The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 185: Big kill

"We... can really take him down?"

A middle-temporal warrior whispered that the sword of the previous Lingdao had already scared him, not that he was courageous, but that kind of kendo will, so fierce, piercing everything, even if he was already fifth. Heavy will, but also no resistance at all.

Twelve heavenly people joined forces in the late period, even if they did not use all their strength, it was not so good to deal with. Even if the heavenly people encountered the peaks, they might have a headache, but Lingdao not only defeated them, but also killed them. Two of them.

The owner of the colorful lotus imprint can plant a slave print for the warrior who has other lotus prints. Although the purple lotus print is not as overbearing as the colorful lotus print, the owner of the green lotus print is no problem.

In the middle of the Tianren border, the warrior is higher than the middle of the heavens, and is higher than a big realm plus a small realm. However, compared with the green lotus imprint, the purple lotus imprint is almost the same as the gap between the two realms. In the Jedi Jedi, the gap between Ling Dao and Tian Ren’s late warriors is actually not a big realm.

"How to do."

The ten warriors who had previously shot in the past were the most clear. If they were far from Lingdao, I am afraid that they are now in the same way as Da Luozong’s Tianshi’s late warriors. With corpses, their strength is almost the same as that of the late Luo Zongtian.

"Whenever you don't care, let's join forces to suppress him and say that he would never be able to show it again and again."

"It's true, if he can always use such a sword, the realm of the realm for the military."

After all, those who are in the natural world are full of battles. They can’t be completely fooled by Lingdao. After only a moment, they are recovering. Some of them have extremely powerful killings, but they are costly. Greatly, in their view, the long-lasting display of Lingdao was a desperate move.

"You want to scare us away, you are not qualified."

If they are really scared by Lingdao, then Lingdao can leave calmly. A martial artist in the middle of the heavens thought he saw the purpose of Lingdao. He said that he did not believe that Lingdao had defeated them. Strength.

"Then you are shooting, what are you waiting for?"

Ling Dao smiled and said with a smile, one of the heavenly martial arts people obviously did not dare to fight with him alone, only constantly smashing other people's shots, but also made a look that did not put him in the eyes, was a day It is really a shameful thing to push the juniors into this position.

"It’s mad."

The digital warriors in the late days of the people looked at each other and then they shot them one after another. The attitude of Ling Dao really annoyed them. If they didn’t give Lingdao a lesson, they would really not be able to raise their heads. The warrior of the human world did not dare to do anything with a martial artist, saying that timid as a rat is an insult to the mouse.

"It's good."

The previous sword made Lingdao's understanding of Evergreen Everlasting a new level. Although he is now showing a long history, he can't cause a vision, but he has to be stronger than before, to deal with the late warriors of the heavenly world. Not to mention the mid-world warriors in the field.

The collision of martial arts, the confrontation of swordsmanship, Lingdao and those who are in the battle of heaven and earth, together, really fight, they only know how powerful Lingdao, even if they are the late warriors in the heavens, in front of Lingdao, It also does not have any upper hand.

Even those who are in the middle of the world have no chance to intervene. It is clear that Lingdao is a whole lower level than them. The strength of Lingdao is stronger than that of them. Are they really old, even a heavenly world? Juniors can't match.

"The purple lotus mark is a big addition to the warrior. Is it so big?"

All the people of heaven and earth are more and more shocked, especially the purple lotus mark is getting stronger and stronger, they are getting more and more restrictions, the battle is greatly enhanced by the ridge, the power of the purple lotus mark Finally, he was slowly excavated.

"Sure enough, it is a group of wastes. Even a middle-temperament warrior can't cope with it."

The nine-guard law of silent observation was extremely depressed. I originally wanted to save Lingdao when Lingdao could not hold it, and then let Lingdao grateful to him, but now it’s good. Lingdao has the upper hand, and it is completely pressing a group of people. The warrior hit.


At the time of the nine-guard law, Ling Dao was the hand-held Wang Jian. A sword broke the right arm of a warrior in the middle of the heavens. In the eyes of Ling Dao, the cold flashed, and then the Qinglian body was displayed. Blocking the offensive of other celestial warriors, his sword was stabbed into the chest of the martial artist in the late days, and his sword was killed.

"You have been chasing me for so long, and finally it is my turn to take revenge."

Lingdao smiled coldly, and in the world of the will, nine huge fox tails radiated different lusters. After 13 rounds of tests, he finally got the complete nine-tailed black magic. Now he has already turned nine black magic The cultivation has reached the realm of being close to Dacheng. Now it is used to attack the heavenly people, and naturally it has an unexpected effect.

