The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 202: The strength of the proud dragon

Lin Ritian and Qianyu are both the predecessors of the heavenly world, and the Daqing Holy Court from the heavens. Whether it is the realm or the origin, they all burst into the road. Now it is not a glorious thing to join forces with Lingdao. People are too hateful, and they have not taken care of it.

They know the power of Lingdao. If Lingdao is in its heyday, even if they join hands, they will not be able to kill Lingdao. You must know that Lingdao is so powerful in the middle of the sky. If Lingdao and they are in a realm, I am afraid they are not at all opponent.

Ling Dao’s performance made Qian Yu unconsciously think of his brother, the Xuefeng Prince of the Qing Dynasty, and the reason why Qianyu was so favored, on the one hand, because his mother, in the Daqing Holy Court, had a very high status. It also won the favor of the Lord of the Holy Court in the Qing Dynasty. On the other hand, it was because of his brother Xuefeng Prince, the enchanting younger generation.

There are many emperors in the Qing Dynasty. After all, the Lord of the Qing Dynasty has a very long life. His descendants are many and many. However, there are not many who can become princes. Every prince is a enchanting, although he is also a genius, but with those Compared with enchanting, it is the difference between heaven and earth.

At the age of Lingdao, Prince Xuefeng was much more powerful than Lingdao. However, Prince Xuefeng was born in the Qing Dynasty. It is not like Lingdao, but only Lingdao is born in the heavens. The forces, perhaps the achievements of today, are not much worse than the Prince of Snow Peak. Because of this, Ganyu has a mind to remove the Lingdao.

What's more, Lingdao killed Qianlong, and Qianlong is also the emperor of the Daqing Holy Court. Lin Ritian and Qianyu have already known that Lingdao is the murderer who killed Qianlong. Even if they and Lingdao have no grudges, they will kill them. Lingdao, revenge for Qianlong.

When the Lord of the Qing court of the Qing Dynasty let dryness down, he said that he would let Qianyu revenge for Qianlong. Qianlong is only a prince who is not fake, but he has a death silver carp, not to mention that Yuyu has no death silver carp, even if it is Xuefeng. Prince, there is no death silver enamel, regardless of Qianlong's talent, just a death silver plaque, it is enough to cause the attention of the Lord of the Qing court. Unfortunately, Qianlong died in the lower bounds, this account can not be considered.

"Sorry, I can save him."

The proud dragon was originally enlightened in the inscription on the first layer of the lotus, but now Lingdao has a life worry, he naturally lazy to take care of the holy lotus inscription, directly to the front of Lingdao at the fastest speed, he is not What is the lower bound of the indigenous, proud home is also the big force of the heavens.

He didn't know about the lotus water in the lotus pond. He thought that Ling Dao was really badly hurt. Even if he saw that Ling Dao was calculating Luo Yongmeng, he thought that Ling Dao was trying to kill his life. He wanted to completely kill a congenital body. Naturally, Not so easy.

"Who are you, this prince advises you not to be idle, or you don't know how you die."

Although the proud dragon is the blood of the proud family, but he did not grow up in the heavens, he does not have the atmosphere of the celestial warrior. Ganyu does not care about any arrogant dragons, but he does not want to be extravagant, and the proud dragon can reach the first floor. More or less skillful.

"His Royal Highness and his nonsense, if you don't open your eyes, if you don't open your eyes, you are stunned."

Lin Ritian’s eyes flashed coldly. Don’t look at him only in the early days of the celestial beings. In his heart, the lower martial artists will only be able to fight with him. The middle-aged warriors in front of him are not enough to see. As for the metamorphosis of Lingdao, he was directly ignored by him.

"Ao Long, why are you here too?"

After reaching the central main territory, Lingdao never saw the proud dragon again. I did not expect that now I encountered the proud dragon on the first floor of the Tianjian Jedi, and the proud dragon has broken through to the middle of the heavens. It seems that he While progressing, other people are not willing to lag behind.

The speed of the proud dragon to raise the realm is obviously faster than the Lingdao. After all, the proud dragon is now a whole higher level than the Lingdao. Originally, Lingdao still wants to have any way to kill Ganyu and Lin Ritian. The dragon will suddenly show up to help.

At the beginning, when Lingdao worshipped the sword, the proud dragon was the master. The former proud dragon, although the talent is good, but still worse than the real genius, but once again met the proud dragon, Lingdao I found that the proud dragon has undergone earth-shaking changes. He has an intuition. The current proud dragon is definitely far from the past. He may be able to deal with Qianyu or Lin Ritian.

"It can only be said that it is fate. You said that I have no fate with beautiful women, but I have such a fate with a big man."

Ao Long’s face is depressed. If he is not familiar with the proud dragon, he really thinks that the dragon is unhappy. He can meet Lingdao again. The dragon is naturally very happy. After all, he and Lingdao knew each other very early. Other warriors have gradually failed to keep up with their footsteps, and they are far behind them.

"Let's wait, I will help you solve the two of them first."

