The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 180: End of the first round

The fifth region is competing for the will, and Li Ling’s martial arts practice is also the first weight of the nine-tailed black magic. As a mid-human warrior, he can naturally see the power of the nine-tailed magic, she has mastered the fifth will. And then display the nine-tailed magic, you will be able to kill the ridge in the will.

Li Lingqi only knows that the nine-tailed magic is powerful. I don’t know that Lingdao’s cultivation is also a nine-tailed magic. I don’t know that the nine magics of Lingdao’s cultivation are even better than her, even if she spends more time than Lingdao. Much more, still not as good as Lingdao.

Shenglian Zhenlong Yin is the martial arts practiced by Li Lingqi in the sixth region. Even in the sixth region, she casts the holy lotus seal, and the true dragon print evolved, but it is only the size of the palm. Now in the seventh region, It can only form a virtual shadow, but in her opinion, it is enough to deal with Lingdao.

"The swordsman is in front of the emperor, and I don't know how to live and die."

The Emperor has one of the top ten soldiers of the Taikoo, and the sword of his own is naturally the peak of the sword. A sword repairs the sword in front of the emperor, which is equivalent to the big knife in front of Guan Gong.

Lingdao said that it is natural to satirize Li Lingqi’s nine-tailed black magic. In his will world, he has already condensed a tail. His nine-tailed black magic is much more powerful than Li Ling’s, plus his use of willpower. Far more than Li Lingqi, even if the will is lower than Li Lingyi, Li Lingyi can not occupy the upper hand.

"St. Lotus monument."

The martial arts he cultivated in the sixth region is not the same as Li Lingqi. The seals of Shenglian Zhenlong and Shenglian are inferior, and Lingdao and Li Lingqi do not know, but even if Li Lingzhen will be Shenglian Zhenlong Printing and cultivating to the realm of Xiaocheng has no effect.

Li Lingyi can only mobilize the source of the holy lotus around, and Lingdao can use the source of the original source of the source of the lotus, and the road of the Holy Lotus, which is used by the Lingdao to run the ancient heaven and earth, is not as big as the sixth area, but there are also Ten feet high, even if it is hard, Li Lingyi can not stand.

"A strong martial arts, is he really showing the martial arts that he cultivated in the third floor?"

The time spent by Lingdao from the first area to the seventh area is too short, even if Li Lingyi did not pay attention to every test in front of him, he also knows that he has just arrived, the third floor is big, but the heavenly man The memory, as long as you just scan it, you can remember the appearance of other people.

If Lingdao has already come to the third floor, Li Lingzhen can't have no impression. What's more, Lingdao is in the early days of the world. Li Lingzhen can be sure that he will not forget if he has seen Lingdao. After all, except for Lingdao. Li Lingqi has not seen the second pre-existing warrior in the third floor.

The moment of Shenglian Zhenlong Yin was smashed by the seal of Shenglian. At the crucial moment, Li Lingqi did not panic, but exhibited the martial arts of the second region. The practice of Lingdao was Qinglian Body, Li Lingxi practiced the lotus body.

It is a pity that there is no effect at all. The Seal of the Holy Lotus has shattered everything. Even if Li Lingxi exhibited the lotus body, it was also slammed into the air. Li Lingqi went backwards and again, and the Seal of the Holy Lotus did not let her go. Still slamming into her.


Li Lingqi did not think that Ling Dao’s strength was so powerful. If he operated his own martial arts and then applied his own martial arts, Li Lingqi had the ability to break the seal of the Holy Lotus. Unfortunately, the seventh region did not give its own martial arts and merits. The law, the operation of the ancient celestial celestial lotus and the third martial arts practice in the field of martial arts, Li Lingzhen can not resist the seal of the Holy Lotus.

"I thought you were more capable, and I didn't expect it to be so vulnerable."

The reason why Lingdao was able to defeat Li Lingqi was mainly due to the punishment of the sin. If it wasn’t for the penalty, he would be split in two. His ancient heaven and earth sacred lotus is absolutely not as powerful. If other warriors are willing to abandon their own exercises, Turning to the whole body of cultivation of the ancient heaven and earth, the Holy Lotus, may be more arrogant than Lingdao, after all, Lingdao only half of the body really cultivated the ancient heaven and earth.

"You, uh..."

The seal of St. Lian's monument was slammed again and again, and Li Lingqi couldn't resist it. Now it is irritated by Lingdao, and a lot of blood is sprayed. However, Lingdao has no intention of showing mercy. After all, Li Lingqi used to threaten. I want to beat him half dead.

"Only in the early days of the heavens, is it so powerful here?"

Qianhui has been staring at Lingdao. She did not expect Lingdao to be so fierce. Her time in the third floor is more than Li Lingyi. After all, the lotus mark on her forehead has already flashed purple, as long as there is no accident. It will not take long for her to condense the purple lotus mark.

