The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 563: Terror exists

"What is your look? Look down on me?"

The demon's red face was not stubborn. Ling Dao looked at her eyes as if she were looking at an idiot. In the same realm, since Ling Dao can win her in terms of will, how can she not beat Ling Dao physically?

She did not use her willpower, nor did she perform any martial arts. Instead, she waved her fists and attacked Lingdao. Although she had no injustice with Ling Dao, Ling Dao's contempt caused her dissatisfaction. She wouldn't give up until Lingdao hits the ground.

"Well, Shimei is so impulsive. In the same realm, how could her physical strength be comparable to that real dragon?"

"The physical body is the strength of the true dragon, and it is also the shortcoming of our fox family.

Even these holy kings of the Fox clan don't think the demon red cotton can win. If Yao Hongmian compares her strength with Ling Dao, she may win, but she is better than her physical body.

Don't talk about real dragons. The physical bodies of their foxes are not even comparable to idols and holy apes. The fox clan relies on willpower. As a result, the demon red cotton took the initiative to give up the willpower and had to compete with Ling Dao physically. If the demon red cotton lost to Ling Dao, they would not be surprised. Of course, even if Yao Hongmian uses willpower, Ling Dao ’s hope is not better than Ling Daomian, because Ling Daomian ’s willpower is stronger than that of Yao Hongmian.

"You can't help it!"

This was not what Ling Dao said, but what Feng Lingyue said. With her voice falling down, Yao Hongmian's body flew out like a shell. Facts have proven that she was right. The act of the demon Hong Mian was indeed beyond control. Just to compete with the physical body, how could the demon red cotton be comparable to Lingdao?


Yao Hongmian opened her mouth, she really didn't know what to say to restore her face. It was her who had to compete with Ling Dao physically, and the result was just a blink of an eye, and she lost. No wonder everyone said that the real dragon is unparalleled. She learned it today.

The other holy kings of the Fox clan were stunned. Although they knew that Yao Hongmian had no hope of winning, she lost too badly. According to their predictions, Yao Hongmian can support more than a dozen rounds, even dozens of rounds. After all, Ling Dao is only in the early days of the Holy King. Even if he is stronger than the demon red, it is also limited.

Who knows, the reality is not the same as what they imagine, Ling Dao is much stronger than the demon red cotton in terms of physical body. Compared with Ling Dao, the physical strength of Yao Hongmian is like the gap between heavenly weapons and holy weapons.

"Nothing. It is normal for you to lose to the real dragon in the same realm."

Hu Xunwu couldn't help but comfort that Ling Dao was better than Yao Hongmian in terms of will. It was an exception. Yao Hongmian wanted to replicate such an exception, which was obviously unrealistic. Anyway, the demon Hong Mian lost to Ling Dao in the physical competition, which was completely expected by Huxu Wu. Of course he would not blame the demon Hong Mian.

"Your brother is right. Your physical strength is not as good as mine. It is normal. Even in the Dragon race, it is difficult to find a pre-warrior of the Holy King who is stronger than my physical body."

Based on the relationship between Ling Dao and Tianhu Holy Land, he will definitely not target a nine-tailed demon fox like Yao Hongmian, unless Yao Hongmian takes the initiative to be his enemy. What's more, he is telling the truth, it is really difficult for the Dragon clan to find the warrior in the early days of the Holy King who is stronger than him.

"I can't help it. I'm physically inferior to my brother."

Yao Hongmian said positively. Before the confrontation, she called out Master Ling Dao, and now she called back to her brother again. Not because of anything else, but purely because of Ling Dao's strength, which was recognized by her. Since Ling Dao can crush her in three aspects: will, body, and strength, then she really is not Ling Ling's opponent.

The Long tribe's heritage is no worse than the fox tribe. The demon Hongmian may not take any advantage in terms of exercises and martial arts. As for actual combat, although the dragon warriors are not as belligerent as the holy apes, the dragon races are more belligerent than their foxes.

"Sister, we don't think we can go."

Ling Dao Shensheng said, Feng Lingyue's worry is not unreasonable. They continue to stay in this place, and they may indeed be caught by the strong members of the Xiang clan. This is why he knows that this place is very suitable for tempering his own will, and still willing to listen to Feng Lingyue leaving this place.

It is a pity that this place is not for them to come and go. In other words, this place is only for him, Feng Lingyue can go, like the holy king of the clan, but he can't go.

"What's wrong? Has the elephant clan come?"

Feng Lingyue quickly asked, Ling Dao's willpower was stronger than her, and it was not surprising that she could catch the strong elephant race in front of her. She just didn't understand. Since the strong of the elephant clan came, why didn't Ling Dao take the time to escape? They can't beat the strong of the elephant clan, can't they run away from the strong of the elephant clan?

"What? You have resentment against the strong of the Elephant Race?"

Hubudu asked gleefully, who could be called the strong by Feng Lingyue, and his realm must be above Ling Dao and Feng Lingyue. According to the rules of their demons, Daojun basically does not act on the early holy kings and middle holy kings such as Ling Dao and Feng Lingyue.

If he didn't guess it wrong, the elephant clan strongman who Ling Dao and Feng Lingyue had offended would be the peak of the Holy King Realm. With him and the foxtail martial arts in, the strong of the elephant clan shouldn't make the monsters red cotton. After all, the Seven Kings of the Temple like Hu Xiwu still has a certain deterrent.

Although Husao Wu and Hu Budu will not kill Ling Dao and Feng Lingyue, but the strong members of the elephant clan will kill Ling Dao and Feng Lingyue, they will just stand by and watch the show. Counting on their rescue, Ling Dao and Feng Lingyue would be better off.

"Isn't it the strong of the elephant clan, don't you feel the horror?"

While Ling Dao was talking, he secretly pointed at the cliff ahead. He said he couldn't get away because he felt he was staring at something on the cliff. As for what's in the cliff, he doesn't know, anyway, that kind of thing is more than ten times stronger than the strong of the elephant clan.

When he meets the strong of the elephant clan, even if he and Feng Lingyue can't fight, they can use the advantage of speed to escape birth. However, the contents of the cliff are mysterious and unpredictable. If he can escape the birth, his heart is completely unknown. The unknown is more difficult to deal with than the strong of the elephant clan.

"What horror?" Feng Lingyue's eyes were filled with doubts, "Since the strong of the elephant clan has not come, what can we not get away with?"

Not only Feng Lingyue didn't know what Ling Dao was talking about, but Hu Xiuwu and Hu Budu those who were princes in the kingdom of the King also didn't know what Ling Dao was talking about. Some holy kings of the Fox clan even feel that Ling Dao is playing tricks on mystery. What is really necessary? How can they not feel it?

"Shh! I heard the roar of countless beasts, didn't you hear it?"

Ling Dao made a snoring gesture, and then asked softly. Just now, there seemed to be thousands of beasts roaring in his ears. Strangely, Feng Lingyue and the holy kings of the Fox clan did not seem to hear it. Is it his hallucination?

I don't know why, Feng Lingyue always felt cold. The holy kings of the Fox tribe also felt embarrassed, was it because Ling Dao was too scary? No, how could they be scared by Lingdao's words when they were sacred kings?

"Brother, I seem to have heard the roar of wild beasts, wouldn't we really be caught by any horrible existence?"

"I thought it strange before. There is nothing in this place. How could there be a mysterious power to temper our world of will? That mysterious power would not be emitted by that terror existence?"

Just by the willpower, they can be overwhelmed by these holy kings. It is conceivable how powerful the terror existence in the dark is. It is not that they are not confident in themselves, but that they have not been arrogant to the point of being lawless.

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