The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 201: Killing Luo Yongmeng

Luo Yongmeng’s best swordsman did not stab the heart of Lingdao. However, even if the ordinary warrior was pierced, he would be hit hard. Lingdao is not a congenital body. He was injured before, and now he is pierced. At least half of the combat power has dropped.

Ling Dao knows Luo Yongmeng’s innate immortality. Luo Yongmeng does not know that there are a lot of lotus pond holy water in Lingdao. Whether it is Luo Yongmeng or other warriors present, they believe that Lingdao is going to die under Luo Yongmeng’s sword. It seems that Luo Yongmeng did not intend to give Lingdao a happy, but to torture him slowly.

"I didn't expect Lingdao to come. This guy is in the pit, others will be deceived by him, but I won't."

Originally, the proud dragon did not notice the Lingdao, but now Lingdao and Luo Yongmeng fight, he is far from seeing Lingdao, Luo Yongmeng a sword piercing the body of Lingdao, proud dragon is not worried about Lingdao, proud Long and Lingdao know each other early, and they are more familiar with Lingdao.

Lingdao’s kendo is extremely high, and there is no such thing as the previous flaws. Moreover, Aolong also noticed the ridiculous color in the depths of Ling Dao’s eyes. Luo Yongmeng thought that Ling Dao had already lost under his sword. Understand that Lingdao has begun to calculate Luo Yongmeng.

Aolong has never been because of the low level of Lingdao, but it is a small look at Lingdao. When Lingdao was in a fleshy situation, Aolong saw the extraordinary of Lingdao. Nowadays, Lingdao is already in the middle of the sky, if Ling The road is so good to deal with, then he is not a sin.

"Ling Xiao brothers are really incomprehensible."

Flash ear's understanding of Lingdao is definitely not comparable to Aolong, but he did not rush to shoot. Lingdao's eyes, from beginning to end, there is no change, there is a big fear between life and death, and the performance of Lingdao is too much. Calm a bit.

The authorities are fascinated, the onlookers are clear, Luo Yongmeng thinks that relying on the advantages of innate immortality, defeated the victory, did not carefully consider all kinds of details, not to mention, Lingdao realm is even lower than him, he does not believe that Lingdao can be better than him, congenital It is a physique that even the distant child must envy. He can defeat Lingdao. Is there anything weird?

"Reassure, I will not stab you to death with a sword, but to cut off the meat on your body, unless you kneel down and give me a hoe, and sincerely ask for mercy, I will give you a happy, how kind."

Luo Yong fiercely laughed loudly, and asked for mercy, he gave Lingdao a happy, Lingdao did not ask for mercy, he let Lingdao painfully die, anyway, he will kill Lingdao anyway, even if he is not congenital Exhausted, he did not dare to keep Lingdao, because Lingdao’s talent is too enchanting.

At the beginning, Lingdao could use his own power to overthrow the entire Daluo dynasty. You must know that at the beginning, Lingdao was just an ordinary person. Even the physical body was not. Nowadays, although he is only a medium-term warrior, But Luo Yongmeng is still not his opponent.

If the opponent is similar to Luo Yongmeng, Luo Yongmeng has the confidence to win over the opponent in the future, but the opponent such as Lingdao must be removed as soon as possible. The longer the time, the more terrible the Lingdao will be. In any case, Luo Yongmeng will have to kill the Tao. Because his heart is still afraid of Lingdao.

"It's now."

At this time, Luo Yongmeng felt that the victory was in the grip. Lingdao had no chance to turn over. Luo Yongmeng had relaxed his vigilance. Even he was still holding the mentality of playing the road. Even if Lingdao got rid of his best sword, it would be no big deal. Ling The Tao is not a congenital body, so a serious injury, it is impossible to recover within three or five days.

After all, Luo Yongmeng still doesn't understand Lingdao. At this time, Lingdao's eyes flashed a touch of amazing light. Lingdao did not get rid of Luo Yongmeng's best sword, but the hand-held Wang Jian, slammed into Luo Yongmeng's face. The door, Luo Yongmeng and Lingdao are too close, and Luo Yongmeng did not expect Lingdao to do so, naturally it was a big surprise.

"He wants to go with me."

Luo Yongmeng's mind flashed such a thought, but unfortunately his best swordsmanship, and most of them in Lingdao's body, he wants to extract the best swords, and then resist the Lingdao's Wang Jian, it is impossible If you want to move your body and avoid the king sword, it is impossible.

Lingdao’s left hand, holding Luo Yongmeng’s best swordsman, largely restricted Luo Yongmeng. Under the last resort, Luo Yongmeng could only extend his left hand and block his head. Anyway, he is innate and indifferent, even if The arm is cut off by the Lingdao and can also be connected in a short time.

"Sure enough, as I thought, you have no determination to fight with me."

The reason why he stabbed Luo Yongmeng's face, Lingdao guessed that Luo Yongmeng would use his arm to resist, so that Luo Yongmeng's line of sight was blocked by his own left arm, even if it was only a moment, for Lingdao. It is also enough, because Lingdao needs a moment of time.

