The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 156: Another one who is looking for death

Dapeng is a nine-step process. Every step is exquisite and unparalleled. It seems to be chaotic, but it has the mystery. Even if the gold is invincible, it is also an offensive that can avoid the six heavenly people. Six heavenly warriors exerted the next wave of attacks, and Kim’s lifelessness had already carried Lingdao and stayed away from them.

"What are you doing, catch up."

Kim’s lifelessness suddenly turned into Dapeng, and it actually exceeded their expectations. The speed at which Kim’s lifelessness showed him was even more unprepared. When they wanted to chase, they found that the shadow of Kim’s life was watching. Not enough, they can only follow the direction of Kim's innocence and chase the past at the fastest speed.

If you are alone, you will not be afraid of any of the six heavenly people who are in danger. Even if they join hands, they will definitely cause great trouble to Kim’s lifelessness. The Heavenly Man’s Warrior rushed in, and Jin’s lifelessness could not keep the Lingdao.

"Who is that, how do I feel familiar?"

Ling Dao stood on the body of Jin Wushen, flew in front of a celestial warrior. The heavenly man’s martial arts screamed and said in disbelief that he entered the Tianjian Jedi and took the Lingdao’s Heavenly Warrior, most of them. I have never seen Lingdao with my own eyes, but I have only seen the portrait.

"How is it a bit like Lingdao? I won't be blind, no matter what, keep up and take a closer look."

In the mind of the heavenly man, there was a glimmer of aura, and then he remembered the purpose of the trip. Kim was desperate to carry Lingdao in front of him, but he followed it, but he was angered. The speed is not as good as gold, and it can't catch up.

"Hurry up, if you let those who are in the sky, catch up, it will be troublesome."

The feeling of having a mount is that Shutan, Jin’s lifeless and exhausting flight, Lingdao is a leisurely and absorbing energy of the wild world. As long as no one else destroys, Lingdao can become stronger and stronger. The opportunity is naturally not to be missed.

"Reassured, at my speed, they can't catch up."

Compared with the combat power, even if gold is lifeless, it is impossible to defeat all the heavenly people, but it is not the same as the speed. Even if those people join forces, the speed cannot be superimposed. He is full of flying forces. The speed is faster than the average person in the world.

"The **** ridge, there is a kind of running, tell me how the seventeen and twenty-four died."

The 13th Taishang of the local government was injured by the corner five in the fifth floor of the battlefield. Later, he had to choose an opponent honestly. When he defeated the opponent, he left the fifth floor of the arena with anger, not him. I don't want to take revenge, but I really can't beat it.

Fortunately, he did not lose his mind, but chased along the way. The two roads from the fifth floor to the fourth floor entrance, he personally took a trip, the body of the 17th and the body of the twenty-four. He has seen it. He said that Lingdao can kill the 17th and the 24th. The 13th is not believed at all, but he believes that the seventeenth and the twenty-four are too dead. Lingdao can't take off the relationship.

"They want to kill me, naturally I am killed, how, you have to avenge them, have the ability to kill me, believe it or not, I will punch you."

Whether it is the celestial warrior who is chasing after the chasing, or the gold without the life of the Lingdao flight, it is not a small consumption, but the Lingdao, there is no consumption at all, it is natural that the face is not red. Asthma, the land government is not the first time to set the road to death, Lingdao has no good feelings for the heavenly people of the land.

"The wind is not afraid of flashing your tongue. You can kill them as well. If you want to die, I will not fulfill you. I will first take you back to the government and say that you will die later."

Unlike other celestial warriors, the thirteen princes of the local government have seen Lingdao with their own eyes. Naturally, they have recognized Lingdao far away. If he follows, Jin is not afraid of him to catch up. The key is ten. Three Taishang was in front of Lingdao and Jin’s lifeless.

"I said, can you stop the point, there are so many people in the sky who are chasing us, if we are stopped by him for a while, and other heavenly people will come, we can't walk away."

Ling Dao is really too good, Jin Wushou can not wait to throw Lingdao, let Lingdao fend for himself, but unfortunately, in order to Lingdao's blood power, he has to continue to carry Lingdao, he wants to go to If you avoid the land of the thirteenth, you will have to detour. Once you detour, other heavenly people may intercept him at the entrance of the fourth floor.

"Reassure, if he shoots for me, he has his good fruit to eat."

When I heard Lingdao say this, Jin Wushou was finally relieved. I thought of Ling Dao’s previous performance. Jin’s life is also a brow. Fortunately, he is not the enemy of Lingdao, otherwise he will definitely be killed. No life is a bit sympathetic to the government thirteen.

