The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 191: Nine opponents

The seventh floor of the Tianjian Jedi has an arena, the person in charge is the corner seven, the person in charge of the sixth floor is the corner six, the head of the fifth floor is the corner five, and the head of the fourth floor is the corner four. The person in charge of the three-tiered arena is the third. Similarly, the person in charge of the second-level arena is the second.

However, the second-level gladiator field and the third-level gladiatorial field are different from the seventh-level arena. It is not a battle between the warrior and the warrior. The second-level gladiator is an incomparably huge array, an incomparable reality. The illusion of the illusion, once defeated, will be deprived of the lotus mark.

Only the owner of the purple lotus mark can enter the second floor of the arena. If you want to go to the first floor of the Tianjian Jedi, you must first open the second floor, otherwise you will not go to the first floor. Qualifications, of course, even if you are qualified, you may not be able to travel to the first floor.

The big guardian method and the second guardian method have been through the second guardian law. They all go through the second floor, so they can go directly to the first floor. The second floor to the first floor is not too flat. Even if they are protecting the law, they have to fight. However, they have the holy lotus leaf, and if they don't want to fight, it is ok.

"You go to the second floor of the arena. After you pass, you will go to the first floor. If you encounter an opponent who can't beat the road, you will take out the lotus leaf and you can move on. We are waiting on the first floor. You, I hope you can hurry, don't delay the time."

Lingdao is only the trump card of the nine major law-protection choices. Their hopes are not all on Lingdao. If there is a military who first obtains the inheritance of the ancient heaven and the holy lotus, then there is no such thing as Lingdao. They must rush to the first. One layer, so as not to cause any accidents.

The Nine Great Laws are not a single heart. No matter which one stays on the second floor, no one will agree. They all want to get the true inheritance of the ancient heaven and earth. Only when they rush to the first floor can they be assured. The law of protection and the law of the second guard are good, and when the true inheritance appears, they will certainly turn their faces and not recognize people.

"no problem."

Lingdao nodded, and there were other guards to follow him. He still felt awkward. Now they all go to the first floor. Naturally, it’s best. The second floor is where he goes alone. No other need at all. Protecting the law, anyway, the nine law-abiding laws have their own purposes. Lingdao does not want to be sold by them, but also helps them count the money.

When the Nine Great Protectors left, Lingdao walked into the second floor of the arena alone. In the far distance, the second corner was greeted. The third corner was the heavenly martial arts, and the second was naturally. If other warriors, Horn II naturally does not need to be so diligent, but the Lingdao is different, because Lingdao is the ten guardian law, and the nine guardians have already greeted the second.

Don't look at the second corner is the person in charge of the second floor of the arena. The master of the second floor of the Tianjian Jedi is always the Nine Protector, not the second. However, there are also the Tianjian League leaders on the Nine Laws. Today, the squad leader is not in the game, and the Nine Law Enforcement Law can be the master.

"Welcome to the ten guards."

A celestial person who squats on the peak of the martial arts is a bit uncomfortable. Whether it is in the central territory or in the sacred land, the peaks of the heavens and the human beings are already the highest realm, not to mention the far, only the corner three It is a kind of high-spirited look, even the elders of the five major forces in the central main territory are not in the eye.

"You're welcome, tell me about the rules of the second-level arena. I want to get through the second-level arena and get the qualification to the first floor."

There are no tigers in the mountains, monkeys are called kings, and the nine guards are not the real masters. Otherwise, let Lingdao go directly to the first floor. Instead of using it, Lingdao will also open the second floor to get the first. The qualification of the first floor.

"The rules are very simple. As long as the guardian of the law decides to make a decision, they will encounter nine opponents. The law-abiding adults can defeat the nine opponents, and they can get the qualification to go to the first floor."

The second level of the arena itself is a huge fantasy array. Nine opponents are all fake, but in the middle of the battle, they will feel that all nine opponents are true, and one opponent is more powerful than an opponent. You can qualify for the first floor by defeating nine opponents.

Don't look at Lingdao's condensed purple lotus mark. It seems to be very simple. In fact, for other warriors, it is difficult to condense the purple lotus mark. Lingdao can condense the purple lotus mark in such a short period of time, in addition to its own enchanting, There is a certain amount of luck.

If it is not now that the Sword has changed in the Jedi, it is much simpler to upgrade the grade of the Lotus Seal. It is impossible for Lingdao to condense the purple lotus mark in such a short period of time. Even if his talent is good, his understanding is good. It is not enough to have enough opponents to refine the lotus mark. It is hard to climb the sky by purely practicing and condensing the purple lotus mark.

