The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 181: Fall of the proud dragon

"She is a real sword repair, a pure sword repair than I am."

Even if you only see the sword of Qianhui, Lingdao can judge that Qianhui is the kind of sword repair that is sincere in the sword. Because Lingdao’s past life is the same sword repair as Qianhui, but this life has changed.

First of all, Lingdao's cultivation is not a martial art practice, but a refinement practice is quite ridiculous. Secondly, he not only cultivates kendo, but also cultivates martial arts. His heart is already impure. His road is no longer a pure sword repair. And mixed with the road of martial arts and physical repair.

Of course, martial arts and physical repair are not in conflict. The martial arts in the ancient times were extremely sturdy in the body, and some were not even inferior to the physical training in the same realm. In fact, physical training and martial arts were extremely vague. There is no problem in cultivating singularity and becoming a martial artist.

The difference between martial arts and physical repair is not in the practice. Even if the same exercises are practiced, there is no problem. However, martial arts is more focused on the martial arts will, and physical training is more focused on the flesh and blood, whether it is a sword. Repairing, knives repairing or martial arts, physical repair, in the end are all the same way.

In the realm of the Great Emperor, all aspects are extremely tyrannical. Of course, it is only relative to the military under the Emperor. The Emperor and the Great are still different. A sword-built emperor must have a sword-like method. The sword of Wu Xiu’s sword is brilliant.

The martial arts of the Tianren and the Qianhui decisive battles on the platform and the battles of the vicissitudes of life are greatly changed. From the beginning of the sword, Qian’s pupils are violently contracted. Only when they truly fight with Qianhui can they feel the benefits. Powerful.

Qianhui’s exhibition is the sword method obtained in the third floor of the battlefield. The founder of the ancient heaven and the holy lotus scriptures is a peerless sword repair. The swordsmanship in the third layer of the battlefield is extremely tyrannical, just Lingdao. So far, no cultivation has been done yet.

"It must be an illusion, how can it be so powerful in the early days of the people in the district?"

The Heavenly Man’s Fengwu martial artist barely comforted himself, and then he showed his martial arts in the third floor, and he also cultivated the strongest martial arts until now. The realm of the peak, coupled with the martial arts close to the realm of Dacheng, to deal with a pre-empty warrior, is there any problem.

His fists slammed out and turned into two fists, like two heads that slammed out, emptiness, and swaying, even if it was a distant heavenly man, you could feel the strength of that punch. .

However, an incredible scene took place. Qianhui’s sword seemed to have been cut into tofu. In an instant, the fist shadow of the celestial person’s martial arts was broken into two halves. Then, her sword was like a broken bamboo. The mantle was in the body of the heavenly human being.

It is not that the warrior of the heavenly kingdom does not want to resist, but the sword of Qianhui. After breaking the boxing shadow, it is incredible. In his mind, he just gave birth to the idea of ​​avoiding. Qianhui’s sword has already turned his body into Two halves.

Qianhui received the sword and stands on the red-golden long sword. It does not touch a trace of blood. The killing does not see blood. Only when the speed of the sword reaches a certain level, can it be done. Obviously, Qianhui can do this. She does not look at it again. Even if the person in the sky is a martial artist, even if he looks at it, he turns and walks down the ring.

"It's so strong, if I face that sword, can I avoid it?"

Many heavenly warriors ask themselves, but they make their faces pale. The heavenly people are absolutely not weak. Unfortunately, even a thousand Hui’s sword can’t stop, not being defeated, but being killed and killed. It is more difficult for the celestial beings to be able to defeat the martial arts of a heavenly person.

Even Lingdao can't help but look at Qianhui. If it is threatening, Qianhui is much more than Jinrui and Lin Ritian. Lingdao has seen Lin Ritian's shot. Although Lin Ritian is powerful, but far away. Far from being as terrible as Qianhui.

In the early days of the celestial beings, the murder of the heavens and the martyrdom of the heavens and the martial arts, without any effort, even in the distant Lin Ritian and Jin Wushou, the foreheads are cold and sweating, if they fight with Qianhui, they are likely to end with The heavenly people are almost the same as the peaks.

The geniuses in the third floor are all watched by Qian Wei. Many of them have already seen the power of Qianhui. However, Qianhui’s strength this time is even stronger than before, even giving people a kind of Unbeatable feeling.

Qian Hui facelessly walked to the side of Ling Dao, and then sat down with Ling Dao. The distance between the two of them was less than one meter. Lingdao could even smell the fragrance of Qianhui, and Qian Hui’s body exudes The sword is extremely fierce. The warriors who were originally at Lingdao could not help but leave this place.

"The feeling of good plumpness, I don't know how it feels."

Even Lingdao himself does not know why the ghosts make such a sentence, Lingdao is the same sword repair as Qianhui. It is impossible to see a big beauty and make a speech. Is it true that this life is really proud? Is the dragon belt broken?