Originally, Lingdao thought that the proud dragon could only deal with one at most. After all, Qianyu and Lin Ritian are young geniuses from the heavens. The proud dragon knows Lingdao. Lingdao naturally understands the proud dragon. Since the proud dragon dares to say so, then It is enough to prove that he really has the grasp of Ganyu and Lin Ritian.

However, the words of the proud dragon are to make Lin Ritian and Qianyu angry. The proud dragon is a lower warrior. Even dare to look down on them so much. It is a big joke. When, the lower bounds have already been able to bring them to heaven. Young geniuses are not in the eye.

"If you don't want to kill you, then you will rush to your previous sentence. The prince will want you to die without a place to die."

Ganyu held a long gun, and his body was soaring. His whole body strength was gathered on the gun. His arms were shaken, and then he was punctured with a long gun. It was like a giant python, carrying a mighty force and arrogant. The dragon rushed over.

Knowing shame and then courage, the realm is higher than Lingdao, but also defeated by Lingdao. Qianyu has long been regarded as a shameful disgrace. Now, the combat power of Qianyu has risen to the next level, and it is like a giant scorpion. Out of the water, the power of arrogance is enough to shred all the obstacles.

"I don't want to say anything, you don't even have the shoes for me."

More than anything else, the proud dragon may not work, he is very good at speaking big words, in the underworld, peek ... no, for the proud dragon, how can you say peek, it should be said that appreciation is right, he appreciates beauty When he was found in the bath, he was bragging about a serious man, saying that he was the son of a big man, or he was a peerless master. If he was lie, he could only find a way to escape.

"斩龙剑, even the dragon can be awkward, what is a python in your area?"

Seeing that Qianyu was stabbing, in front of him, a huge shadow has emerged. After the arrogance of the dragon, the dragon sword was pulled out, and the shadow of the giant scorpion was smashed, and with the improvement of his realm. The dragon sword is also getting stronger and stronger.

Nowadays, the dragon sword is just out of the sheath, it is a sense of shocking edge. His sword has not yet been thrown out. The shadow of the giant dragonfly is broken. When his dragon sword is really dry, When Yu’s long gun was on, it made a loud noise.


Dry Mu hands shake, long shot on Mars straight, just a confrontation, he understands that the strength of the proud dragon is stronger than him, Ganyu did not go all out, the proud dragon did not, just a tentative attack, dry Yu feels that his hands are numb, as if he has lost consciousness.

"Hugh is rude to His Royal Highness."

Lin Ritian jumped straight and didn't expect the lower bound to walk out of a warrior. It was so tyrannical. If you let Aolong and Ganyu fight alone, the winner would definitely be the proud dragon. If there is something wrong with Qianyu, he can treat it. Can't afford, after all, the identity of Ganyu is there.

Originally, Lin Ritian also planned to let Qianyu deal with Aolong, and then he would kill the seriously injured Lingdao. Now it seems that he can only help Yuyu to deal with Aolong first. He and Ganyu teamed up to kill the proud dragon. There is no problem, after the settlement of the proud dragon, he and Ganyu then remove the Lingdao.

He stepped on the hot wheels and raised the speed to the extreme. In the twinkling of an eye, he came to the side of the proud dragon. The hot wheels left his feet, swung at a very fast speed, and squatted toward the proud dragon. He has double fists like a dragon, and his fists are intertwined. He is close to the front of the proud dragon.

"Do more bully, you should not."

The dragon sword was suddenly divided into two, and then it was divided into four. The original sword became a four-handed sword. Each sword was like a real one, and the original dragon sword did not. What is the difference, proud to have no avatar, can not summon what avatar, but his dragon sword can.

Two of them were on the hot wheels, causing the hot wheels to be blocked. The other two swords were stabbed toward Lin Ritian’s double fists, even if Lin Ritian was Wu Xiu, facing When the two swords are used, they also have hair in their hearts, and their foreheads are cold and sweaty.

Even the best swordsman, Lin Ritian is not afraid at all, but the dragon sword is different. If it is hard to fight with the dragon sword, Lin Ritian must definitely suffer a big loss, but the speed of the dragon sword is extremely fast, even if Lin Ritian I have already felt bad, but it is too late.

Two blood arrows burst out, and Lin Ritian’s double fists were all wounded by the dragon sword. The four-handed dragon sword not only blocked Lin Ritian’s offensive, but also injured Lin Ritian, who was a lower bound. Injury, Lin Ritian’s face was even more gloomy.

"The dragon is alive."

A loud dragon humming sounds, Ganyu is adjusted to the state, showing his strongest shot, has already seen the powerful strength of the proud dragon, dry and natural will not be as tempted as before, but serious The guns of the dragon have been exhibited.

"Wind and fire."

Lin Ritian screamed, and the hot wheels actually changed again and again, eventually turning into a pair of gloves, which was placed on his double fists. The hot wheels could not only speed up the movement of the warriors, but also transform them into gloves and enhance Lin Ritian. Boxing power,

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