The Immortal Taoist

Vol 4 Chapter 203: Dark night without blood sword

"It seems that I have to find a chance to kill them in an instant."

If Lingdao fights dry and Lin Ritian, then it is difficult for him to find an opportunity to kill Ganyu and Lin Ritian, but now it is different, there are proud dragons and dry and Lin Ritian, as long as Lingdao finds Quasi-opportunity, it is entirely possible to have a dry or Lin Ritian life in the blink of an eye.

The biggest problem now is that Lingdao can only kill one person in an instant, and Lin Ritian and Ganyu have two people. If Lingdao kills one of them, the other one uses the cards to deal with him and the proud dragon, then not only he wants Unlucky, even the proud dragons will suffer.

Lingjia, where Lingdao’s predecessor was located, is like the difference between a small village and a dynasty. The big power of the heavens gives the cards of Ganyu and others. Once used, there will inevitably be earth-shattering power, even if Lingdao has already It is a medium-term warrior in the middle of the sky, I am afraid there is no way to block it.

Just when he was thinking, Aolong had already used four swords and dragon swords, and together with Qianyu and Lin Ritian, the proud dragons and Lingdao were swordsmen. They used to be different. The difference is big. Aolong and Lingdao are obviously not a kind of sword repair. Lingdao mainly takes the sword in his hand, and the proud dragon uses the flying sword.


The dragon sword and the rifle of Ganyu and the gloves of Lin Ritian constantly collide, and the strength of the proud dragon is finally revealed. Even if Qianyu and Lin Ritian join hands, they can only be pressed by the proud dragon. Playing, proud dragons take advantage.

"They are really just the lower martial artists. Are we really young geniuses from heaven?"

A martial artist from Heavenly Heaven, who is from the heavens, said, whether it is Lingdao, Luo Yongmeng, or the proud dragon, the strength displayed is too amazing. The proud dragon is a little higher than Ganyu and Lin Ritian. It is reasonable to say that he is a lower bound indigenous, will be killed by the dry or Lin Ritian, but unfortunately, now, dry and Lin Ritian even if they go all out, there is no chance of winning.

"Ao Long, the one who used the glove, I will kill him."

Lingdao suddenly voiced to the proud dragon, making the spirit of the proud dragon shock, long time can not get dry and Lin Ritian, proud dragon is also a little anxious, now Lingdao to secretly shot, clearly is the life of Lin Ritian, from Ling Dao’s previous strength seems to be stronger than Lin’s day. Once he sneak attacks, Lin Ritian is likely to be killed on the spot.

The reason why I chose Lin Ritian is because the dry-yu status is higher. Lin Ritian is obviously a subordinate's role. If Lingdao kills dry-yu, Lin Ritian is likely to go crazy. After all, the owner is dead, and the subordinates are likely to be unlucky. The protection is not good, but the subordinate is dead, the master will not care too much.

Killing dry woo, Lin Ritian is likely to use the cards to avenge Qianyu and kill Lin Ritian. The only dry cadre will only fear, but as long as there is a hole in hand, Lingdao and Aolong should not be too excessive. Lingdao has already considered it, and naturally it will not delay time.

"Is your injury nothing?"

Now the only thing that Aolong is worried about is the injury of Lingdao. If Lingdao’s combat power is not even normal, even if he goes all out to deal with Lin Ritian, Lingdao may not be able to kill Lin Ritian. After all, the Lingdao body is pierced, but it is not a minor injury.

"You can rest assured that my injury is fake and disguised for the enemy."

Lingdao’s answer, let Aolong’s eyebrows shake, and the four-handed dragon swords are almost out of control. Aolong has long known that Lingdao’s stomach is bad, but he did not expect Lingdao to be so bad, dug the pit, etc. Ganyu and Lin Ritian jumped in.

"In this case, then I still focus on the use of long guns, because I have been hiding strength, if it is a full-scale outbreak, killing that one is certainly no problem."

Aolong and Lingdao have always used the will to communicate. Others naturally don't know what they said. Even if the strength of the proud dragon is enough, the soldiers in the room will be able to look at each other. He still hides the fighting power. The proud dragon also knows from the heavens. The genius has a card, so obviously there is more strength, and he has not shown it.

Anyway, even if the dragon is fully shot, it is impossible to kill the dry or Lin Ritian, but now it is different, there is Lingdao secretly shot, the proud really wants to kill only one person, although dry is a prince But his strength is not as good as Lin Ritian.

The proud dragon is in Ming, Lingdao is in the dark, and the stronger Lin Ritian will be handed over to Lingdao. The weaker dry Yu will be handed over to the proud dragon to solve. The dry and Lin Ritian who are fighting with the proud dragon do not know. Lingdao and Aolong have been discussing **** them.

Ling Dao was hit hard. Whether it was Lin Ritian or Qianyu, he did not put him in his heart. The proud dragon was a lower-level indigenous, showing such a strong strength. It is already the limit. They don’t know that the dragon is still hidden. strength.

"There is no blood sword in the dark."

In the Wang Wang Dian, Ling Dao learned a total of three swords, and the White Tiger killed the sword was the first to be used by Ling Dao. Later, Ling Dao used the second sword method, the sword of Dajiaye, as for the third sword method. It is the dark night sword that he is now showing.