Some of the warriors, even if they condense the purple lotus mark, they will not come to the second floor, even if they open the second floor, they will not be able to condense the colorful lotus mark. If they lose, they will be deprived of the purple lotus mark. Such a test is not worth it for them.

It’s hard to consolidate the purple lotus mark. The speed of cultivation in all aspects is greatly increased. Even the strength is all-round improvement. If it is deprived in the second floor, it is not worth it. The inheritance of the first layer is from ancient times. No one has ever received it, and they have no hope.

"Understood, let's get started."

Lingdao said this, and the second angle is no longer nonsense. It directly brings the Lingdao to a platform. When the corner leaves the ring, the magic array is activated. The Lingdao is also the beginning. The second is the second. The person in charge of the second corner field can naturally control the magic array, but it is just the control switch.

If Lingdao arrives earlier, he can still meet the proud dragon in the second floor, now the proud dragon is already on the second floor to the first floor. In fact, the second floor to the first floor, Lingdao is not only an acquaintance of the proud dragon, but also other people who know.

"Lingdao, I didn't expect us to meet again. This time, let me kill you."

What Lingdao did not expect was that the first opponent turned out to be Qianlong who had been killed by him. Fortunately, he had already known that the second floor is a magical array, or else he thought he had a ghost. After all, Qianlong is It is impossible for him to be resurrected by his own hands.

The Qianlong in front of him and the Qianlong killed by Lingdao are just the same. The practice is different from the martial arts. This Qianlong is a sword repair. The cultivation is the ancient heaven and the holy lotus, and it is also the sword in the heavenly sword. Like the realm of Ling Dao, he is a medium-term warrior.

Not only is Lingdao so, but other warriors are also in the second floor of the arena. Nine opponents, each of whom is an acquaintance, may be an enemy, may be a friend, may be a relative, may be a husband or wife.

When the battle with the first opponent, all readers understand that they are in the illusion, but as the battle progresses, especially in the back of the battle, they have gradually forgotten the illusion, let alone, if the opponent is a parent Or a beloved woman, knowing that it is a fantasy, and can’t get it.

Lingdao naturally has no interest in talking to Qianlong in the illusion, so he directly displayed the martial arts practiced in the third floor of the battlefield, and together with the Qianlong War, Qianlong and his realm are not his opponents. Just a moment later, he was killed by a sword.

"Don't look at my eyes, beat you, or a piece of cake."

His second opponent turned out to be a blind sword Li Qing, and Li Qing in front of him was already in the late Tiantian, a higher realm than him. The second opponent was stronger than the first opponent, only from the realm. It is something that can be seen.

What really makes Ling Dao move is that Li Qing’s swordsmanship is similar to the real Li Qing’s swordsmanship. His swordsmanship is hot, strange and unpredictable. After all, he is blind, if not short. It is dangerous to kill the opponent in time, but unfortunately, he is still not the opponent of Lingdao, and he is defeated by Lingdao.

Next, the third opponent, the fourth opponent and the fifth opponent appearing are also the people that Lingdao knows. The third opponent and the fourth opponent are still only the late warriors in the heavens, and they are in the fifth. An opponent is already a martial artist.

From the first opponent to the fifth opponent, one thing is the same. They are all sword repairs, their realm is improving, the sword is also improving, the sword of the fifth opponent is better than the sword of the first opponent. The law is obviously stronger.

"The path is, your opponent is me, let me defeat you."

What makes Lingdao speechless is that the sixth opponent is actually a wine princess, and it is also the appearance of a three-year-old girl formed by the princess of the wine. The sword held in the hand of the princess is also like a mini version. The device is several times smaller.

However, when the Princess of the Wine Princess took out the sword, the pupil of Lingdao suddenly shrank. The Princess of the Wine Princess was small and the sword was small, which made her body extremely flexible and, more importantly, her swordsmanship. The first five must be powerful, even if it is Lingdao, you must take it seriously.

Fortunately, Lingdao did not care about it. Otherwise, it is very likely that he will be defeated. If the Princess of Wine is known, he still doesn’t know how to laugh at her. He has fought dozens of rounds with the princess in the fantasy world. Lingdao defeated her. .

"My son, you really let the father down, so long time in the middle of the realm, it is a waste."

Lingdao’s seventh opponent is the former warrior of Heaven and Man. What makes Lingdao’s wry smile is that the seventh opponent is not someone else, but his father Ling Xiaoyao, the second layer of the battlefield, is too angry. People, he even arranged a fake Ling Xiaoyao to be an opponent, and said this when he came up.

(PS: Five is complete, I am exhausted, but when I look at the monthly ticket, there is no one. You are so bad, a monthly ticket is not given to me... Heart plug, there is power to add tomorrow, more)

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