The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 157: Lin Ritian

The last time the Seventeenth went up to chase Lingdao, Ganyu did not choose to chase the past, the dry days in the early days of the heavens, to deal with the kind of twenty-four, there is no problem, and if the seventeenth is too up, It is not cheap at all, unless you use his cards.

In the heavens, even if the realm is low, there is not much problem. After all, he has always lived in the territory of the Qing court of the Qing Dynasty. When he reached the lower bound, he realized that the strength of the previous period was not enough. Therefore, he quickly broke through. It’s just that he hasn’t seen it for a while. He’s already the peak of the sky and the three realms.

Even so, Qianyu did not appear to be unstable. He used to suppress it too much. Now, as long as he does not directly cross the big realm, naturally there will not be much problems. However, after he finally broke through, he will not be sure of victory. No life.

Fortunately, Ganyu did not come alone, but found his good friend, Lin Ritian. If you didn’t see Lin Ritian with your own eyes, Ganyu would never have thought that there would be other talents coming to the Qing Dynasty. Ganyu was alone and did not see other people.

Lin Ritian is the son of the minister of the Daqing Holy Trinity. The mother is a Gege. He grew up in the palace. He was the leader of the Daqing court. He hoped that his family could be in the sky, so he was given a name. Everyday, just because of the name, Lin Ritian was joked many times by others.

However, Lin Ritian's qualifications are extremely high, even if it is dry, it is not as good as it is. Even if Yuyu and Lin Ritian are in the same realm, Ganyu does not recognize Lin Dayian's opponent. What's more, Lin Ritian is already a god. In the pre-season period, it is higher than the current state of Qianyu.

When I first came down, Lin Ritian only had a peak in the sky, but now he has made a breakthrough. There is Lin Ritian, and Qianyu naturally has a full grasp of Lingdao, even if Jin’s life is not involved. Any effect.

"His Royal Highness, give it to me."

The relationship between Ganyu and Lin Ritian is very good. Therefore, what happened in the fifth floor of the arena, he did not take advantage of Lin Ritian, once again met Lingdao, Ganyu naturally wants revenge, and he is through the realm of heaven and earth. There should be no problem with pressing the road.

It is a pity that the speed of gold is too fast. If Lin Ritian does not intervene, Ganyu will not be able to catch up with Lingdao. It is also the peak of the heavens. Jin is no longer a member of the Dapeng family. The speed naturally exceeds that of dryness. Switching to Lin Ritian is not the same.

"You help me deal with Dapeng, revenge, I come by myself."

Continuously breaking through three small realms, Ganyu is already full of confidence, Lin Ritian nodded, then it was like a burning star, rushing to Jin Wushou and Ling Dao, he did not know Kim is lifeless, but he Have full confidence to defeat gold without life.

"The fire is ruined."

The fire filled the fire of ten miles, and the madness burned up. The wind helped the fire, and the fire borrowed the wind. Just after a moment, the field became like a sea of ​​fire, not only the flame pillar appeared, but also a flame. Wall, trying to stop gold from being killed.

At the foot of Lin Ritian, there are two wheels with fire. Even if Ganyu sees the pair of wheels, it is envious, because it is the Lord of the Qing Dynasty. The treasure, called the hot wheels, can greatly speed up the warrior.

In the early days of the natural world, Lin Ritian, the speed is extremely fast, coupled with the hot wheels, catching up with the gold and the Lingdao, naturally there is no problem, plus the flame pillar and the flame wall block, just a moment later Lin Ritian is in front of Jin Wuzhi and Ling Dao.


Lin Ritian’s hands are like two red fire clouds, slamming into the gold and dying, carrying the gold-free life of Lingdao’s constant flight, and slowly stopping, the predecessor’s warrior The appearance of this completely disrupted his plan. If the frontiers of the heavenly people in the central territory of the central government, he did not care at all, but Lin Tiantian was obviously also bounded by heaven.

"Lingdao, standing firm."

Jin Wushen didn’t know Lin Ritian at all. Naturally, he didn’t know what the strength of Lin Ritian was. Anyway, he wouldn’t hand over Lingdao to Lin Ritian. After all, he also hopes to refine the blood of Lingshui. And then promote his own blood.

"Dapeng is in the air."

A pair of golden wings, like a two-handed sword, slammed into Lin Ritian, the golden light, condensed in the void, squatting on the red fire cloud, making This void is oscillated, and a layer of space spreads toward the distance.

"It's a bit of a thing, but unfortunately you are still far worse than me."

Lin Ritian sneered and shot again. He clenched his fists like two red furnaces and rushed forward. His body was more like a burning sun, keeping his speed as fast as he could. Life, as long as the gold is not stopped, Ganyu will be able to deal with Lingdao.

"Haha, Lingdao, we met again."

