The Immortal Taoist

Vol 5 Chapter 566: Elephant tribe king (third more!)

The faces of Ling Dao and Feng Lingyue couldn't help but be weird. The two holy King Warriors of the Xiang tribe could find three helpers in such a short period of time, and they were all the High Warriors of the Holy King. It should be lamented that the two holy king warriors of the Xiang tribe had good luck or bad luck.

They said they were unlucky, but in such a short period of time, they could get three priests of the Holy King Realm to help them revenge. They said they were lucky. They just came here at this time. The Five Kings, Six Kings and Seven Kings are all right to deal with Ling Dao, but in front of the strong man on the cliff, the power of these holy kings It's not enough.

Hu Xunwu is also the sage king of the Seven Palaces. As a result, Hu Xunwu cannot destroy these chains. It would not be much better to replace it with the Seven Kings of the Elephant Family. Even if the elephant clan has the strongest strength, the seven temple kings of the elephant clan cannot break these chains by virtue of their strength advantage.

"If you have a way in heaven, you don't go, **** has no way to vote!"

Ling Dao couldn't help expressing his emotions. Since the foxtail martial arts couldn't escape, then the holy kings of the Xiang tribe could not escape. The strong man inside the cliff did not let go of the holy king fighters of the Fox clan, it is estimated that he would not let go of the holy king fighters of the elephant clan.

"Big words! My three brothers are all the strongest in the Holy King Realm. What qualifications do you have for a warrior in the early days of the Holy King Realm?"

"I don't really know where you are coming from, are these holy kings of the Fox family giving you?"

The elephant kings who were present naturally noticed Hu Budu and Hu Xi Wu Wu, but unfortunately, they did not see the dark chains. In other words, it was the strong men inside the cliff who deliberately concealed those dark chains, and these holy kings of the Xiang clan did not see them.

"This is the contradiction between us and them. I hope that the brothers and sisters of the Fox clan will not intervene."

In the middle of the sacred kings of the Xiang tribe, the warriors gave Huxu Wu and Hubuduo their face. Even the early warriors of the sacred kings like Yao Hongmian, he called his sister. With their strength, it is certainly no problem to deal with Ling Dao and Feng Lingyue, but if you add those holy kings of the Fox family, they may not be able to treat Ling Dao and Feng Lingyue.

"What does the safety of the two of them have to do with us?"

Hubudu skimped his lips and said that Ling Dao, Feng Lingyue and the tribe kings of the elephant clan would not intervene. Of course, he didn't remind the elephant clan warriors of the holy kings. If the warriors of the clan were tied by the dark chains, they could only blame them for being unlucky.

In other words, the princes of the fox tribe, such as Hubudu and Hudiwu, will not help Ling Dao and Feng Lingyue, nor will they help the princes of the elephant tribe. Even if they help the holy kings of the elephant family, they only need to remind them in a small voice, they have no meaning to help the holy kings of the elephant family.

On the one hand, they are very happy to see those holy kings of the Xiang clan who are unlucky. On the other hand, they were afraid of revenge from the strong man inside the cliff. If they reminded these holy kings of the Xiang tribe to offend the strong man inside the cliff, they would not regret it too late.

"Have you heard? The holy kings of the Fox clan do not mean to help you at all, do you not think that you can deal with us by yourself?"

In the later period of the sacred king of the Xiang tribe, the warriors sneered, without the help of Hududu and Huxuwu, Ling Dao and Feng Lingyue wanted to block their offensive. It is not that he despised Ling Dao and Feng Lingyue, but that the gap between the warriors in the early days of the Holy Kings and the warriors in the middle of the Holy Kings and the Seven Kings was really too great.

"You can't deal with it, you can't deal with it?"

Feng Lingyue said with a smile, how relaxed the expression on his face should be. The Five Kings, Six Kings and Seven Kings are powerful, but the strong man inside the cliff is likely to be Daojun, even Daoist. In the eyes of such powerful men, the King of the Seven Temples is no different from the ants.

"The warrior's confrontation depends on strength, not rhetoric. No matter how good you say, you haven't really played, how do you know that we are not your opponents?"

This is the radical method, which is very simple, but those holy kings who are like the tribe are fooled. The first to be shot was not the two holy kings of the elephant tribe who hated Ling Dao, but the holy king of the five temples behind them. How powerful the Lord of the Five Palaces of the Xiang tribe is in strength, Ling Dao will soon feel it.

The five kings of the Xiang family used the human body, a pair of fists, as if they could break through the void, and smashed into Lingdao severely. If it was changed to normal, Ling Dao had already performed the martial arts of sacred goods to resist the attack of the five kings of the Xiang family. But now, Ling Dao has no intention of shooting at all, because the behavior of the five kings and the holy king of the Xiang tribe has offended the strong man inside the cliff.

"Is he frightened? He didn't fight back?"

"I suppose he gave up. He wouldn't be able to fight back anyway. You wouldn't think he was an early holy king and could block the attack of his brother?"

Ling Dao was very impressed by them last time. After all, there were few warriors who could defeat the Holy King in the early stage, not to mention Ling Dao defeated them. That is to say, when I met these three brothers, otherwise, they alone would not dare to come to revenge, unless they broke through to a higher level.

Facts have proved that Ling Dao's speculation is good. The attack of the Five Kings of the Clan of the Clan has not met Ling Dao, but he is blocked by the dark chain that does not know where it came from. Immediately afterwards, the dark chains, one after the other, seemed to appear out of thin air, binding the five holy kings of the elephant family.

The Six Kings and Seven Kings of the Elephant Clan are not without resistance, but their resistance is simply futile. Their power pulled the dark chains that were constantly tied to them, and their attacks also couldn't help the dark chains that were tied to them.

"What is this? Are they deliberately trapped, waiting for us to jump in?"

"Damn! We've been fooled. Look at them, they also have such a chain. No wonder they didn't take us seriously. They turned out to be trapped long ago."

"It is normal for them to wait for us to jump into this trap. After all, they have resentment against us. However, how can the holy kings of the Fox clan not remind us? Are they also intentional?"

After being tied up, these holy king realm warriors of the elephant clan not only hate Ling Dao and Feng Lingyue, but even those holy king realm warriors with foxes have become their enemies. It is a pity that, in their current situation, it is impossible for the holy kings of the Fox clan to martial arts. If you want revenge, you have to leave this place first.

"Don't look at us like this, nor did we call you over, you have to come here. Reminding you is love, not reminding you, you are not qualified to blame us."

"Yes, we don't have any sympathy with you, why should we remind you? Moreover, the demon is so powerful that maybe with your help, we can escape?"

"Brother, I advise you not to be whimsical. Their strength is similar to ours. Counting on them is better than counting on ourselves."

The holy kings of the fox tribe who were present laughed and looked happy as the sacred kings of the tribe of the tribe were exasperated. Now not only are the true dragons and phoenixes to bury them, but the holy kings of the Xiang tribe also have to bury them.

"Seniors, we are the holy kings of the idols. They have nothing to do with the foxes, dragons, and phoenixes. If they offend the seniors, then they **** it, but we are innocent."

The Seven Kings of the Temple, headed by the Xiang clan, quickly explained, not to mention that they had nothing to do with Ling Dao and Hu Xunwu. Even if they did, they had to draw a line. Who knows how seriously Ling Dao and Hu Huo martial arts offended this senior.

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