical race is the true dragon. The holy kings of the key fox family are challenging the willpower of Ling Dao. Isn't the strongest will race not the nine-tailed demon fox, but the real dragon?

Otherwise, how can these holy kings of the Fox tribe challenge Ling Dao's willpower? Aren't they higher than Ling Dao?

Although Feng Lingyue's willpower is not as good as Ling Dao, after all, willpower is not a specialty of the Feng tribe. When she loses to Ling Dao in terms of will, Feng Lingyue has no feeling. If Ling Dao is lost in recovery ability, Feng Lingyue will be difficult to accept.

"Brother, I really feel that my willpower is getting stronger. If I continue to cultivate, my willpower may even be stronger than the monarchy!"

Hu Budu said with surprise, that in their realm, it would not be easy to increase their willpower. But using that mysterious power to refine the world of will, less than half an hour, he felt the increase of the power of will. It is no wonder that Ling Dao and Feng Lingyue can reach such a height. It seems that Ling Dao and Feng Lingyue are practicing in this place.

"I see. He isn't very talented, but he has greatly enhanced his willpower with the mysterious power in this place."

Yao Hongmian said in horror that this explanation is obviously more reasonable than the explanation of Hu Budu. No matter how talented the dragon warriors are, it is impossible to have the will power of the fox warriors beyond the peak of the sacred king in the early days of the sacred king. ?

The other holy kings of the Fox clan instantly felt a sense of openness. They were not lost to Ling Dao in their will, but to this mysterious place. As long as they are given enough time, they are completely confident to reach or even exceed the heights of Ling Dao at the moment.

"Brother Long, should we go now?"

Although Feng Lingyue would like to know whether these holy kings of the Fox tribe can surpass Lingdao, but this place should not be left for long. If the two holy kings of the Xiang tribe had invited the top warrior of the holy king realm, she and Ling Dao would have been unlucky. Although Ling Dao's strength is not weak, it is certainly not enough to compare with the Holy Peak Realm.

Dragons and Fengs also have no shortage of holy kings. The problem is that the holy kings of dragons and phoenixes are not in this place. If Ling Dao and Feng Lingyue were caught by the Elephant King's King of the King Realm, the end can be imagined, after all, they have almost no hope of escaping their birth before the King of the King of the King King Realm.

"Go?" Hu Budu frowned, sarcastically. "What? Are you afraid?"

"Brother, be confident. Remove the"? ", They are afraid!"

"Yes, the strongest-willed race has always been our nine-tailed demon fox, not a real dragon or a phoenix. How can they be our opponents if they really compete against the will?"

The other holy kings of the Fox clan answered in a weird and eccentric manner. Originally, they could not compare with Ling Dao and Feng Lingyue, and they were very upset. Then they finally saw the dawn of surpassing Ling Dao and Feng Lingyue. As a result, Ling Dao and Feng Lingyue had to leave again, giving them the feeling of hitting the cotton with all their strength.

"Afraid? Why should we be afraid? Your realm is higher than us, and your willpower is stronger than us, shouldn't it be?"

Feng Lingyue said innocently that from beginning to end, these holy kings of the Fox clan had to compare with Ling Dao. Ling Da had no intention to compare with them. Furthermore, they lose face to Ling Dao, but Ling Dao loses to them without shame. Who makes them higher than Ling Dao?

The holy kings of the Fox clan are speechless, Feng Lingyue seems to be fine, and their willpower is stronger than Ling Dao, shouldn't it? Even if they were given enough time, they could have stronger willpower than Ling Dao.

"It's boring than will. I want to compete with him physically!"

Yao Hongmian couldn't help but shouted. Since Ling Dao won in the strongest aspect of their nine-tailed demon foxes, then she could only be ashamed if she defeated Ling Dao in the strongest aspect of Zhenlong. The holy king of the fox tribe present is only the demon Hongmian and Lingdao who have the same realm. The other holy kings of the fox tribe do not have any meaning even if they surpass Lingdao in physical strength.

Feng Lingyue couldn't help but feel dumbfounded. In the same realm, how could the physical strength of the demon red cotton be comparable to Lingdao? Does the demon Hong Mian not know that the strongest race in the flesh is the true dragon?

She has seen Ling Dao fight with the holy king of the elephant tribe. The physical strength of Ling Dao is by no means comparable to the warriors in the early days of the holy king like Yao Hongmian. Yao Hongmian wants Xuesha's mood, she can understand, but in her opinion, what Yao Hongmian did was purely insulting herself.

"Brother, you can leave, as long as you can beat me in physical strength."

Yao Hongmian didn't hesitate and immediately challenged Ling Dao. Her self-confidence comes from her half-foot, and she has already stepped into the middle of the Holy King's Realm, which means that her physical strength is stronger than that of most warriors in the Early King's Realm. Ling Dao looks so young, maybe it didn't take long to break into the Holy King Realm. She is not invincible in her physical battle with Ling Dao.

"Uh ... are you sure?"

Ling Dao asked for a moment before asking, not that she looked down on Yao Hongmian, but in the same realm, even Zhenlong could not win him in terms of physical strength. Where did Yao Hongmian's confidence come from? Wouldn't the demon red cotton be a hybrid of a real dragon and a nine-tailed demon fox?

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