Lingdao has already calculated everything, and Wang Jian changed his movement trajectory. Naturally, it is like a flowing stream of water. There is no slight delay. Wang Jian, who was stabbing Luo Yong’s face, is slamming up and then slamming. And next.

"Nine turns into dragons."

He has the power of three hundred dragons. He displayed the sixth turn of the dragon and the dragon, and broke out six times his own strength. In an instant, he reached the power of 1,800 dragons. Most of them are to open up Luo Yongmeng’s head. Now it is directly smashing Luo Yongmeng’s head and smashing the strength of the 1,800 dragons. It is better to say that it is going down.


A burst of sound, Luo Yongmeng's head exploded, red and white splashes in all directions, not only that, even Luo Yongmeng's body was smashed into a crush, Lingdao carefully calculated, Luo Yongmeng directly by him The sword is broken.

If Luo Yong Meng does not care, if Luo Yongmeng does not need to block the king's sword from the left arm, if Luo Yongmeng does not want to torture Lingdao, but directly kills Lingdao, Luo Yongmeng will not have such an end, Lingdao has already crushed Luo Yong mammoth, even if As a congenital body, Luo Yongmeng is also very difficult to recover.

If Luo Yongmeng is Tianzun, even if the body is broken, it can be restored in the blink of an eye. This is the powerful thing of the innate immortality. Unfortunately, he is only a celestial person, and there are several great realms from Tianzun. Strength, in fact, is not much worse than Lingdao, but unfortunately it is dead by the Lingdao calculation.


Lingdao does not intend to give Luo Yong a little chance, directly use the origin of the fire to evolve a raging fire, burn the body of Luo Yong Meng, burned a clean, difficult to be like a congenital body, so dead in the sword of Lingdao Down, complete death, no possibility of recovery.


There was a burst of cold air in the field, and the counterattack from Lingdao was completely slain by Luo Yongmeng. It was only a matter of moments. They thought that Luo Yongmeng had defeated Lingdao and waited to see Lingdao. Seeking for mercy, or hard to support the tortured life is better than death.

They did not think that the situation would be completely reversed, and the flipping was so thorough. Lingdao not only won, but also killed Luo Yongmeng, who was innately indestructible. What surprised them most was not the strength of Lingdao, but Lingdao. In the battle, that kind of accurate calculation ability.

Lingdao not only counts Luo Yongmeng's shortcomings, but also counts Luo Yongmeng's various reactions. Even Luo Yongmeng thinks what he thinks. Lingdao has guessed it. If he is inconsistent with such a warrior, he may be robbed. Luo Yongmeng It is a living example.

"Haha, I know that the guy will be killed by the Lingdao. Sure enough, Lingdao is getting worse and worse."

Although Aolong’s heart is determined to win, Ling Tao only really sees Ling Dao’s victory, he just let go of his heart. He has stopped enlightenment and put all his attention on Ling Dao’s body. Being worn by the best swordsman, if someone is squatting at this time, Lingdao will definitely be in danger.

Even if Aolong knows Lingdao again, he will not know that there are a lot of lotus pond water in Lingdao. That injury is not a problem for Lingdao. Just, Lingdao wants to see, who else wants to see? He shot him, so he pretended to be a serious victim.


Lingdao pulled out Luo Yongmeng's best swordsman, his body shape continued to fall, and finally squatting at Wang Jian, standing in the field, he couldn't help but cough up a big mouthful of blood, his face became paler and paler, in order to lure the enemy. When he shot, he had to pretend to be more like a point.

"Lingdao, Lingdao, I didn't expect you to have it today. It seems that you can't escape today."

"I just saw you being hit hard, I don't know if we are lucky, or you are unlucky."

In the distance, two voices came, and Qianyu and Lin Ritian had already rushed over. Previously, among the warriors present, there was already a heavenly man who was ready to shoot, but only heard the voice of Ganyu and Lin Ritian. After that, he hid again.

"How is it, it is really a headache."

Lingdao wants to lure the warriors in the central territory, because they are better to kill, Lin Ritian and Qianyu come from the heavens, they come down to compete for one of the top ten soldiers of the Taikoo, certainly with a card, Lingdao is not wanting to kill They are just afraid of turning over the ship in the gutter.

If you want to kill Lin Ritian and Qianyu, you must kill them in an instant, and you can't give them time to use the cards. At the first pass, Lingdao deals with Yan Wenhao and another peak from heaven. The warriors, the reason why they did not kill, are not sure to kill them before they use the cards.

Defeating an opponent is definitely much simpler than killing an opponent. Young geniuses from heaven will definitely not use the cards at will, but once their lives are threatened, they will not be able to control so much. If people die, they will be able to play cards. Even if it is amazing, what is the use?

"The last time the female sword was blocked, you were lucky enough to escape a life. This time, see who can save you."

Lin Ritian and Qianyu glanced at each other, and then they were left and right, killing Lingdao.

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