The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 565: The enemy's presence

"how do you know?"

Feng Lingyue's eyes glared at the boss, whether it was her or Hu Jiwu, there was no compensation at all. Although their realm is not low, in the Phoenix clan and the Tianhu Holy Land, there is not much right to speak. In the Phoenix clan and the Tianhu Holy Land, the Daojun walked in full, what was the Holy King Realm?

Furthermore, the compensation they say is purely expedient. Their real purpose was to get rid of the predators hidden inside the cliff with the Phoenix and the Tianhu Holy Earthquake. As long as they run away from the tiger's mouth and compensate for anything, they can do nothing.

The strong man hidden inside the cliff would not dare to go to the Sky Fox Holy Land and the Phoenix family to ask for compensation, even if he was brave.

"I can feel his anger, maybe he was suppressed in this place by your Phoenix family or their Sky Fox Holy Land."

Of course, this is just a guess by Ling Dao. It is not the case, he is not sure. Just like Yao Hongmian and Feng Lingyue both felt that the predecessor was hiding in a cliff to sleep, only Ling Dao felt that the predecessor was suppressed inside the cliff.

Hu Yanwu and Feng Lingyue couldn't help but be silent, because Ling Dao said that it was really possible. What the strong man in the Tianhu Holy Land has done, Hu Jinwu does not know, what the strong man of the Phoenix family has done, Feng Lingyue also does not know. Anyway, their Sky Fox Holy Land and Phoenix family must have a stronger man than the predecessor hidden inside the cliff.


Another roar came from inside the cliff, and anyone could hear his anger. The holy kings of the Fox family were originally prepared to refute Ling Dao. Now it seems that 80% of what Ling Dao said is true. The predecessor inside the cliff might have been suppressed by the strong man in their Heavenly Fox Holy Land. Otherwise, why is he so angry?

"Brother, what shall we do?"

"Will we run away now? Isn't he suppressed? As long as we stay away from this place, shouldn't he treat us?"

The holy king of the Fox clan present was obviously a little panicked. They were afraid in the face of a powerful Taoist monarch who was hostile to them. Fortunately, the strong man inside the cliff was suppressed. No matter how strong he is, the scope of his influence is limited.

The first person to take action was not Huxu Wu, but Ling Dao. I saw Ling Dao flying Feng Lingyue toward the distance at the fastest speed. Xun Peng is the fastest race without falsehood, but Zhenlong and Phoenix are also not slow, at least faster than the nine-tailed demon fox in the same realm.

Feng Lingyue understood it, a pair of fiery wings flapped violently. If the strong man inside the cliff is hungry and eats the fox and the fox without crossing them, they can fully eat, and there is no need to chase her and Lingdao. At the critical moment, Ling Dao was sober-headed, unlike her only who knew to imitate the foxtail martial arts, and used the Phoenix family to deter the strong inside the cliff.

Not that Ling Dao didn't save the demons Hong Mian, but Ling Dao didn't have that ability. To save the demons and red cotton, Ling Dao doesn't mind giving a helping hand. Unfortunately, Ling Dao is now incapable of protecting himself. Whether they can survive the demon red cotton and the foxtail martial arts depends on their own fortune.

"Damn! Why were they both preempted?"

"Run, hurry, if you really fall into that strong man's hand, I'm afraid you won't see the sun of tomorrow."

The holy kings of the Fox clan have fled away at the fastest speed. At this time, it is meaningless to count on other holy kings, they can only count on themselves. Even the foxtail martial arts who have seven temples will not be able to save them. To be precise, there is no time or ability to save them.


The terrifying roar resounded, but the most terrifying was not the roar that passed to their ears, but behind them, a black chain after another appeared. Some of these chains caught up with the sacred king of the fox tribe, some caught up with Feng Lingyue, and some caught up with Ling Dao.

In other words, none of Ling Dao and Feng Lingyue, or the holy kings of the fox family, could escape. The chains that protruded from inside the cliff were extremely strong. Ling Dao tried to hit the chains with his fists, only to find that the chains were not damaged at all.

Hu Budu and Hu Xunwu also did not sit idle. Just when Ling Dao started, they also performed their strongest attack. Unfortunately, the result was similar to Ling Dao ’s side. The chains they attacked did not appear to be damaged.

"It's over, we can't escape, these chains are stronger than holy weapons."

"Sister sister, sister sister, you really stabbed us this time. Where is it bad? You have to come to such a dangerous place."

"We shouldn't have come, but we are geniuses of the Fox clan. As long as we are given enough time, we can become elders of the Holy Land of the Fox. Now, let us not say what elders are, whether we can live to tomorrow is a question. "

The fox holy kings who were present all tried. They had no way to take these chains. They could only let these chains bind their bodies. Fortunately, Ling Dao and Feng Lingyue failed to escape, otherwise, they must be more depressed. I don't know why. They were glad to see Ling Dao and Feng Lingyue **** by those chains.

"To die together, it's good to be buried by the warriors of the Dragon and Phoenix races."

What these sacred kings of the Fox clan warriors did not know was that Ling Dao would not bury them even if they really died in the hands of the strong one. Because the sword demon is alive, as long as the sword demon is not dead, Ling Dao can be resurrected. This is the most abnormal place of the two points.

"To die, you die, I will not bury you!"

This is not what Ling Dao said, but what Feng Lingyue said. The strongest of the Phoenix family is their ability to recover. As long as Feng Lingyue is not dead, he can be resurrected. Although this resurrection is not as good as Ling Tao's two points, it is much stronger than the Fox's recovery ability.

"Senior, if you are hungry, we can help you catch the monsters to fill your hunger, and there is no need to eat us. Moreover, the meat of our fox tribe warriors is not delicious, you want to eat them or eat them both. Dragon tribe warrior The flesh of the warriors of the Wu tribe is still delicious. "

Hubudu smiled charmingly, Ling Dao and Feng Lingyue's body should not be small. The physical size of their fox warriors is still far from that of the dragon and phoenix. Together, these holy kings of the fox family do not necessarily have a lot of Ling Dao and Feng Lingyue.


In response to Hu Budu, there was still a roar. As for the meaning of this roar, Hu Budu could not hear it. Yao Hongmian and Hu Xiwu looked at each other. Couldn't it say that the powerful Taoist monarch inside the cliff would not speak? Are you kidding me? Can those who can practice Dao Junjing speak?

Feng Lingyue and Ling Dao were also full of doubts. From beginning to end, the strong man hidden inside the cliff had not spoken, only roar. If the strong man didn't even talk, how could they communicate?

"Hahaha ... the two of you didn't go away. The last revenge, we can report immediately."

"Still brother Yingming, I thought they had already run away, but I didn't expect that they would still be here."

It wasn't anyone else who came to revenge, it was the elephant king who had dealt with Ling Dao last time. The luck of the two of them was really good. I thought it would take a lot of time to find their peak king. Who knows, they only walked for hundreds of miles, and they met three brothers of the elephant clan.

The three kings of the elephant family who followed them were the Five Kings, the Six Kings and the Seven Kings. This lineup came to take revenge, surely foolproof, no matter how strong Ling Dao's strength, can it still be stronger than the Five Palace King? Even if Ling Dao defeated the King of the Five Palaces with the help of the killer, would there still be the King of the Six Palaces and the King of the Seven Palaces?

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