The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 144: Sword of Dajiaye

Qianyu from the heavens, born in the Holy Trinity of Daqing, is practicing the ancient emperor. Nowadays, it is a great school like the dragon, but not to deal with a dragon and a dragon, even if it is a natural person. The strong, there is a great possibility, he was shot to death.

Among the seven major regions, all the warriors who noticed the movements here are not optimistic about Lingdao. They can possess the predecessors of the heavenly and human rights in the early days of Tongtian, and they are already peerless geniuses. Lingdao is lower than the dry world. No matter how you look at it, it can't be the opponent of Qianyu.

However, when Lingdao holds the Xiaoyao sword, his momentum is a big change. Even those who are not optimistic about him, both eyes are faintly looking forward to the color. The road is like a sword that is full of heaven, and the sword is broken.

"The sword of the Great Kaye."

At the beginning, Ling Dao got three swordsmanship methods in Feng Wang Dian. In the past, he used white tigers to kill swords. On the murderous, the white tiger kills the sword obviously stronger than the other two swordsmanship methods, and it is also the best practice. The sword of Kaye is the most difficult to cultivate in the three swordsmanship.

In general, the most difficult method of practicing swords is the most mysterious. Ling Dao has already practiced the sword of Dajiaye over and over again. This time, it was finally displayed, and the dragon of Qianyu was very popular. Severe, if you do not use the extremely powerful swordsmanship, Lingdao will definitely lose in the hands of Qianyu.

Lu Dongbin created the Quanzhen Taoism. For the Quanzhen Taoist Master, Buddhism created Buddhism and was the Buddhist leader. It is known as the Sakyamuni Emperor. According to legend, the Buddha has ten disciples, one of whom is named Moko Kaye. The sword of Kath, although it is only a sword of the character, it is related to Moko Kaye.

You must know that after the Buddha Nirvana, it is the leader of the inheritance of Moko Kaye, and he can become the master of one religion. Mokogaye is naturally not comparable to ordinary people, even if he was created in his youth, he also has different swords. The usual power, of course, Lingdao does not know so much, he only needs to understand that the sword of Dajiaye can help him deal with Qianyu.

The Xiaoyao Sword seems to have become a hundred times larger in an instant. With the Lingdao sword coming out, there is a sound of a chanting in the field. Speaking of the sword of Dajiaye, it is estimated that not many people know, however, Once you talk about the Mokoga Sword, all the Buddhist disciples are very familiar.

Moko Kaye did not become an emperor in his life. However, the Mokojiaye sword he created was the real emperor martial art. He was able to create the emperor martial arts with the realm of Daojun. As a matter of fact, the sword of Dajiaye, as the prototype of the Mojiajiaye sword, is much more valuable than other martial arts, even if hundreds of personal martial arts add up, it is not comparable to the sword of Dajiaye. .

Even Lingdao himself did not think that the sword of the Great Kaye, which was obtained in the Palace of the Kings, had such a history. In the end, he did not put the three major swords of the King’s Palace in his heart. He will give up these three swords, but now, after realizing the sword of the Great Kaye, he changed his mind.

Usually, the practice is really different from the actual combat. Only when confronted with others, Lingdao can understand the tyrannical position of the sword of Dajiaye, and the Buddha also has the glare of King Kong. Mokojiaye can become the master of teaching. Naturally It’s impossible to be a good old man, especially when he was young, using the sword of Dajiaye, and killing a lot of people. Until he became a Bodhisattva, Mokojiaye rarely killed himself. It converts to Buddhism.

Nowadays, the swordsman is on the rifle, and suddenly a lot of Mars is splashed. The power of Lingdao is broken. Even if a real dragon hits him, he is fearless. He uses a sword, but his The physical strength is too terrible, especially after the sword has become hundreds of times, it is like a sword mountain smashed past.


In the violent collision, the entire platform was shaken. Even if the ground of the arena was extremely strong, there was a crack in the scene. Fortunately, the ground in the glade field could be self-repaired, and it would take a long time to recover.

Qianyu, as the name suggests, the source he masters is the source of the void. Therefore, even if the power is not as good as Lingdao, and even now it is suppressed, his face is not changed, just in the opinion of others. When Lingdao succumbed to death, the rifle suddenly disappeared, and even the dry yuyu disappeared in front of Lingdao.


Just when other warriors were puzzled, Qianyu had already armed with a long gun and appeared behind Lingdao. It is still a dragon, but it is more powerful than before. Mastering the dryness of the void, once it is serious, it will be extremely Difficult existence.

The long gun slammed through the body of Lingdao. Unfortunately, the smile on the face of Ganyu was suddenly stiff. There was no scene of blood and splashes, and there was no scream. The only thing he wore was a shadow. At this time, Qianyu suddenly felt that his hair was raging, and a deep sense of crisis shrouded his heart.

