The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 143: Dragon

Lingdao chose the second area to be a fake, and can be used as the head of the fifth floor, and the fifth has the right to mobilize everything. As long as he arranges Lingdao and Qianyu to fight in the seventh area, then Lingdao must go to the first In the seven regions and the dry world battle, if Lingdao disagreed, the corner five could completely refine the lotus mark of Lingdao and drive him out of the fifth floor.

"You, going to the seventh area, someone is going to fight you."

Just as Lingdao was preparing to compete with the sixth opponent in the flesh, his voice came from the corner of the corner. Lingdao smiled helplessly, and then had to walk down the second area to the seventh area. Under the roof of the house, people have to bow their heads and arrange for the fifth. He can only obey.

In order to deal with him, Qianyu must have paid a large number of the best spiritual stones. Fortunately, Ganyu itself is a blue lotus mark. Otherwise, 10,000 pieces of the best spiritual stone are not enough. It is like the previous mid-day power, he only With the red lotus mark, I want to challenge Lingdao, I am afraid that 30,000 pieces of the best spiritual stone are not enough.

The reason why the power of the peak of the sky is to take out 20,000 pieces of the best spiritual stone to make a bet, because he really can not get more of the best spiritual stone, if Lingdao is willing to fight with him, can completely let Lingdao name The surname of the Tao challenged him. Lingdao has a green lotus imprint. To challenge a warrior with a red lotus mark, the best spiritual stone to be paid is naturally much less.

If he has enough of the best Lingshi, he does not need to discuss anything with Lingdao. As long as he gives the best five-pointed Lingshi, Lingdao has to fight with him. Unfortunately, not every Tongtian Reality has it. The vast number of the best spiritual stone, whether or not Qianyu is from heaven, with his realm, it is impossible to not take 10,000 pieces of the best spiritual stone.

"You just want to fight with me, we know."

Ganyu comes from the Daqing Holy Court in Tianjie. Lingdao naturally has no impression. With the eyesight of Lingdao, it is natural to see the realm of Qianyu. Only in the early days of Tongtian, Qianyu’s name is to fight with him. It must be Have some knowledge of him.

Lingdao has already seen the younger generations of the major forces in the central territory. Until now, he has not seen any of the pre-existing powers in the past. He can give him a victory. However, Qianyu gave him a kind of Very dangerous feeling, as a warrior, Lingdao naturally believes in his instincts.

"This prince will naturally not know you such a small person, but someone wants your life."

As the emperor of the Qing Dynasty, and the elite of the younger generation, Qianyu is naturally very proud. He did not put the swordsman of the world of swords and gods in his eyes. Even if the performance of Lingdao is very amazing, he also I think I can easily kill Lingdao.

"You are from heaven."

Among the major forces, there is no dynasty. Of course, there is no claim to be the prince. It is just the self-proclaimed of Yuyu. It is to make Lingdao have doubts, plus the atmosphere of Ganyu, and the world of Jianshen. The warriors are not the same. Naturally, Lingdao has such doubts.

Normally, the warriors in the world of Swords and Spirits can't distinguish the celestial warriors. They can be different because Lingdao was born in the heavens. The world of Jianshen is incomplete, the rules are incomplete, and the warriors in the same realm are not heaven. Opponent.

After hearing the questions raised by Ling Dao, Qian Yu was obviously surprised. I didn’t expect Ling Dao to be able to see his origins. Until now, Ling Dao was the first to guess that he was from heaven. The opponent did not know, but fortunately, it was guessed by Lingdao, and it had no effect.

"You are a dead person soon, no need to ask so much."

Ganyu has little interest in the green lotus mark of Lingdao. He has a decisive battle with Lingdao. He wants the life of Lingdao. He comes from the heavens. He cultivates the ancient emperor and grows in the heavens. The road is higher than a realm. If he can't beat Lingdao, then he is better off dead.

During the speech, Ganyu had taken out a long gun and rushed over to Lingdao. He first started to be strong, and then he started to suffer. Even if he thought that Lingdao was far from his opponent, Ganyu did not have any intention. If he was more talented than himself, he would be in his heart. I have to admit that I am not as good as Lingdao.

Lingdao can only defeat the peaks of the heavens and the earth. If he is a warrior of the heavens, he can achieve such an achievement. He can accept it, and he will be half-pounded with him. However, Lingdao is only a sword god. It is really rare for a warrior who is born and raised in the big world to be able to do this.

He was born in the Qing Dynasty of the Qing Dynasty. Even if he only had a natural environment, his rifle was not the best weapon, but a higher level. If Lingdao used the person Wang Jian, he would definitely suffer a big loss. The person Wang Jian is Lingdao. The casting of your own is not a fake, but after all, it is only a sword.