The white tiger kills the sword and is the best practice. The sword of the Dajiaye is the second. The most difficult thing to cultivate is the dark night without a blood sword. It has been played over and over again in the will world. It has been practiced thousands of times in reality. Now Lingdao will be dark night. No blood sword cultivation has reached the realm of Xiaocheng.

Unlike the white tiger killing the sword, it is also different from the sword of the big Jiaye. The nightless bloodless sword is a sword attack that sneak attacks, assassinations, and kills the life. In order to react before Lin Ritian, Lin Tiantian will kill, Ling Dao resolutely exhibited a bloodless sword in the dark.

"The dragon fights in the wild."

In the moment before the release of Lingdao, Aolong was the show of this school, and the four-handed dragon swords seemed to be turned into true dragons. Among them, the three-handed dragon swords rushed to the dry, only one sword was dealt with. It is Lin Ritian, and the proud dragon suddenly broke out. It is enough to deal with Lin Ritian. It is necessary to cope with the three-handed dragon sword at the same time. Naturally, it feels powerless.

"Is he going to defeat His Highness first and then defeat me."

Lin Ritian just gave birth to this idea, that is, he felt that the cold sweat was behind him. Before Ling Dao used Yuan Yuan to derive the source of the void, he hid himself in the void. Now Lingdao suddenly displays the bloodless sword in the dark, naturally it is necessary to take Lin Ritian’s life.

Whether it is Qianyu or Lin Ritian, I didn’t think that Lingdao would take the shot. Lingdao was unintentional, and it was a dark night bloodless sword. Lin Ritian was naturally recruited, and Lin Ritian felt dangerous. At the time, the sword of Wang Jian has already passed his throat.

The reason why it is called the night without a blood sword is because it is a sword attacking others and killing people without blood. Lin Ritian has been killed by Lingdao, but Lin Ritian’s throat, there is no drop of blood flowing out, need to be very After a long period of time, there was blood flowing out of Lin’s throat.

"A terrible sword."

Someone witnessed the whole process of Lingdao’s shot. After all, the onlookers cleared it. From the disappearance of Lingdao, there was a warrior who noticed him. Only when he actually saw Lingdao’s shot, did he know how terrible the sword of Lingdao was. Silent, invisible, invisible, fast and thunder, no blood in the night.

Perhaps a frontal collision, no blood sword in the dark night is not much, but used to sneak attack, the night without a blood sword is terrible to the extreme, ordinary warrior, even if you get a night without a blood sword, want to practice, it is very difficult, Lingdao first Use the virtual source to hide the body shape, and then use the source of light to speed up the speed of his sword, and with the cooperation of the proud dragon, Ling Dao will kill Lin Ritian.

"No, his strength has not weakened."

It stands to reason that Lingdao suffered such a heavy injury, and the strength should be greatly reduced. However, from the previous performance of Lingdao, his strength has not been affected at all, and the sharp-pointed military has noticed that Lingdao’s body The wound has already healed.

"The little black guy, who is pretending to be seriously injured, tempts the enemy to shoot."

The nine guards of the Tianjian Jedi are naturally on the first floor. They are not worried about Lingdao at all. Others don’t know, but they know that Lingdao has a lotus pond with a gourd, a lotus pond that is enough to kill human bones. Holy water, the treatment of Lingdao that injury is simply easy.

Ganyu hasn't noticed the situation of Lin Ritian. The proud dragons are all fiercely shots, and they have the strongest fighting power. The three-handed dragon swords are like the real dragons that have come back to life. In the past, at the same time, in the hands of the proud dragon, there are four swords.

In fact, the dragon sword is not divided into four, but divided into eight, but the proud dragon only used four of them, and until now, they took out the other four dragon swords. At the moment when Lin Ritian was killed, the proud dragon was stabbing out the other four dragon swords.

Each of the dragon swords is sharp and aggressive, and the four-handed dragon swords are pierced at the same time. It is not a four-direction attack, but a sword and a sword are stabbed out. The four-handed dragon swords form a straight line. Instantly pricked out and increased the speed to the extreme.


Ganyu only took a moment to seize the opportunity, and Aolong knew that when Ganyu saw that Lin Ritian was killed by Lingdao, he would definitely lose his mind, even if it was only in an instant. Enough for him to kill the dry, after all, the four swords are connected into a line, the speed is almost as fast as the heavens and the people of the peaks can not see the movement of the dragon sword.

The four-handed dragon swords passed through the body of Qianyu, and the dryness was naturally dead. The vitality of the warriors in the early days of the heavens was tenacious. The proud dragons were worried that the dry-wool did not die, and they countered before the death, and they showed such killing. Zhao, even the last sentence of Gan Yu did not say it, and he died in front of the proud dragon.

“It’s wonderful, it’s wonderful.”

A young man in a black shirt, walked out of the crowd and applauded. Previously, he just wanted to shoot on Lingdao, but Lin Ritian and Qianyu arrived, and he hid it again. Yuhe Lin Ritian not only failed to succeed, but was killed by Lingdao and Aolong. He naturally only shot himself.

(PS: Five is completed, a little things are delayed, but I promise everyone five, so I can only support the day and night to complete, now my eyes can't open, the path is so hard, you can't even give a monthly ticket. ,)

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