The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 183: Became a ten law

The strength of Kakusan is already very tyrannical, but it is still a little worse than the Nine Laws. The Nine Protection Law deliberately avoids the corner three. The third corner certainly does not know the arrival of the Nine Laws, let alone the Lingdao, even if Lingdao Lingjue is stronger. A person with a purple lotus mark, the singer of the peak, peeked at him, and he did not notice it.

Originally, Lingdao started in the eleventh round, and the strength of the opponent will be upgraded to a grade. However, the real situation is not the same as he imagined. His opponent’s strength has not improved much, with his current ability, from the first The area hits the seventh area, which is simply a piece of cake.

In order to allow the owner of the purple lotus imprint to be born in the Tianjian Jedi, the Dafa method has long secretly displayed the means, so that the corner three deliberately released the water to those who have great hopes to concise the purple lotus mark. Now Lingdao is enjoying When it comes to such treatment, it is easy to win.

In just three days, Lingdao has completed three rounds of comparison test. There is no stop during the period. In addition to the previous ten matches, Lingdao has already conducted 13 trials. Together, it is also refining 91. The blue lotus mark, for him, so many blue lotus marks, is enough for him to condense the purple lotus mark.

Today's Lingdao, there is no need to continue the test, he directly chose a place to sit on the knees, his left half of the body, crazy running the ancient heaven and the holy lotus, his back, even a blue Lotus shadow, but only half.

The blue lotus mark on his eyebrows is a purple brilliance, and many of the martial artists look at Lingdao’s eyes. They are full of envy, because they understand that it will take a long time for Lingdao to condense purple. Lotus mark.

Compared with the blue lotus mark, the blue lotus mark is greatly enhanced. The purple lotus mark is bigger than the blue lotus mark. The current Lingdao, the strength in the Tianjian Jedi, has far exceeded the third level. Before the field.

At the same time, Lingdao's realm is also a self-defeating breakthrough. Originally, he was only in the early days of the heavens. Now it is already in the middle of the heavens. A small realm is definitely very useful for him now. The third floor is outside the arena, but there is a heavenly man who is waiting for him.

"I have seen the Nine Laws."

Seeing that Lingdao has condensed the purple lotus mark, the Nine-protection method is no longer hiding the body shape, and the third-level gladiator field is responsible for the third angle. The third angle is naturally the first time to see the Nine-Guardian Law. It is higher than the head of each major arena.

The Nine-Guardian method waved his hand and did not say anything to the third angle. Instead, he stepped over to Lingdao. The performance of Lingdao has already attracted the attention of the nine major law-protection laws. It is able to consolidate the purple lotus mark in the early days of the sky. Rare to the extreme.

Of course, Lingdao’s previous breakthroughs have not survived the Nine Laws. The current Lingdao is already a mid-term warrior. However, for the Nine Laws, the Lingdao is in the early or middle period. There is no difference at all. The strength of the Nine Laws is more than enough to deal with Lingdao.

"You call Lingdao, what happened in Tianjian Jedi, this law has already understood one or two. As long as you are willing to follow me, I will help you solve the warriors outside, how."

The nine-protection method with the purple lotus mark can completely ignore the heavenly people outside the third-level arena. As long as he is willing to help Lingdao, there is no problem naturally. The reason why they choose Lingdao is naturally there is a reason, just It is impossible to tell Lingdao now.

"You are the guardian of the Heavenly Sword Jedi, why should I go with you."

Although Jiao San has told Ling Dao that the guardianship in the Tianjian Jedi can give him the holy water of the lotus pond, but Ling Dao did not immediately agree, there is no white lunch in the world, and the Nine Protection Law can not give him benefits for no reason, let alone, Nine guards have not promised him any benefit.

"Yes, I am ranked ninth. I am the ninth guardian of the Heavenly Sword. If you are willing to go with me, I can make you a ten-guard law. It is not so easy, if you want to be the guardian of the Tianjian League. Then, you are the youngest and the lowest in the history of the Tianjian League."

In fact, the Nine-Guardian Law’s understanding of the Heavenly Sword Jedi is far from thorough. He knows the history of tens of thousands of years at most. As for the earlier things, he can’t know it. Anyway, Lingdao is an outsider, what he said It doesn't matter, who knows what he is saying is true or false.

"There are so many warriors with purple lotus marks, why choose me."

In the third floor, there are military people who have purple lotus marks, but they can't find them. The nine guards have no special purpose. Lingdao absolutely doesn't believe it. Unfortunately, Lingdao can't guess the mind of the nine guards. After all, He didn't understand Tianjian League at all.

"If you have to know, you can also tell you that our nine guards are prepared to do something big, but we need a highly savvy warrior, and you are our choice."

