The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 94: Strong in the end

The warriors who guard the two borders, although not in the heavens, are not strong, but compared with the lower warriors, they are absolutely strong and can no longer be strong. The lower bounds have just flew up to the warriors, only the heavens and the human peaks.

The warrior of the Great World of Swordsman will open the two-channel passage and will lead to the Excalibur domain of Heaven. In the heavens, even the smallest area will be much larger than the entire Sword God World. The place is the Ziwei domain, which is extremely far from the Shenjian domain.

In the whole Shenjian area, the strongest force is the solitary family. The last time I dealt with the witch **** Iro’s sword god, it is the strongman of the solitary family. The sword **** world is flying up the warrior, the solitary family will be the first Pick, unless the solitary family does not want to, otherwise the other forces simply do not dare to snatch.

The reason why the solitary family is strong is not only because of the great emperor, but also because there is a great emperor in the solitary family. In the ancient times, the sword **** was alone, but the solitude of the solitary family. Later, the solitary family was established, so his After the descendants reach a certain realm, they can be called the sword god.

"Is there a warrior flying up in the small world?"

"It looks good, but it came to two at once."

The movement here is naturally attracting the attention of others. They are all quickly coming over and are arranged here to guard the two passages. They are naturally not paid attention to in the solitary family. Even so, Each of them is far beyond the peak of the heavens.

"Don't mention it, the deity is just in retreat, and the result is that they are upset, and they are at a loss."

The former retreat of the heavenly powerhouse is the leader of a group of independent children. If this breakthrough is successful, he can be promoted to the next realm, so that he does not have to stay here to guard the two worlds. However, now he not only has no Success, but also suffered a lot of counter-attacks.

He stunned the happy king with an angry look. He still didn't know how much time it would take to make up for this loss. In a short time, if he wanted to make another breakthrough, it would be impossible, so his face was extremely ugly, a pair of dice. It is full of killings.

"Test their talents, if they are not enough, then they will be slaughtered."

Even if he is extremely angry, he has not destroyed the rules of the solitary family. Even if he wants to kill the Yaoyao and Nalaner, he must first determine the talents of Xiaoyao Wang and Nalaner, and the solitary family will rise up to the lower bounds. Very important, they naturally do not dare to neglect.

Other forces also have strong ones to come. If the solitary family can't see the warriors flying up and down, they can make a cheaper one, but they didn't think that the warriors of the solitary family would kill the warriors who came up from the lower bounds.

"Well, I will take the star column."

A warrior from the solitary family nodded, and then the star was thrown into the field. "Boom", the star column was inserted into the ground, the battle of the king of the battle of the king, the use of Stars and columns, but there are only nine stars in the star column in the Wang Dian Temple, but there are twelve stars in the star column of the solitary family.

"You two put your hands on the stars column. If you can light nine or ten stars, you will be able to save your life. Otherwise, next year, today is your jealous day."

Du Guchen, the strongman who had previously retired, said with a sneer, the warriors who came up from the lower bounds were mainly solid foundations. If they were only talented, they would rarely reach nine stars and ten stars, even if they were themselves. It will only light nine stars.

As for lighting up eleven stars or twelve stars, it is simply a dream of idiots. Even in the solitary family, few people can light up eleven stars, let alone light up twelve stars. I think, in the end, it’s a sword to kill the happy king, or to slowly kill the happy king.

"No, I still have something to do, I will not stay here."

When he was in the world of Swordsman, Xiaoyao Wang has been suppressing his own realm. Now he is in heaven. Naturally, there is no need to suppress the realm. It is only a moment. He has broken through several realms in a row, but only in the morning and other The children of the solitary family were not aware of it.

"A big tone, don't you think that you are still in the lower bounds? You can get through the two boundaries. I am afraid that it is the top powerhouse in the lower bound. Unfortunately, you are nothing in heaven. Any one of us will shoot. Can kill you, you believe it or not."

The peak of the heavens and the human world is already the limit of the world of the sword god. The happy king is so arrogant, and solitary and solitary can understand that the heaven and the human beings in the world of swords and gods are equivalent to the great emperor of heaven, and naturally they are not qualified. Put others in your eyes.

"Give it to me."

Du Guchen raised his right hand and waved forward. Then the two independent families of the warriors stood up. Since the Xiaoyao Wang refused to cooperate, they took Xiaoyao Wang and Nalaner, and then put their hands. Go to the Star Column and see if you can light a few stars.

"I don't know how to be good."

