The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 93: Go to heaven

"The lotus mark has such a big gap."

Even the genius warrior can't overcome the opponents of several big realms, but the Tianjian is a Jedi, but there is such a possibility. Eight kinds of lotus imprints, each imprint is equivalent to a realm, red lotus mark. And the colorful lotus mark, it is really too different.

"Well, there are indeed a great difference between the eight lotus seals in the Sword of the Sword. For example, if you are in the late stage of the Qiankun, if you have just arrived at the Sword of the Sword, don't provoke a high-grade lotus imprint. They are likely to have a kill. Die your strength."

The description of Xiaoyao Wang and Nalanrouer has aroused the interest of Lingdao. What kind of place is Tianjian Jedi? What kind of difference is there in each lotus mark, even if it is a previous life, there is no Lingdao. I have encountered such an interesting place.

"Since the Tianjian Jedi is in the central territory of the central government, the young warriors of all major forces and the older generation of strong men are likely to have gone through the swords of the heavens, so I have never encountered a warrior with a lotus mark. My mother used to go. I don’t know what kind of lotus mark I have, why I can’t see it.”

No matter whether it is Nalaner, or the eyebrows of other warriors, there is no lotus mark. At least Lingdao has not seen it. Lingdao is even guessing whether the lotus mark has special means to see it, or else he meets. After so many warlords in the central territory, how could a lotus mark not be seen?

"It's not the same as you think. The lotus mark can only be seen in the heavenly sword. If the sword is in the ground, the lotus mark will disappear. If I am in the sword, you will see my eyebrows. There is a green lotus mark on the place.

Of course, there is no absolute thing in the world. If there is a colorful lotus imprint, even if it is out of the heavenly sword, the imprint will not disappear. Unfortunately, the colorful lotus imprint will not appear. At least there are no colorful lotus imprints in the world for tens of thousands of years. ”

The colorful lotus mark is the strongest imprint in the heavenly sword, a warrior with a colorful lotus mark. In the heavenly sword, the combat power will be improved by geometric multiples, but I want to get the colorful lotus mark, very very Difficulties, saying that it is difficult to climb the sky is not an exaggeration.

"That doesn't know the lotus mark, but what is the role?"

If the lotus imprint can only enhance the strength in the heavenly sword, then the lotus imprint does not have much effect. The major forces like to send the young genius to the Tianjian Jedi cultivation, presumably not only for fighting, but also in the central main territory. Other places can fight as well.

"The benefits of the lotus imprint are very large. Even the red lotus flower can enhance the cultivation speed of the warrior. The higher the lotus imprint, the bigger the effect, just like the green lotus imprint I have mastered, not only can improve the cultivation speed, but also Speed ​​up my understanding of the power of the source.

Legend has it that if you have a colorful lotus mark, you can also increase the speed of will growth, and cultivate any martial arts, the speed will be greatly improved. It can be said that the colorful lotus mark is an all-round improvement of the military, but unfortunately no one can get it.

Your father asked you to go to the lotus mark, not only to sharpen you, but also to speed up your cultivation. The lotus mark has no side effects on the promotion of the warrior. It is easier to use than other heavenly treasures. I agree, too. Because of the lotus mark. ”

Nalaner has ever been to the Sword of the Sword, but also has the green lotus mark, naturally know a lot about the lotus imprint, but unfortunately, she only has a green lotus imprint, a higher order lotus imprint, the specific magic, she is Can't say it.

"Father, there are no auction houses near the Tianjian Jedi."

Although Lingdao owns Xiaoyao Sword and the Emperor Sword, but the Emperor Sword is his own refining, and the deepest feelings. Last time on the top of Tongtian Mountain, Ren Wangjian was destroyed. Now what he wants to do is collect the casting sword. The metal of the device, and then re-create the man Wang Jian.

Xiaoyao Sword was given to him by Xiaoyao Wang. The sword of the Emperor was obtained by coincidence. Only Wang Jian is the sword that truly belongs to him. With his current strength, he naturally needs a powerful sword. The last time I was at the top of the Tiantian Mountain, after the Xiaoyao King killed the heavenly people, the weapons of those who were strong in the heavens were collected by Lingdao, and they connected the weapons of the heavenly powers. He did not let go. .

"Yes, the auction house affiliated with Tianji Pavilion, you want to buy something, just go buy it. I have some best spiritual stone here. Before leaving the world of Jianshen, there is no other thing for you. These are all for you. ""

After a while, Ling Dao was stunned. His Qiankun Ring was already full of the best Lingshi. Xiaoyao Wang said that he was a bit of a good spiritual stone. Lingdao thought it was a few thousand pieces, but now he is being a happy king. The financial atmosphere is shocked.

