The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 190: St. lotus

"Oops, it seems that more than one person is coming, it may be that other law-enforcers come together."

Lingdao is only a medium-sized warrior in the middle of the sky. Even the nine guards can't cope with it. If you add other methods of protection, Lingdao is even more of an opponent. The lotus pond is so precious, life and death are white bones, if those who find the lotus pond The holy water is ruined by the Lingdao, and it will definitely be furious.

It should be known that healing is only one effect of the lotus pond holy water. The reason why Lingdao wants to drink more lotus pond holy water is not only to heal the wound, but also to enhance the strength. If he does not suppress the realm, I am afraid it has broken through to the heavens. Late.

Only when he broke through to the middle of the sky, he had to lay a good foundation and stabilize the realm. So many lotus ponds, the energy contained in it is too horrible. If he can absorb all the energy, his realm can even Breaking into the heavens and humans, of course, if he absorbs all the energy now, it will not break through to the human condition, but will directly explode and die.

"Wine, you have to leave with exquisiteness, and many warriors have come."

Whether it is Xian Ling, or true dragon, the temptation to the military is great. Ling Dao does not believe in the protection of the law. If they see the Princess of the Wine and the Fairy, they will definitely fight for it. Those who protect the law will join forces, let alone defeat him. Even killing him is not difficult.

"Reassure, I can handle it, they will not deal with me now."

The Princess of Wine did not ask, and Lingdao was quick to comfort. They also knew that it was not hesitating now, so the Princess of Wine left the Xianling for the first time. Anyway, the Princess of Wine can always pay attention to Lingdao. If there is something in Lingdao, she will come out to help.

"I hope I can get away with it."

Lingdao Lingji moved, using Yuanyuan source to derive the source of water, and then filled the holy lotus pond with water. The former Shenglian pool is full of lotus pond holy water, now the holy lotus pond is ordinary water, so the lotus Pool water seems to be no different from ordinary water.

Have to say, Lingdao is fortunate, lotus pond holy water and ordinary water, completely incompatible, as long as there is a little lotus pond holy water in the holy lotus pond, Lingdao is impossible to put water into it, ordinary water encounters lotus The pool holy water will immediately evaporate, that is, the wine princess, Xian Ling and Ling Dao will drink the lotus water of the lotus pond. Lingdao can fill the holy lotus pond with ordinary water.


The Nine Law Enforcement Law is getting closer and closer to Lingdao. Fortunately, he has done everything well, and he has done a good job of healing and drinking so many lotus ponds. His body is naturally healed, whether it is internal organs or whole body. The meridians, or bones, healed.

"Is this kid?"

Far away, the Nine Great Laws of Protection saw the Lingdao who was sitting on the healing road. The Nine-Guard Law and the other eight law-abiding laws have said the situation of Lingdao. They naturally know that Lingdao is injured. Anyway, there is the lotus pond holy water, Lingdao’s injury. They don't care at all.


Nine guards nodded, no matter he or the other eight law-protection methods, they did not pay too much attention to the holy lotus pond. If the holy lotus pond is empty, they will definitely find the Lingdao account, but the holy lotus pond is full, they are naturally I don't doubt anything. After all, no one would have thought that Lingdao could drink the pool water of the holy lotus pond.

As long as the holy lotus pond and the lotus pond holy water, then it is impossible to add ordinary water, the Qiankun ring or the ordinary container, it is impossible to pretend the lotus pond holy water, the nine guards said that any appliance can not collect the lotus pond holy water, although it is deceiving Lingdao, but Lingdao certainly did not charge the equipment of the lotus pond holy water.

The holy lotus gourd owned by the Nine Law Enforcement Law can be used to pick up the holy water of the lotus pond. The holy lotus gourd is given to them by the Tianjian League. They don’t know what the materials are made. Anyway, they tried other containers and couldn’t help them. Collect lotus water.

"Lingdao, is your injury healed?"

The nine guards went to Lingdao and pretended to be concerned. The other eight law-abiding ceremonies also went to Lingdao. They carefully looked at Lingdao. Jiu-protection said that Lingdao had a head-to-toe wound. Now, it seems that there is no trace at all.

"It has healed, thank you for your predecessors."

Drinking the lotus water of the lotus pond, Lingdao is naturally guilty, especially now that the Nine Great Protectors are all over. If it leaks out, his end will definitely be miserable. Fortunately, his mentality is very good, and there is no panic.

"I will introduce you to them, they are the big law, the second law, the eight law."

I introduced the Eight Great Laws to Lingdao one by one. The Nine Laws are no longer talking. The next thing is handled by the Dabao Law and the Second Law. Anyway, the things that are vying for inheritance are all planned by them. Just follow the discussion, their two talents are the mastermind.

"I have seen your predecessors."

Lingdao now wants to leave here quickly. As long as he is not next to the St. Lianchi pool, it is very difficult for the Nine Great Laws to find flaws. After he leaves the Tianjian Jedi, even the nine guards guess that the lotus pond is the ghost he is engaged in. There is no way to take him.