"Do you think that only you have mastered the source of the void?"

Ling Dao’s figure suddenly appeared on the top of Ganyu’s head. Then the Xiaoyao Sword slammed down. His movements were too fast. Even if it was a dry battle, it’s only hurried. The gun block, this time, Lingdao did not use the sword of the Great Kaye, because the sword of the Dajiaye was too moving.

What he is doing is the self-made sword-like style. The proficiency of the sword of the Dajiaye is worse than the sword-style style. The more skilled the sword is, the faster the Lingdao is displayed, not to mention the Tianjian. The style has absorbed the essence of Thunder Aurora, and it is almost the moment of his present.


Xiaoyaojian did not collide with the long gun, but crossed the long gun and stabbed into the shoulders of Qianyu. He snorted and then gave up his right arm. If he could not bear the right arm, the next one The fighting rhythm will be completely controlled by Lingdao, and he will die when he is.

A right arm flew out, Lingdao did not care, but Qianyu grabbed his right arm at the fastest speed, the previous right arm had broken, and the body of Ganyu was completely separated, if in the world of Jianshen Ganyu is equal to losing his right arm. However, before he came down, he took a lot of healing herbs.

It is not a difficult thing to pick up the broken arm. However, in a short period of time, Qianyu’s right arm is no longer suitable for combat. Without the right arm, his long gun can’t play the strongest power. His combat power is going to drop a lot.

"You won, this time I will plant, the lotus mark will give you refining."

Ganyu didn't mean to continue fighting, because he understood that he would fight again. He must have lost him. Before he wanted to kill Lingdao, then Lingdao would definitely not let him go. In order to use those cards, it is really not. It is worthwhile. After all, the main purpose of his coming down is to compete for one of the top ten soldiers of the Taikoo.

"Since you can guess my origins, you must know that if you are anxious, I will definitely die."

In order to let Ganyu get one of the top ten soldiers of the Taikoo, the Lord of the Qing Dynasty Holy Court must have given him a lot of good things. He is not scaring the ridge. He can give up the blue lotus mark, but if Lingdao is insatiable, he wants to kill. He, he will definitely use those cards.

"Nothing is innocent, why should I kill you, all I want is the lotus mark."

Lingdao walked to Qianyu and pressed his right hand on Qianyu's eyebrows. Others may think that Qianyu is a bluff, and Lingdao is not like this. The genius of the heavenly power is coming down to compete for the Taigao Ten Great Soldiers. One, there will definitely be a lot of cards, can not desperately, or do not desperately good.

After absorbing the lotus mark of Qianyu, Lingdao has stepped down from the ring. He has already demonstrated such a tyrannical power. I am afraid that few people are willing to spend the spirit stone to challenge him. The most important thing is that the corner five knows Ling. The road is so powerful that if he gives Lingdao an opponent of the heavenly people, it will be a big problem.


Gan Yu looked at the back of Ling Dao, and clenched his fist and died in the hands of a lower warrior. It was already a very shameful thing. Moreover, the lower warrior was younger than him, even the realm. They are lower than him. If he had always remembered that he was going to fight for one of the top ten soldiers of the Taikoo, I am afraid that he had already used the card to take the life of Lingdao.

"This hatred, I will definitely report it, you wait."

There are so many strong people in the Qing Dynasty, and the younger generation can be sent down. Naturally, there are people who are extraordinary. His realm is extremely strong. It can be said that it has been suppressed hard, or else his age. It has long been a strongman beyond the human condition.

Choosing to let him down is not only because of his good talent, but also because he can promote himself to the heavenly world in a short period of time, and send a person who is strong in heaven and humanity. The cost is better than sending a warrior. Come down, don't know how much to be big.

In the early days of Tongtian, Qianyu is not an opponent of Lingdao. Then he can wait for himself to upgrade to the middle of the sky, or to the end of the heavens, or even after the peak of the heavens, to kill Lingdao. He believes that Lingdao enhances the realm. Speed ​​is definitely far less than his.

What Qianyu is thinking, Lingdao naturally does not know, in order to be able to make his lotus imprint advanced, Lingdao once again returned to the second region, the tyranny of power, does not mean the physical tyranny, let alone the opponent is the corner five arrangement The warriors of the second region also have no right to choose.

"Since your strength is so strong, then I will give you a strong opponent."

In the battle between Lingdao and Qianyu, the fifth angle is all in the eye. Therefore, the opponent who is arranged for Lingdao at the corner of the five is a physical repair of the peak of the heavens. The most important thing is that the Tongtianjing The fitness of the peak has been winning seventy-eight games in a row, and the flesh is strong and abnormal.

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