The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 184: Evergreen

"Purple... purple lotus mark."

A celestial warrior swallowed his mouth and said with an incredulous exclamation that they only had a green lotus mark, which was much worse than the purple lotus mark of Lingdao. Many people in the five major forces have entered the sky. Sword Jedi, naturally heard how hard it is to condense the purple lotus mark.

Even if it is the genius of the millennium, it is a small number of people who can condense the blue lotus mark. It is even more difficult to condense the purple lotus mark. Now, they actually see a former warrior from the heavens. The purple lotus mark is certainly unacceptable.

"It must be fake. It took less than a month for him to go in. How could he condense the purple lotus mark?"

"Deliberately scaring us, just relying on the realm of the early days of the heavens, and also want to win a hundred-game winning streak in the third floor, you think it is possible."

"It is true or false to control him. We are so many people in the world, can we still be afraid of a warrior in the pre-existing period."

More than 90% of the warriors are convinced that the purple lotus mark on Lingdao's eyebrows is fake, and the rest is to maintain a skeptical attitude. No one in heaven and soul believes that Lingdao can condense purple in one month. Lotus mark.

In order to consolidate the green lotus mark, they all spent a lot of time, the fourth floor and the fifth floor, they have been to, the blue lotus mark and the blue lotus mark, even if they are now, Did not have enough confidence to concise.

"Do you want me to solve them for you?"

Nine-protection law stood beside Lingdao and asked with a chuckle, a group of heavenly people, in his eyes, but a chicken and a dog, he would not kill those who are in the sky, but they were injured. There is no problem. Anyway, defeating the group of heavenly martial artists will not delay any time, that is, a matter of a moment.

The people of heaven and earth are all stagnation, and the pressure brought by them by the Nine-Guardian Law is too great. The purple lotus mark on Lingdao’s eyebrows is likely to be fake, but the nine-protection method should be true because the nine-guard law It is a real-life and savvy person, and the momentum of the nine guards is stronger than them.

"No, a bunch of waste, I can solve it myself."

If it is in the central territory of the central government, Lingdao may not be able to deal with so many people in the heavens, but now it is different. In the Jedi Jedi, he has a purple lotus mark, and he is fully sure to cope with all the heavenly people in front of him. Before the sword was in the ground, Lingdao was listening to Nalanrouer who said that the purple lotus mark was so powerful.

Nowadays, he has already condensed the purple lotus mark, and he feels the clearest, especially his left half body. The cultivation is the ancient heaven and the holy lotus, which is the most suitable for the cultivation environment of the heavenly sword. He can play in the heavenly sword. The combat power is far beyond the central territory of the central government.

"That's good, you can solve it yourself."

The Nine Laws did not think that Lingdao had such confidence. In fact, think carefully. Lingdao’s performance is extremely normal, young and vigorous, and his heart is high and proud. Lingdao is so young, he has such achievements, and he is nothing at all.

Let Lingdao and those who are in heaven and earth fight first, and after Lingdao suffers, he will help Lingdao. At that time, Lingdao will definitely be grateful to him. The nine guards also have their own selfishness. Now he knows more about Lingdao. It may become the key to his inheritance.

Seeing that the Nine-Guardian Law does not mean to do it, a group of heavenly people are sighed with relief. The Heavenly Man’s martial arts are inherently higher than their realm and have purple lotus marks. Naturally, they are not comparable, if they really fight, Their casualties are certainly not small.

"Dare to be a waste, I think you are impatient."

In the late days of Da Luozong, the first warrior of the heavens rushed to Lingdao. The last time he had to shoot for Lingdao, it was a pity that he was escaping into the third floor of the battlefield. Now it’s hard to wait for Lingdao. Naturally, you can't miss the opportunity. As long as the Nine Laws does not take the shot, the great martial arts of the great Luozong in the late days are absolutely sure to win the Lingdao.

At the same time, other warriors in the late days were unwilling to lag behind, and they all shot. They were not afraid that Da Luozong’s celestial people would lose their martial arts in the late days. They were only worried that they would slow down. Lingdao was the big man of the great Luozong. In the late period, the warriors won, and they were extremely measured one by one. They only hurt the Lingdao and would not put the road to death.

"You shot me again and again, really when I dare not kill you."

Lingdao held the best swordsman Wang Jian, and looked coldly at the first time in the 12-day martial arts. The last time he shot him was 12 of them, if not Lingdao seduce the penalty, It may have been won by them.

Wanqing Qingtian Shenglian was in full swing, and the purple lotus mark on Lingdao's eyebrows suddenly burst into an extremely dazzling purple mang, and the twelve warriors in his late days were all unbeatable. The pressure, on their shoulders, is like carrying a huge mountain, and it is so numerous.

