The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 192: Corner two means

Fortunately, Ling Xiaoyao in the illusion is just a warrior in the early days of the heavens. If the heavens and the people are at their peak, Lingdao will not have the slightest chance of success. The acquaintances appearing in the illusion are just the same, the practice and martial arts are both Those people have nothing to do with it.

Whether it is the Qianlong in the illusion or the princess of the wine, or Ling Xiaoyao, the cultivation is the ancient heaven and the holy lotus, but their realm is getting higher and higher, the sword is getting stronger and stronger, and the heavens are in the early stage. Ling Xiaoyao has already had the ability to counter the warriors in the middle of the world.

Jianguang is like a dragon, and Ling Xiaoyao and Lingdao in the magical territory are together. The battle is in the same place. Lingdao does not use the wild singer, and the same as the fake Lingyao, the use of the ancient heaven and the holy lotus, even the sword used by Lingdao. They were all learned in the third floor.

The two of them are quick to fight, one sword and one sword, the lotus roots collide and collide, and the blossoming lotus bursts. Fortunately, it is only a fantasy. If in the real world, the whole platform may be destroyed by the scattered swords. Lingdao is a mid-term in the middle of the sky, and can also compete against the mid-term military in the middle of the world. Naturally, it will not be defeated by Ling Xiaoyao in the magical territory.

After hundreds of rounds, Ling Xiaoyao finally became unsuccessful and was defeated by Lingdao Yijian. In fact, if Lingdao came up to display the most aggressive killings, he had already won Ling Xiaoyao. The reason why he and Ling Xiaoyao fought. Now, just to sharpen yourself.

The nine opponents in the second floor are all sword repairs. If they can make good use, the swordsmanship of Lingdao will definitely improve. The seventh opponent is already so powerful. The next opponent is naturally It will only get stronger and stronger.


The eighth opponent of Lingdao is the blue enchantress of Baihualou. The real blue enchantress is just a martial artist. The blue enchantress in the illusion territory is already a middle-aged warrior. Lingdao is a whole big realm.

If the normal enchantress, it will not affect the Lingdao, after all, Lingdao will be determined, will not be lost in the magic territory, however, the front of the enchantress, the upper body is only a corset, the lower body is also a shorts, Kankan Cover key parts.

What to say, Lingdao is also a teenager, and can't do it without ignoring the beauty. Especially after practicing the wild and singularity, the demand in that aspect is obviously stronger. Fortunately, he is young and is training in time. He has maintained the body of the boy.

Muir, the blue demon Ji raised the sword in his hand and stabbed it toward Lingdao. The real blue enchantress, the strength is far less than Lingdao, but the blue enchantress in front of him is the sword in the magical territory. It is itself a mid-term cultivation of the heavens, and it is even more powerful than the previous Ling Xiaoyao.

Fortunately, the Lingdao reaction was extremely fast. In the moment, the sword was lifted and the sword of the blue enchantress was blocked. Suddenly, the blue demon licked his lips and gave Lingdao a kiss. Lingdao experienced so many battles. It is the first time I have experienced this kind of thing.

If you can't suppress the desires in your heart, you will definitely make the blue demon Ji organic. When Lingdao is likely to lose in the hands of the blue demon, it will take a lot of time to re-concuse the blue lotus imprint. Even when he was able to consolidate the purple lotus mark, the inheritance of the demon emperor has been obtained by others.

Recently, the source of the holy lotus in the Tianjian Jedi is getting more and more rich. Even the power of the holy lotus is far more than the past. A long time ago, the sword was not only the size of the present, but it was not called the sword. And called Qinglian big world.

The demon emperor is a peerless strongman in the wilderness period. The Qinglian big world was born in the wilderness. Unfortunately, the war in the ancient times spread to the Qinglian world, which made the Qinglian world broken and turned into pieces. A huge piece of debris has become the Jedi of today.

Tianjian’s Jedi drifts in the sky, and it keeps getting smaller. Other fragments have even turned into dust. Later, Tianjian has landed in the world of Jianshen and became a part of the world of swords, but it has become a world. If today’s sword is to be broken, there will be changes now.


Taking advantage of the martial arts of Ling Dao, the blue demon Ji slammed a very powerful sword. She had only one sword in her hand, but she gave the feeling of a hundred swords, not an illusion, but her The speed is reaching the limit, and it is possible to display hundreds of swords in one place.

Of course, the power of each sword is not big, it is not as good as the blue enchantress. But when the swords are stacked together, it is extremely horrible. Even if it is a medium-sized warrior in the ordinary world, I am afraid I will be The blue enchantress was killed on the spot, and the situation of Lingdao was extremely dangerous.

"Green Lotus is spiritual."

Even Lingdao is a cold sweat on his forehead. The series of movements of the enchantress is really dangerous. It is only a little bit worse. He was assassinated by a blue enchantress and a young man. He is on the third floor. In the gladiator field, you can use Qinglian source to condense into a spiritual body in a short period of time instead of killing yourself.