The Nine Laws also know that if you don't reveal it, Lingdao can't walk with him in a foolish way. He doesn't lie, so he doesn't have a slight panic. Even his eyes are not a little bit different, but his words are not said. Finished, the highly savvy warrior is actually a victim.

If Lingdao is willing to do the ten-protection method, the Nine-Guardian Law will naturally help Lingdao to solve the outside warriors. The Nine-Guardian Law not only wants to destroy the slaves, but also wants to get the true inheritance of the ancient heaven and earth, and their understanding of the heavenly sword. Naturally, it is far superior to other warriors.

The true inheritance of the ancient heavens and the holy lotuses is on the first floor of the Tianjian Jedi. Unfortunately, the warriors who have insufficient understanding, even if they go to the first floor, they cannot get true inheritance. Moreover, if they want to enter the first floor, they must have Purple lotus imprint.

"If I were a ten-guard, can the lotus water be used for me?"

Until Lingdao asked this question, the Nine Laws carefully looked at Lingdao. At the beginning, the third angle was able to see the injury of Lingdao at a glance. It was because Lingdao had just passed the penalty, and now the injury of Lingdao is already very It is well hidden, even if it is a strong person like the Nine Laws, it will not be discovered without careful observation.

"You are really a big life, and such an injury is not dead."

The Nine Laws did not know that Lingdao had been split in two, but he knew that Lingdao’s wounds were extremely deep. Soon, he was reminiscent of the last change in the Tianjian Jedi, and from that time on, Ling The Tao walked into the sight of the Nine Laws.

"Reassure, you and I are the same, and the future is to protect the law, the lotus pond holy water is naturally for you to use."

Before the sacrifice of Lingdao, the Nine Law Enforcement will try to take care of the Lingdao. It is natural to use the lotus pond holy water for Lingdao. Although the lotus pond water is extremely precious, it is insignificant compared with the true inheritance of the Wanqing Qingtian Shenglian. .

It is not so simple and highly savvy to find Lingdao, who is highly savvy and low in realm. Naturally, because there is a greater possibility of inheritance, the realm is low. Of course, because it can be better controlled, if one chooses one It is very likely that the Heavenly Humans will be able to jump out of the calculations of the Nine Great Laws.

"If that's the case, then let's go."

The third floor of the arena is no longer worthy of being missed. What he has to do now is to treat his injury first. If the effect of the lotus pond is really good, he can also use the lotus pond holy water. Give Xian Ling a cure.

"The person who knows the time is Junjie, your boy is very promising. From now on, we are a family."

Nine guards smiled and could be so smooth. His mood is of course very good. Now there are so many warriors with purple lotus marks in the Sword of the Sword. When they all fall into the calculation of the Nine Laws, the Nine Laws can be Refining their lotus mark.

Coupled with Lingdao, they are likely to get real inheritance. At that time, they can not only smash the slaves, but also get through the barriers of the two borders. Even if they reach the heavens, they can also play a world. The nine guards obviously have Their own ambitions, they do not know how to understand the heavens, at least not know nothing.

"We are so eager to wait and see, is it really useful? If Lingdao has been huddled in the third floor, we have been spending time here."

"Reassured, the Lingdao realm is so low, it will definitely be defeated by other warriors. When the lotus mark is refining, he will definitely be driven out."

One of the heavenly martial arts from the central territory of the central government has been outside the third floor of the arena, waiting for nearly a month, but unfortunately, until now, even the shadow of Lingdao has not been seen, to say that Lingdao can They have always won, they absolutely do not believe, after all, Lingdao is only in the early days of the world.

"Come out, look, isn't that the Lingdao?"

Suddenly, there was a martial artist in the late days of the heavens who exclaimed. He saw the ridges that followed the Jiu Hufa method. Unfortunately, each of them did not know the nine guards. After all, they only had the green lotus mark. Did not reach the height of the nine guards.

The purple lotus mark on the eyebrows of the Nine-protection method is that they can't help but watch a few more eyes. The warriors who can condense the purple lotus mark are absolutely true strong. Even if they give them hundreds of years, they may not be able to Condensed the purple lotus mark.

"Bad boy, you are finally driven out, haha."

"You know, how long have we waited for you?"

"You didn't have a good time before, why don't you talk now?"

After waiting for nearly a month, I finally saw Lingdao. They were naturally in a good mood. They couldn’t help but tune up Lingdao. However, when they saw the purple lotus mark on Lingdao’s eyebrows, it was They have widened their eyes, are they blinded, even if they are, it is impossible to condense the purple lotus mark, and the Lingdao District has a great power in the early days, how can it condense the purple lotus mark?

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