In the third level of the arena, the 13 rounds of the test, his promotion, not only in the lotus imprint and the realm, the central stone in each region, there are all kinds of martial arts, with his understanding, the harvest during the trial Naturally, it must be far superior to other warriors.

"It’s a big deal. You have been practicing for ten or eight years, and it’s not our opponent.”

"I’m the first time I’ve encountered such a big-fledged martial artist, this is too much to see, how do you kill us.”

Those who did not do anything, the heavenly martial arts people all laughed aloud. They said that they had seen the big words, but they have never seen such a brazen and shameless Lingdao. They clearly can’t beat the warriors in the end of a heavenly world. Twelve days. At the same time, the military at the same time shot, he even dared to speak out, if not for the inheritance of the Taikoo, I am afraid that Lingdao has died ten times eight times.

"Eternal Evergreen."

In the sixth round of the test, Ling Dao was trained in the fourth area, and he was trained to a sword. It was called Changqing Evergreen. He didn’t know what level of swordsmanship was in the ages, but he could feel the sword’s artistic conception is extremely high, even he still Guess, the Evergreen Evergreen and the Wanqing Qingtian Shenglian.

He was originally a sword repairer, and he got the swordsmanship of Evergreen Evergreen. Naturally, he couldn’t resist the deduction of it over and over again. In the seventh area, he also tried to defeat a warrior in the middle of the heavens. At that time, he used It is an everlasting age, and if it is replaced by other swordsmanship, he really does not know how to defeat a sword in the late days.

Of course, if he is in the central territory of the central government, he will certainly not be able to defeat a sword in the middle of the heavens, and the third floor, not to use his own methods and martial arts, the strength of Lingdao is extremely tyrannical. In the third floor of the arena, Lingdao has no such advantage.

The man Wang Jian slowly smashed out. Now Lingdao uses the source of Shenglian. The purple lotus mark on his eyebrows is a crazy absorption of the power of the Holy Lotus between heaven and earth. The purple lotus mark can not only enhance all aspects of the military. The speed of cultivation can also enhance the strength of all aspects of the military.

The emptiness of the lotus, at the foot of Lingdao, there is a lotus flower shadow, one person and one sword, turned into a long-lasting Qinglian, just like the roots growing in chaos before the opening of the earth, the third In the corner battlefield, there are not a few warriors who have cultivated the ever-green age, but they have never been able to display this vision.


Those who are in heaven and earth may not have any feelings, but the nine guardian laws are shocked and unable to speak. The martial arts in the third-level arena is a genius. Only in the ancient records, he did not think that it is now I saw it with my own eyes.

Qinglian topped the ground, as if this piece of heaven and earth had stood still, and even the time stopped flowing until a scream, breaking the silence at this time, the blue brilliance flashed, and the person Wang Jian had opened the Dalu Zongtian’s late military The offensive and split him into two halves.

It’s just a sword, it’s killing a warrior in the middle of the heavens. Don’t say that other people, even Lingdao himself, are shocked by the mighty power of the ancients. The ancients that he used to show in the past are not different. Like, power is far worse than before.

After killing the elders of the great Luozong, the man Wang Jian did not stop, but instead rushed to other martial artists in the late days. They did not want to kill the Lingdao. Therefore, the means of display were not how Strong, Lingdao is wanting their lives, and they are unrelenting.

Now they know that they have done something wrong. The power of Lingdao is beyond their expectations. Unfortunately, time is too late. People Wang Jian has already reached their front. They want to use their powerful martial arts. Obviously, they can only Try to resist or avoid.


It was also a warrior who was killed in the late days of the heavens. It was like a sword cut into tofu. There was no obstacle in the past. A total of 12 people in the late Tianren’s period were shot, but now there are already two heavenly people who have lost their lives. The remaining ten people in the late days of the world are scared to death.

Even if Lingdao only has a middle age, they all have an unmatchable feeling. Their strength is absolutely not bad. The tragedy is that they have encountered such a metamorphosis of Lingdao. Lingdao could have killed a large territory. Nowadays, there is the advantage of the purple lotus mark, and it is to display the martial arts that caused the vision, killing them without any effort.

It is a pity that even if Lingdao himself, he can't guarantee that every time he uses his everlasting everlasting, he can cause a vision. Otherwise, he does not say that he is walking in the sky, but at least he is more than enough to protect himself. It is just a sword. Killed the two warriors in the late days, and repelled the ten warriors in the late days.

The singers who used to ridicule Lingdao’s celestial martial arts, at this time, felt that their hearts were trembled. If they were alone with Lingdao, they might be able to kill them with a sword. Why is it less than a month? Become so tyrannical,

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