"In the future, you are also the guardian of my Tianjian League. So, I will send you a holy lotus gourd."

There are two holy lotus gourds in the big guardian law. Now I am generously giving Lingdao a natural problem. Lingdao took the big lotus hoist of the big protector and looked carefully. I don’t know what it is, every holy lotus gourd. Only the glass is big, Lingdao naturally does not know what to use.

"You don't want to underestimate the effect of this holy lotus gourd, lotus pond holy water, you have personally experienced it, other artifacts can not hold the lotus pond holy water, only the great protection method for your holy lotus gourd can, you think about it, When fighting with other warriors, when both sides are hit hard, when you drink a lotus pond, what would it be?"

The healing effect of the lotus pond holy water is really good. If you drink a lotus pond in the case of injury, you will soon be able to heal. When the other party suffers heavy damage, and you return to the state of full prosperity, it is not a small dish to kill the other party. dish.

The nine-guard law makes Lingdao's face slightly changed. Other methods of protection think that Lingdao is shocked by the role of Shenglian gourd. In fact, Lingdao is not because of this, but because the current lotus pond is fake. If the Nine Law Enforcement Law is discovered, then he is not difficult to escape.

"We are going to the first floor of the Tianjian Jedi. When it is time to avoid the big battle, it is necessary to bring a lotus pond with a gourd."

The holy lotus gourd is very small, a gourd, which is the look of a lotus pond. The nine lotus guards are now empty. They come to the holy lotus pond, one is to see the Lingdao, the other is to Fill the lotus pond with the holy lotus water for the occasional needs.

"Thank you for the care of your predecessors, how can you handle the little things like water, how can you bother your predecessors, or let me do it for you."

The reason why Lingdao is so active is naturally not to please the nine law-enforcement laws. It is only afraid that the nine guards will find flaws in the lotus pond. Fortunately, there are no doubts about the nine law-protection laws. They have taken out the holy lotus gourd and handed them over to Lingdao. They are all the people of the heavens and the peaks of the military, and there are purple lotus marks, naturally not afraid of Lingdao to **** their holy lotus gourd.

"so close."

With a sigh of relief, Lingdao walked to the holy lotus pond to help them fill the lotus pond with a gourd. If the nine guards themselves filled the water, they would know that the lotus pond is fake, because the holy The surface of the lotus gourd will be stained with water. If the real lotus pond is holy water, it is impossible for such a situation. The lotus pond water on the surface of the holy lotus gourd will drip into the lotus pond. If the nine guards are on the hand, Filled with water, the same will reveal the stuffing.

Fortunately, Lingdao handled everything well, and then handed it over to the nine guards. He himself was filled with a gourd pool, but he understood that the water of this gourd had no effect at all. Let's talk about the nine major law-protection laws, and the future.

"It's quite obedient, but unfortunately, you are destined to be a victim."

The second law is secretly sneer. From the time they choose Lingdao, Lingdao’s end is already destined. After Lingdao is passed down, they will kill Lingdao and seize the inheritance. If Lingdao is not passed down, They will also kill the Lingdao, because Lingdao talent is too high, it is too dangerous to keep him.

"The big law will send you the holy lotus gourd. I will send you a piece of holy lotus leaf. You have to protect the holy lotus leaf. Because on the first floor of the Tianjian Jedi, the holy lotus leaf can help you."

The holy lotus leaf is made of the same material as the holy lotus gourd. It is only the size of the palm. There are two holy lotus gourds in the big protector. The other ones are protected by one person. The second method has two pieces of holy lotus leaves. The other guards are one person and one big. The law of protection has taken out the holy lotus gourd, and the second law is naturally not stingy.

"Thank you for your predecessors."

After Lingdao took over the holy lotus leaf, he stood honestly beside the nine guardian law. Now he is the ten guardian law. The youngest of all the guardianships, the lowest in the realm, is drinking the lotus pond holy water. Naturally, the lower the key, the better.

"Let's go, we should also set off. If we let other warriors get ahead, then we really want to find a stone and die."

Da Hufa smiled and said, except for Ling Dao, the other eight methods of protection are excited. The true inheritance of the ancient heavens and the holy lotus is on the first floor. Unfortunately, they are not enough understanding, even relying on the holy lotus leaves to go to the first The layer is also not related to the true inheritance of the ancient heavens.

Fortunately, now they have the trump card of Lingdao, not to mention anything else. At least Lingdao has the holy lotus leaf, and it is sure to reach the first floor. With the understanding of Lingdao, it is very likely that it will be truly passed down because they have long been Know that the lower the realm, the more likely it is to be passed on.

Just as the Nine Law Enforcement and Lingdao left here, the spring of Shenglianchi slowly poured out a drop of lotus pond water, just a drop, it was steamed and dried all the ordinary water in the lotus pond, the whole holy The lotus pond is empty, only a drop of water,

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