"Dark prison."

The injury on the thirteenth floor of the local government did not fully recover. Therefore, he did not mean to kill him with Lingdao. He just used the dark prison to trap the Lingdao. There were angels in the sky who were chasing Lingdao and waiting for them to chase. Come over, Lingdao is difficult to fly.

A black pillar appears in the field. If gold does not change direction, it will definitely hit the black pillars. The number of pillars is very large. If gold is not allowed to completely avoid it, you can only choose to left or Fly to the right.

"Nothing, go on, I have a way to break his martial arts."

Nowadays, Kim has no choice but to believe in Lingdao. After all, those who really want to deal with the Heavenly Warriors are Lingdao. He can’t make fun of his own life. When he thinks of it, Jin’s life has to go on his head. It is really bad to give your own destiny to others.

"Yuan Shi Yuan Yuan Ding."

Originally, only the size of the fist, the original source of the Yuan Ding, but it was thousands of times in an instant. There is still a distance between the gold pillar and the Lingdao from the black pillars. Lingdao is the first source of the Yuan Dynasty. The Yuan Shiyuan source is also a shock to the thirteenth.

"I want to smash my dark prison and dream."

Thirteen is too unlikely to sit still, he waved his fists and slammed into the Yuanshiyuanyuan. When he wanted to come back, as long as he retired from the Yuanyuan source, Lingdao would inevitably be stopped by those black pillars. He did not know how the warrior in the middle of the world died. Otherwise he would never be so stupid.


All his punching powers are on the invisible path between the Yuan Shi Yuan Ding and the wild world. It is obvious that his fist did not touch the Yuan Shi Yuan Ding, but he suffered tremendous resistance and made his fists Can't get in.


In the depths of the void, a huge illusion suddenly appeared. If you look closely, you will find that it is the head of a dragon. Like the giant beast that appeared before, the dragon's head is extremely large. Anyone who sees it feels that the scalp is hair. Hemp, because its eyes exude a terrible horror.

A fierce roar of a dragon, I don’t know where it came from to the field, the void is constantly exploding, and it’s the attack on the invisible channel on the thirteenth floor of the earth. Then the power of the dragon’s voice is naturally vented to him. On the body, the 13th was injured by the corner five, and now it is even more wounded.

Again and again, the provocations of the past are already fierce beasts of the wild world. Therefore, the end of the thirteenth episode is even worse than the two-day warriors of Tiandao Mountain Villa. Tiandao Villa Even if the two elders are too old, they become a pile of rotten meat. It is also a matter of moments.

The body of the thirteenth floor of the local government is festering from the inside out. His internal organs are cracking a little bit, and the time seems to slow down by dozens of times. Even if he has lived for hundreds of years, this is also the case. It was so painful that it could not be opened, and even breathing was extremely difficult. However, this pain also prevented him from fainting, so he could only endure severe pain.


After a while, the huge Yuan Shiyuan originated on a black pillar. If the thirteenth Tai can also increase the power of the dark prison, it can bring great trouble to Lingdao and Jin’s lifelessness. However, now that the thirteenth Taishang has lost all its combat power, there is no way to support the dark prison.

A black pillar was broken. The original source was like an invincible projectile. It is naturally extremely exciting for Kim to see this situation. Even the flight speed has increased a lot in a short time. There is no other person in front of it, and it seems that there is no problem at all in the fourth floor.

"What the **** is going on, is it so dead in 17 and 24?"

Up to now, the 13th Taishang did not understand what happened. The only thing he could understand was that he would die. Even if he took the healing medicine, it would have no effect. The dragonfly had already been destroyed. All his vitality, he can only die in pain.

"I beg you to kill me, I can't stand it."

The pain is getting stronger and stronger. Thirteen can only be rolled on the ground. Every time there is a heavenly person passing by, he will shout such a sentence, and can torture the elders of the prefecture into such a way that the previous one is heard. How terrible the power is.


Lingdao’s eyes are bright, and the fourth floor is in front of him. It seems that no one can stop them. Even Jin’s life is a sigh of relief. As long as he enters the fourth floor, then others They can only deal with them according to the rules of the fourth floor.

As long as Lingdao walks to the first area, no one can kill him. After all, the first area is the speed of competition. Other warriors have no chance to start. Of course, if you defeat Lingdao first, then refine his lotus mark, wait for him. Being expelled from the arena, those who are naturally there are ways to deal with him.

"Hope is in front of you, but unfortunately, you only have despair, leave me."

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