Jin Wuming and Lin Ritian just came to the third floor of the arena. They don’t know much about the situation here. Therefore, they don’t think how strong the Lingdao is. They don’t know, if they let them run the ancient heaven and earth, and display them. The martial arts practiced in the third floor of the gladiator, if it is played with Lingdao, is not the opponent of Lingdao.

In the end, Li Lingqi was seriously injured by Lingdao, lying on the ground in horror, Lingdao did not say anything, nor did he specifically insult Li Lingqi, but underestimated the refinement of Li Lingqi's blue lotus mark.

Li Lingqi’s talent is not bad in Li’s family, but compared with Ling Dao, it’s not worth mentioning. If it’s true strength, Li Ling’s in the middle of the heavens will definitely be stronger than Ling Dao. Unfortunately, she is now, even if Going out of the third floor, not the opponent of Lingdao.

Today's Li Lingqi, there is no lotus mark, even if the red lotus mark is condensed in a short time, and the blue lotus mark of Lingdao, it is also very different, even if Li Lingxi hates Lingdao, he does not say anything. If you are irritating to Lingdao, now Lingdao can kill her.

"Congratulations, you have completed the first round of the test. Now you have a seven-day break. After seven days, you can either continue the test or leave the third floor. Of course, you can make a test in any of the seven days. There is no limit."

As the person in charge of the third-level arena, I have seen one genius after another. I can't help but look at Lingdao with a small look. So small, so low, the first time to the third floor. The field, even from the first area to the seventh area, and the victory record, it is not simple.

“Thank you for reminding my seniors.”

Lingdao did not continue to test, but just found a place, sat down on the knees, seven regions, every region, Lingdao learned a martial art from the central stone tablet, even if he is very savvy, now also need After a period of consolidation, he did not rush to continue the test, but to sort out the martial arts of his own cultivation. Seven days, for him, naturally enough.

The third round of the arena is actually the most difficult. The second round is relatively simple. Because Lingdao has already cultivated seven kinds of martial arts, he can use the first round in the second round. Compared with the martial arts of practice, now his understanding of martial arts has surpassed the genius of Li Lingqi, and naturally there will be considerable progress after seven days.

It can be said that the simpler the test is, the more simple it is, especially the Lingdao's ancient heavenly lotus cultivation is far superior to others. Unfortunately, seven days is very extravagant for him. He can't dare to test it later. Rest for seven days.

The penalty penalized his body in two, making his strength in the third floor of the arena tyrannical, and the injury that can be brought to him is extremely serious. Even if there is a master's mark, it is impossible to be permanent. Keep his life.

More importantly, he found that his body is getting bigger and bigger. If he keeps doing this, he is afraid that he will become a monster. For the heavenly man, the seven days are really nothing, but In today's Lingdao, every time of breathing is extremely valuable, and naturally it is not a waste.

"Little girl, I have seen your test, you can have your current achievements at a young age, it is indeed rare, but unfortunately, the old man has long been a natural person, you can not be the opponent of the old man."

Just as Lingdao enlightened Wushu, Qianhui slowly embarked on the collapse of the seventh region. Her opponent was a martial artist from the central territory of the central government, and the blue lotus mark on her eyebrows was the same as her. , have begun to flash purple.

"She wants to kill me, I don't know how strong her strength is, just look at it now."

Qianhui is only in the early days of the heavens, and her opponents are the peaks of the heavens. The blue lotus marks are almost the same. The nature is their own strength. They are obviously not a day or two in the third floor, cultivation. Martial arts is certainly not in the minority.

Previously, Qian Hui said that he had to deal with Ling Dao. Since it is an enemy, Ling Dao naturally has to study and study. Even if Qian Hui is three lower than her opponent, Ling Dao does not think that Qian Hui will lose. On the contrary, he instead feels The ultimate winner will be Qianhui.

In the first place, Qianhui comes from the heavens. It is the genius of the heavens. It can defeat the lower martial artists in cross-border. Secondly, Lingdao’s intuition tells him that Qianhui is a very powerful sword repairer, and he is also a sword repairer. Lingdao believes in himself. The intuition is not wrong.

"You have a lot of nonsense, as long as you can pick me up, I will lose."

Qianhui’s words are too arrogant. Don’t say that her opponents can’t accept it. Even other warriors can’t help but shake their heads. Young and flamboyant is nothing, but I don’t know if it’s thick and thick, it’s a little annoying.

However, Qianhui did not care about the thoughts of others. He only looked at Lingdao with a provocative look. Then he waved his sword toward the heavenly person. He had his own kendo, no matter how strong or weak the opponent was. She will take out her own sword to defeat the opponent, or kill the opponent.

"She won."

Even if Ling Dao has memories of past life, he has to admire the power of Qianhui. It is just a sword. It is like a thousand swords condensed. It is like a broken bamboo, nothing is worthwhile. At this time, Qianhui, except for the sword, I am afraid Nothing else, the book starts from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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