Can this be called a very good spiritual stone? They are all piled up into a big mountain. How many rare spirits are there? Originally, Lingdao is already rich, but compared with Xiaoyao Wang, he is no different from Xiaoyu. The king gave him the best spiritual stone, it is too much.

"I will send you to the auction house of Tianji Pavilion, and then you will go to the Tianjian Jedi."

I didn’t see any movements of Xiaoyaowang. Lingdao only felt that there was a flower in front of him. The next moment they appeared outside a city, the speed of the Happy King was too fast. Last time I went to the Nalan family, even if it was not Through the transmission array, Xiaoyao Wang may be able to reach the Nalan family in a short time.

"We will separate here, see you in heaven."

Xiaoyao Wang took a shot on Lingdao’s shoulder and said in a deep voice. Although he was not at the side of Lingdao before, but Lingdao was in danger, he could still perceive it. Once he left the world of Jianshen, after the heavens, everything is true. You can only rely on Lingdao himself.

"The baby sent his father and mother."

Lingdao stepped back three steps, and then he was kneeling in front of Xiaoyao Wang and Nalaner. Nalanrouer quickly lifted Lingdao and looked at Lingdao with resilience. It was not long before he reunited with his son. Then she has to be separated. The nature of her mother is 10,000.

"Remember, my father and I are still waiting for you in heaven. You must go to heaven in peace and peace, and I will give you something to eat."

Even though there are a thousand words, Nalanrouer doesn’t know what to say now. Xiaoyao Wang is on the side and has not interrupted. The next time, it will be left to Nalaner and Lingdao, and go to heaven. It must be done, or else the heavens must have a big problem. Lingdao has grown up. In the future, there should be no problem in handling it.


After a full scent, Xiaoyao Wang took Nalan's hand and disappeared in front of Lingdao. Anyway, it is necessary to separate, there is no difference between early and late, and the more entangled, the more reluctant, It is a little bit like a short pain.

"Soft child, you just have to follow me, I will get through the barriers between the two circles."

If the other central people in the central territory hear this sentence, I am afraid that they will sneer at it. They have been practicing for many years. They may have been stranded in the peak of the heavens for hundreds of years. They are unable to open up the barriers between the two worlds. By the age of forty, I have to take a person to the heavens. It is simply not self-reliant.

The figure of Xiaoyao Wang and Nalanrouer continued to rise, and soon they came to the white clouds. Their speed, not only did not slow down, but it was getting faster and faster. Finally, they came to the end of the sky and wanted to go. The heavens are to break the barriers between the two at the end of the sky.

"Two channels, give me a drive."

Xiaoyao Wang left Nalan soft child with his left hand, and his right hand clenched his fist and slammed it toward the top. A huge fist shadow blasted a passage. With his strength, he broke through the barriers of the two borders, but there was no difficulty. However, It is much more difficult for others to go to heaven together.

In front of them, there was a fist-shaped passage, but after only a moment, the passage was closed. The face of the Happy King did not change, but the punch was again shot. His feet moved, with Nalanrou. Slowly walked up to the top.

His right fist has never stopped, and he punched out with a punch. If he stops, the two passages will be closed. Both he and Nalaner will be under tremendous pressure and pressed into powder. Fortunately, his strength Strong and horizontal, in order to maintain the channel.

"Still, I am retreating, who dares to open the two channels."

I have to say that Happy King’s luck is very poor. He opened the two-lane passage. The other is just a retreat of the heavenly powerhouse. The heavens are actually very concerned about the lower bounds. Anyone can open the two borders to the heavens. The lower bounds are generally superb.

Such a lower-order warrior has a deep roots. If the big forces of the heavenly world can be accepted as disciples, it is very likely that a strong top can be cultivated. Every big world and the place leading to the heavens are fixed in one area. .

The strongest of the heavens who are retreating is the two-lane passage that is responsible for watching the world of Jianshen. If he is usually, he will be happy to see that there are people in heaven and earth who can get through the two worlds and set foot on the heavens. But now, he happens to be Retreat, unfortunately, the two channels are just the way to where he is. If the lower warrior comes up, his retreat will end in failure and may even cause great damage.

"Come to people, give me a closed two-way channel."

The heavenly powerhouse who is retreating can't talk, can only command other people. However, his voice has not yet been transmitted, and a fist is appearing in front of his eyes. The Xiaoyao King has no nonsense with the heavens. He punched him out with a punch.

If the two borders are closed now, Xiaoyao Wang and Nalaner will die, and one will not want to live. Now, the Xiaoyao Wang, after all, only the peak of the heavens and the people, the pressure after the closure of the two borders is not a strong man. Those who can resist.

"Small one of the lower martial artists, dare to hurt the deity, I want to smash you."

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