In the second floor of the Tianjian Jedi, Aolong sneezed a sneeze. After the last time he left the world of Jianshen, his strength has advanced by leaps and bounds. Now he is not the same as him in the past. If he expected it to be good, the front section Time should go to the underworld.

I don’t know which strong man is helping him in that kind, constantly inspiring his arrogant blood, and guiding him to cultivate the prince’s emperor’s martial arts, and teaching him extremely powerful swordsmanship, in addition to Using a lot of panacea, let him break through the realm, and there is no breakthrough in side effects.

After all, his realm is cultivated by himself. The magic bullet is only an aid, not a breakthrough in the realm of the realm. Even if Lingdao sees the current proud dragon, I am afraid I will be shocked, because the proud dragon is already a middle-aged warrior.

Lingdao all the way to the battle, once and for all walked on the edge of life and death, and now only break through to the pre-existence of the sky, the proud is not only higher than his realm, but also higher than a whole big realm, after all, proud dragon is proud of the blood, not Like Ling Dao was born in the lower bound, now the proud dragon, the eyebrows already have a purple lotus mark.

"Which guy is yelling at me, I have at least sneaked in hundreds of young women in the Underworld to bathe. Is it possible to leave a clueless place?"

On the third day, the priests were treated with enthusiasm. Today, the proud dragon has no laziness in the past, and it is extremely hard to cultivate. However, his bad habits have not changed. In addition to cultivation in the underworld, he is trying to peep into the young and beautiful woman’s bath.

I have to say that his bad faults not only did not harm him, but made his strength improve faster and faster. After all, he wanted to peek at someone else’s bath. Without sufficient strength, he could not do it. He wanted to peek. If a woman takes a bath, she must cultivate to a higher level.

"I don't know how the vegetarians are. She won't be in the **** of the sword. Lingdao is definitely in the central territory of the central government. When I go out of the sword, I will go to him."

The proud dragon does not know that Lingdao is now in the Tianjian Jedi. Lingdao does not know that the proud dragon is also in the heavenly sword, but the proud dragon is in the second game, while the Lingdao is on the third floor, and now the Tianjian Jedi has already It has become different from before.

In the past, I wanted to condense the purple lotus mark. It is very difficult. In comparison, I don’t know how simple it is. The nine guards of the Tianjian League have been investigated many times. Unfortunately, I still don’t know why.

"You want to find death."

In the third floor of the arena, Qianhui suddenly turned his head, and a pair of beautiful eyes smashed Lingdao, killing the machine, even if it was Lingdao, it felt like a hail, but fortunately this is the third floor, otherwise Qianhui is likely to have a sword.

If Lingdao and Qianhui are in the same realm, Lingdao is not afraid of Qianhui. Unfortunately, Lingdao is lower than Qianhui with a whole big realm. Now it is impossible to be an opponent of Qianhui. The previous Lingdao is also an unintentional statement. It is not intended to be a thousand.

In fact, Lingdao does not know that cultivation is quite ridiculous, and has changed his character in a subtle way. The hegemon of the wilderness period has never lacked a woman, and the things that are strongly robbed are frequent. He is now playing a beautiful woman. Not that much.

In his previous life, he was sincere in swords and specialized in swords. One mind threw himself on the kendo. In this life, he was first revenge, and then he was looking for his parents. Now he has to go to the heavens to revenge, and he wants a reunion, and his heart has been contaminated with red dust. , fallen in the red dust.

"Just kidding, don't mind, anyway, your armor is so thick, it must be hard to touch."

Ling Dao’s first half of the sentence finally made Qian Hui’s face look good, but his second half of the sentence almost made Qian Hui run away. The place where Ling Dao is located has been shrouded in Qian Hui’s sword. If Qian Hui really kills, Lingdao has no good fruit to eat at all.

However, what makes Qianhui very strange is that Lingdao has no fear at all. There is a big fear between life and death. If you change to another warrior, don’t say what it is like, at least you can’t care. The next scene, more It is to let Qianhui darken his teeth.

Lingdao, shrouded in the sword, actually closed his eyes and began to cultivate. What makes Qianhui angry is that Lingdao is still enlightening her sword, so abominable young man, she is the first time To.

Seven days later, Lingdao ended his cultivation and slowly stood up. He also needed a second round of comparison, a third round of comparison, and a fourth round of comparison, until the purple lotus mark was condensed. Suddenly, he felt a cold. The attack came, and when he turned to look at the past, he was awkward.

In the first round, in the first area, Lingdao’s opponent was Jingwen from the heavens. He clearly defeated Jingwen and refining Jingwen’s blue lotus mark. How is Jingwen now appearing again? The third floor of the arena, and, Jing Wen's eyebrows already have a blue lotus mark, in the end what is going on, the book starts from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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