Now Qianyu has already known the name of Lingdao, and even heard a lot of Lingdao’s things. What is the first person in the middle of the battle of the King of the Qiankun, what can be killed when the peak of the Qiankun is at its peak. If you want to be a big man in the world of swords and gods, you will be shocked, but for Qianyu, it is nothing.

He has already seen a lot of warriors in the world of swords and gods. He can also kill an enemy across a big realm. However, he has to admit that he is not an opponent of Lingdao at the same time. Fortunately, he has continuously crossed three. A small realm, let alone defeat the Lingdao, even if it kills Lingdao, there is no problem.

"The last time you refining my lotus mark, I will take your life to pay it back now."

Jin Wushen is a lower realm than Lin Ritian. Now it is a big battle with Lin Ritian. It is already difficult to protect itself. Naturally, it is not a sneak peek. Fortunately, gold is not too worried about Ling Dao. It turns out that everything is against Ling. The warriors of the Tao have nothing to end.

"Under the defeat, what qualifications are mad in front of me, if not for the last time I spared you, you are probably a dead body now."

The breakthrough of Lingdao is nearing the end, and the energy of the wild world is endless, but he can absorb it after all, and even the nine cows and one hair are not counted. With the last moment, the pit is dry, naturally it is better, his realm It is better to be dry, but the eyesight is extremely high. It has already seen the realm of dryness.

"The speed of the breakthrough is so fast that it has already reached the peak of the world."

Now Lingdao has been regarded as a breakthrough success, but it can only be in the early stage of the heavens. Ganyu is three times higher than him. If he is alone, he will not be a dry-handed opponent. Fortunately, he is not lucky. Good, but choose to do it with him at this time.

The reason why Lingdao is deliberately irritating Qianyu, and sure enough, after Qianyu heard his words, there was a cold flash in his eyes. Then, Ganyu was like a cannonball, rushing to Lingdao, he did not Using weapons, I want to use a pair of fists to kill the road.

"Let you see the power of this prince."

After breaking through the peak of Tongtian, the strength of Qianyu has changed dramatically. The physical strength alone has reached the power of 90 dragons, but he simply does not know, even his physical strength. Not comparable to Lingdao.

Carrying a punch of the strength of the original source, he slammed into Lingdao. However, Lingdao did not plan to shoot at all. He only controlled the Yuanyuan source and blocked it in front of himself. Anyway, the breakthrough is coming to an end. Yu Fei had to hit the gun, and that would be his best.

"If you break through, you want to block me. You are too naive."

Gan Yu snorted, as if he had seen the image of the original source of the Yuan Dynasty. However, his fist did not touch the Yuan Shi Yuan Ding, the invisible channel blocked his fist, and a great anti-shock force came out. .


A huge embarrassment came from the depths of the void, but unfortunately there was no ghost image of the behemoth, and the anti-shock force plus the squeaky sound wave attack suddenly caused the dry woo as lightning, and the face became pale, if not Ling The breakthrough of the Tao is over, I am afraid that Qianyu is now a dead person.


Lin Ritian, who is fighting with Kim’s lifelessness, has been paying attention to the decisive battle between Ganyu and Lingdao. Anyway, Jin’s lifelessness does not pose much threat to Lin Ritian. Lin Ritian has time to observe Lingdao and can be more than Qianyu. The low realm defeated Qianyu, and it was also the weapon of the lower bound. Lin Ritian was naturally interested.

However, Qianyu has already broken through to the peak of Tongtianjing. Even if Lingdao is enchanting, it can only be killed by Ganyu. Lin Ritian did not think of it. It was only for a moment that Qianyu was defeated, and It seems that the wounds are not light, and the previous screams are even more scary.

"His Royal Highness."

Lin Ritian had no intention of fighting, and he opened his life without slamming. He rushed to Qianyu. However, Kim did not intend to let him succeed. Even if it was not Lin’s opponent, he was sure to escape under Lin Ritian. He can beat him every day, but he can't kill him.

"Get out."

It was just playing with Kim’s lifelessness. Now Jin’s life is so dare to stop him. Lin Ritian’s shot is no more soft. His every punch and every palm is all out, just a moment, Jin Wu Life is extremely embarrassing, but fortunately, gold is lifeless, and the Dapeng family still has advantages.

"Don't come over, I can deal with him. It used to be just a big idea."

Drying wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said to Lin Ritian in the distance. If he broke through to the peak of the heavens, he couldn’t kill Lingdao. Later, he returned to the Qing court, and he would definitely become the laughing stock of other emperors. There are many emperors in the Qing Dynasty, and his talent can only be ranked in the second echelon.

"Well, I appreciate your character. If so, then I will accompany you to fight."

Lingdao screamed, and the long-term breakthrough finally came to an end. His realm was also solid in the early days of Tongtian. He just broke through and felt that there was endless strength in the whole body. If he wanted to fight, he would accompany him. Yu Yi war.

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