Xiaoyao Wang snorted, and then it was a punch, and the two solitary family warriors who rushed toward Xiaoyao Wang were initially disdainful, even if they stood there to let the heavenly people attack the martial arts. The Jingwu Fengwu can't hurt them.

Now Xiaoyao Wang and their hands-on, even the martial arts are not showing, just a punch, his behavior is simply ridiculous, is he really as a warrior of their solitary family, and as vulnerable as the lower warriors? .


The next moment, the two solitary family warriors changed their faces. They felt a terrible force at the same time. They bombarded them on their chests. How fast is the release of the happy king, when they reacted, it was too late to be directly The bombardment flew out.

"How can this be."

Whether it is a child of a solitary family or a warrior of other forces, they are completely stunned. A subordinate warrior in the district has even flew two children of the solitary family. They feel like they are dreaming, everything looks so Not true.

The limit of the world of the sword **** is only the peak of the heavens and the human world. The two solitary family warriors, again, are also the warriors of the heavens. Normally, it should be the two heavenly martial artists who easily take the singular king. That's right, how come the other way around.

"This king is going to leave, so you can stop it."

Xiaoyao Wang took Nalaner’s hand and left it step by step. Looking at the back of Xiaoyaowang, the face of Du Guchen changed and his strength was stronger than that of the two solitary family warriors. Now that he has been injured, Happy King can easily defeat the two heavenly martial artists. He is really not sure to leave the Happy King.

"The fire is burning, fast."

Du Guchen said coldly, the so-called smoldering wolf smoke is to ignite fuel on the beacon tower, and then the wolf smoke is rolling. The solitary family will have a strong person to notice here. He himself has not won the grasp of the happy king, and naturally he has to count on the Duo family. The strong shot.

"What is it."

After the three-interest, the message of the solitary Jade in the morning of the solitary morning is that it has received such a wave of will, and the communication of jade can convey the wave of will. It is a very convenient communication tool. The strong ones in the solitary family noticed the signal sent here. Naturally, I asked about the morning.

"Under the border, there are warriors who have opened the two borders, but he was able to beat my two solitary families with two punches. Now I have escaped from here. Because the speed is too fast, I can't catch up."

After receiving the fluctuation of the will of the solitary morning, the solitary family was sent out by a strong man, and it was so interesting to be able to strike the lower bounds of the two heavenly martial artists by a fist. Soon, the solitary morning will be happy. The direction of Wang’s departure came over, and the strongman of the solitary family chased the past at the fastest speed.

"One of the top ten soldiers of the Taikoo in the lower bound has not yet been born, so why should such a strong person open up the two borders."

The solitary family has a great emperor sitting in the town, naturally knowing the prophecy of the bright gods of the Temple of Destiny. The solitary family has sent the peerless genius to the lower bound. Now that the peerless genius has not come up, it is enough to show that one of the top ten soldiers of the Taikoo has not yet been born.

The situation of Xiaoyao Wang is too special. The strongman of the solitary family obviously regards him as a genius sent by other big forces to the world of Jianshen. He wants to catch the Happy King, and he wants to know the current situation of the Great World of Jianshen. He did not intend to kill the Happy King. After all, killing a junior in his capacity is really humiliating.

"You are the lower warrior who had previously wounded my solitary family."

After a fragrant incense, the strongest of the solitary family is in front of the happy king and Nalan soft children. If it is a happy king, he can naturally get rid of the strong man of the solitary family, but he now carries Nalan soft. Children, the speed is naturally slower.


Xiaoyao Wang nodded. There was no such thing as a negative point. He did not hide from Tibet. It was because he was not afraid of the strong people of the Duo family. His realm has been improving. It is like a flood. Can't live.

"Do not block the king, or the consequences will be conceited."

I haven't waited for the strong ones of the solitary family to answer the words. The Xiaoyao Wang said directly, the body of Xiaoyao Wang suddenly filled with a hegemonic pressure. Even the strongest of the solitary family felt a burst of pressure.

"Who are you, what is the means to go to the lower bounds."

The more powerful the warrior, the harder it is to get to the lower bounds. The Xiaoyao Wang has such strength and should not be able to go down the border. However, the Xiaoyao King is only getting through the two borders. Can he say that he has already got one of the top ten soldiers of Taikoo? .


Xiaoyao Wang no longer talk nonsense, and directly slaps out, the strong family of the solitary family only feels that the body is banned, and then the scorpion flies out, and the sorrowful king does not look at him, it is Nalan Soft children left this place.

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