Nine-tailed foxes are wild, the most temperate races, and they don’t know the martial arts in the third-level arena. Where are they from, such as the Evergreen Evergreen and the Nine-Tailed Magic, all give Lingdao a very old feeling. It is like martial arts in the wild.

Standing on the opposite side of Lingdao, the two most savage warriors in the late days were all looking at each other. Their will was bombarded by nine enchantments, and there was a moment of delay. How fast is Lingdao’s sword? Naturally, they will not give them any chance to turn over.


The two heads rolled down and the blood spewed out. It was only a moment, and there were two people in the late days. The warriors died under the sword of the people. After the breakthrough of the lotus mark and the realm, the strength of Lingdao was greatly enhanced. In the third layer of the Tianjian Jedi, the ordinary warrior in the late days of the heavens is not his opponent.

"This child is too enchanting, and we must ask the heavenly people to take advantage of the Fengwu people. We can't cure him."

In the distance, a man in the middle of the world who had not shot a man’s eyes changed his mind, and then he left quietly. He has already seen that today’s want to kill Lingdao is simply a delusion and stay here. Was killed by Lingdao.

The presence of the heavenly martial arts is not a fool. Of course, more than one person can see the power of Lingdao. Some people have quietly retired. Even if they are in the late stage of the warship with the Lingdao, they are born with a retreat. The Vietnam War is more and more brave. At the present time, killing the heavenly people in the late stage is like cutting vegetables and cutting vegetables.

"Do not fight, escape."

In the late days, the warriors saw that the situation was not good. They turned and fled. Anyway, there was no possibility of killing Lingdao. Instead of staying here and being killed by Lingdao, it is better to flee back to the central territory. They have already seen that Lingdao’s eyebrows The purple lotus mark at the place is true.

They have long heard of the purple lotus mark, and now they have finally seen it. They attributed the power of Lingdao to the purple lotus mark. Instead, they ignored the tyrannical position of Lingdao itself, even if there was no lotus mark. Nowadays, Lingdao, I am afraid, can also compete with the warriors in the late days.

In the first day of the world, the warriors took the lead and fled. Other warriors in the late days were naturally untouchable. They came from different forces and they were not a group. Naturally, there was no need to stay behind to others, even if they died in Lingdaojian. Next, other heavenly warriors may not be grateful to them.

"I want to run, it’s late."

Lingdao holds Wang Jian, chasing the past with a warrior in the middle of the heavens. He cultivated 13 steps in the first area. Now he stepped out, it is a distance of a few feet. He did not use it. Any step, just a simple step, is like absorbing the essence of thirteen steps.

The hand, the sword fell, the life of a warrior in the late days of the heavens was harvested, but unfortunately, even if his speed is faster, it is impossible to kill all those who are in heaven. Of course, he does not. Intended to do so, anyway, those accounts will be returned to the central territory of the central government, and they will still be liquidated.

"This kind of enchanting, perhaps really can get the true inheritance of the ancient heaven and earth."

Although the nine guards chose Lingdao, they did not put all their hopes on Lingdao. In fact, every warrior with a purple lotus mark is their hope and their pawn, but Lingdao. Belonging to the trump card is much more important than other chess pieces.

As the guardian of the Tianjian League, the Nine-Guardian Law is of course very familiar with the purple lotus mark. He is very clear that Lingdao can kill the late warriors of the heavenly people and has a great relationship with his own talent. The most important thing is that he I can feel that there is no obstacle to Lingdao's cultivation of the ancient heaven and earth.

The more tyrannical exercises, the more military people need to cultivate from the very beginning, even if the nine guards of the Tianjian League have given up the practice of cultivation, and instead cultivate the ancient heaven and earth, it is not so pure, after all, their The flesh, their memory, has been closely related to the original practice.

Only the Lingdao is different, his body is smashed by the sin, and the body of the left half is completely removed. Therefore, his left half of the body is practicing the ancient heaven and the holy lotus, and it can do more with less. The penalty is to put him to death. Otherwise, it is impossible to have such an effect.

"Damn, can I still kill him now?"

When Lingdao walked out of the third floor of the arena, Jin Wusheng and Lin Ritian both followed. Originally, they thought that after the third floor, the strength of Lingdao was greatly reduced, but they saw it. In the previous World War, even Lin Ritian was not sure to defeat Lingdao.

"It seems that I still have to take it out myself."

Qian Hui glanced at Lin Ritian and Jin Wushou, which is to understand that they did not have the possibility to defeat Lingdao. Although she is more advanced than Lingdao’s third-level arena, her blue lotus mark on her eyebrows is still not advanced. To the purple lotus mark, but it is a little bit worse.

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