Although his body has healed, the problem has not been solved. His left half of the body, still running is the ancient heaven and the holy lotus, and the right half of the body is running wildly, the problem is not only harming him, but in this He saved him once.

If he only runs wildly in his body, then in a short period of time, it is impossible to display the spirit of Qinglian. It is impossible to replace the body exercises in an instant, although it will not be in the magical territory. Dead, but really stabbed in the body by the blue enchantress, his purple lotus mark will be completely deprived.

Qinglian spirit body just appeared, it was hit by a blue enchantress, a hole in the body, if there is no Qinglian spirit, now Lingdao has failed, with such a dangerous experience, Lingdao naturally is quickly put away The distracting thoughts in the heart, if they failed in the second floor, they lost to the extreme.

"Eternal Evergreen."

Just as the blue enchantress was wearing the body of Qinglian, Lingdao exhibited a long history, and a green lotus appeared. The shape of Lingdao seems to have become numerous times, and the overwhelming swordsmanship is toward the blue enchantress. Go and go.

Even if the blue enchantress reacted quickly, it was too late. The man Wang Jian was already on her neck. The eighth opponent, the blue enchantress, was defeated under the sword of Lingdao, nine opponents. Lingdao has defeated eight, leaving only the last one.

The ninth opponent is still the middle-aged warrior in the heavenly world. Like the previous realm of the blue enchantress, there are not a few warriors who open the second-level arena. The difficulty is naturally not so big. Of course, the ninth opponent is sure. It is better than the eighth opponent.

"Butterfly dance..."

The enchantress wears less, Lingdao can still accept, after all, Lingdao and the enchantress have been intimate, and the body of the enchantress is still understood, but the butterfly dance in the illusion is like the blue enchantress, except for the chest Clothing and shorts are not in the air.

As a fascinating body, the enchantress's words and deeds are full of temptations. However, when a holy iceberg beauty is exposed, the impact on men is greater. In particular, Lingdao is already a butterfly. The dance has an idea, and now my heart is naturally ready to move.

"I don't know the reality, the body of the butterfly dance is different from the one in this fantasy."

The butterfly dance is a beautiful woman. The delicate facial features are not a trace of cockroaches. The skin is as creamy, crystal clear, and the blown bullets can be broken. Most of the white skin is exposed. The attraction to Lingdao is too big. If Lingdao had a previous experience, I am afraid that I have lost my mind now.

It’s not that Lingdao’s heart is too bad, but the illusion has invaded the will of the warrior. The reason why some warriors, after the war, can’t distinguish between illusion and reality, or the illusion is realized as reality, because the will line of defense collapses and resists. The ability is too small to ignore.

"I really don't understand. He is so young, and his realm is so low. Why can he be a protector?"

In fact, the second angle has always been concerned about Lingdao, and even the heart is still praying for the failure of Lingdao. He himself is the martial artist of the heavens and the human, and has the purple lotus mark. He believes that the strength is extremely strong, but the tenth law-protection has chosen Ling. This is a young man.

The right to protect the law in the Jedi Jedi is much larger than that of the head of the arena. As long as the second is further, it is the law of the Tianjian League. He has long known that in addition to the nine protection laws, there is also a position to protect the law. I did not expect to be the first to be boarded by Lingdao.

"In any case, the Nine Great Laws are not there. Even if I move my hands and feet, no one knows. I can't control the illusion, but it can increase the difficulty of the illusion."

When I think of it, the second corner is sneer. If Lingdao fails, the purple lotus mark is deprived. At that time, Lingdao will not be able to protect the law of the day. Tianjian League has long been stipulated that there must be a purple lotus mark. Then you can become a law.

He knows a little about the law of protecting the law. He knows that there are holy lotus leaves and holy lotus gourds on Lingdao. If Lingdao loses the purple lotus mark, it is no longer the protection of Tianjian League. At that time, he shot Lingdao and snatched Lingdao. The holy lotus leaf and the holy lotus gourd, even if it is the other nine protection laws, there is nothing to say.

The two hands of the second angle change again and again, and the mouth is full of words. Lingdao defeats the opponent too fast. According to the normal situation, it should be the fourth opponent or the fifth opponent. The second angle is that there are at least four or five. An opponent, now to increase the difficulty, Lingdao will be defeated.

In order to allow more warriors to go to the first floor, the Nine Law Enforcement Law has long told the second to reduce the difficulty. However, he took the road to the platform and did not reduce the difficulty. Now he is even more difficult, obviously it is deliberately difficult. Lingdao, even can be said to be a pit.

"Well, what happened."

In the magical territory, Lingdao's brow wrinkled, because the butterfly dance in front of him suddenly raised a realm, from the middle of the heavens to the late stage of the heavens, and it was more than a whole realm.

(PS: Yesterday, I was even more tired. I didn’t want to add more today, but I’ve seen it before, and the monthly ticket ranks more than a dozen. Thank you brothers, I can only say that today I continue to add more, the top ten have prizes, and The same as the month, everyone cheers, this month we will take a good look at the monthly vote list,)

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