After guessing that Yuyu came from the heavens, Lingdao had no intention of using Wang Jian, and there was no idea of ​​unarmed and empty fist. With his current sturdy body, even the ordinary weapons, it is very difficult to hurt him. However, Qianyu’s A long gun can completely penetrate his body.

Heavenly bounds to find a hard stone, refining the weapons, I am afraid that it is stronger than the weapons of the world of the sword god, the Lingdao still remember, the sword he used in his childhood, has always been a wooden sword, however, Even the wooden sword is stronger than the medium-sized weapon of the sword **** world.

"Who can't say anything, I want to see, how do you kill me."

Ganyu did not display any martial arts. Lingdao did not. He just took out the Xiaoyao sword and slammed it up. The gun tip and the tip of the sword suddenly slammed together. At this time, the pure physical strength was compared. The dry world was higher than the Lingdao. It is also the ancient emperor of cultivation. Naturally, he has enough confidence in his own strength.

The warrior of the Great World of Swordsman is the same as the power of a dozen dragons in the early days of Tongtian, but different from Yuyu, he already has the power of 30 dragons, far more than the general warriors of Tongtian, but unfortunately, he I don't know, Ling Dao's physical strength is not only stronger than him, but also a lot stronger.

Lingdao and Qianyu were both shocked by both arms. The Xiaoyao sword and the rifle were shaken a bit, and then they were separated. Lingdao had nothing at all. However, Qianyu felt that his arms were numb if he used If the pike is the best weapon, it is very likely that it has already been split into two.

"This prince is a little stunned, but you still have to die."

If it is able to recover Lingdao, then Yuyu will be able to make one more player. Unfortunately, Ganyu knows that it is impossible, not to mention the fate of the main Lingdao of the Qing Dynasty. If he dares to take over Lingdao, it will inevitably cause Daqing. The dissatisfaction of the Lord of the Holy Court, even if it is abolished, it is not impossible.

The competition of physical strength, Qianyu is completely inferior. No matter how you look at it, Qianyu can't believe it. Such a teenager in front of him has several times his physical strength. Can it be said that the lower martial arts are not strong? If you don’t learn well, will you temper your body?

"The dragon is alive."

Since the physical strength is not cheap, then Qianyu naturally has to play its own advantages. He cultivated the ancient emperor. Now he uses the ancient emperor and displays the shooting method of the Daqing Holy Court. He will certainly be able to defeat Lingdao and even Lingdao killed on the spot.

As the emperor of the Qing Dynasty, Ganyu naturally saw the real dragon. In order to cultivate the dragon's rifle, he also practiced with the dragon. He is only a natural warrior. Dragon training, dragons are better to find.

In order to enhance the power of the dragon, Changyu spent a lot of money, let the dragons bleed, and then let his long guns bathe the dragon's blood. In the face of so many warriors, the first move fell in the wind, Qianyu already felt It’s humiliating. Now what he has to do is to defeat Lingdao with lightning speed, which will allow a group of military people to forget the previous things.

A dragon, a hundred miles, many warriors in the seven major regions, are unconsciously looking at the platform where Lingdao and Qianyu are located. It is really hard to imagine that a pre-existing power can be used. With such a powerful shot, they would not believe it if they saw it with their own eyes.

"This gun has already been able to counter the strong people in the early days of the heavens. What kind of young genius he is, can actually compete against opponents across a big realm."

"In the early days of the heavens and the strong people of the heavens, there is a world of difference. Why is it only a step away from him?"

"That kid can't, if we are in the same realm with him, I am afraid he will be stabbed to death by him."

A group of warriors in the seventh area opened their mouths. The strength of Qianyu exceeded their expectations. It was just a shot. It was to let them look at Qianyu. They didn’t care about Qianyu’s ability to pass through. Come to interest.

"His opponent is terrible, just the peak of the hustle and bustle, how is such a peerless genius opponent."

Lingdao is younger than Ganyu, and its realm is lower than that of Ganyu. Coupled with the mighty power of the dragons, a group of warriors have already sentenced Lingdao to death, especially the previous days of Lingdao refining the lotus mark. The environment is extremely exciting.

"Let you refine our lotus mark, this is the case."

"How strong is your body, it is not to die on the ring."

"We just lost the lotus mark and can still cultivate it in the future. You have lost your life and never turned around."

All the conversations were completed in a short period of time. When Qianyu raised the rifle, the warriors felt a great pressure. Now he has pierced the rifle, which is like a dragon, rampaging. Coming to the impact of the Lingdao.

It’s just a long shot, but it gives people a feeling of ignorance. It’s just a shot, but it gives a feeling of a dragon’s collision. It’s just a great way to use the guns in the early days. People feel that it is a natural person to take the shot.

"One shot kills you, no pressure."

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